Health productivity in macroeconomic level in Turkey: A Multi-level Causality Test approach

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Fadime Çinar*, Halil Sengül, “Health productivity in macroeconomic level in Turkey: A Multi-level Causality Test approach”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 551–557, Aug. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Although private health services have been common, it is known that health
is a global public good, and it is related with global public expenditures.
Recent studies shoved that productivity in health services is a main domain
of government, nongovernmental organizations, and public sector. Thus,
increase in productivity of health services provides efficient use of public
goods. Moreover, public health services and productivity in health sector is a
part of macroeconomic level. In this research, it is aimed to evaluate effects of
macroeconomic indicators in health productivity. In the research, data
collected from Turkey Statistics Institute (TUIK) for 2001-2016 were used to
enlighten macroeconomic indicators and health productivity outcomes.
According to results of the study, health expenditures and % in GDP rates are
causes for fertility rate (p<0.05). Moreover, health expenditures also causes
for number of health organizations and number of birth (p<0.05). Number of
birth causes price level indices (p<0.05). All these causality results show that
their correlations are positive, since both F statistic level and data
observations support positive correlations.
Key words: Health, macroeconomic, productivity

 Special Issue


1.Arora S, Ramm CJ, Bahekar AA andVavalle JP. Evaluating Health ofEmerging Economies Through theEyes of Heart Valve Disease in theTranscatheter Era. Global Heart,Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2017,Pages 301-304. 2.Beumer C, Figge L and Elliott J. Thesustainability of globalisation:Including the „social robustnesscriterion?. Journal of CleanerProduction, Volume 179, 1 April2018, Pages 704-715. 3.Chemouni B. The political path touniversal health coverage: Power,ideas and community-based healthinsurance in Rwanda. WorldDevelopment, Volume 106, June 2018, Pages 87-98. 4.Ferreira DC, Marques RC and NunesAM. Economies of scope in the healthsector: The case of Portuguesehospitals. European Journal ofOperational Research, Volume 266,Issue 2, 16 April 2018, Pages 716-735. 5.Hanefeld J. How does globalisationaffect women's health?. The LancetGlobal Health, Volume 6, Issue 1,January 2018, Pages e12-e13. 6.Hyndman N and McKillop D. Publicservices and charities: Accounting,accountability and governance at atime of change. The BritishAccounting Review, Volume 50, Issue2, February 2018, Pages 143-148. 7.Kannan VD and Veazie PJ. Politicalorientation, political environment, andhealth behaviors in the United States.Preventive Medicine, Volume 114,September 2018, Pages 95-101. 8.London L and Schneider H.Globalisation and health inequalities:Can a human rights paradigm createspace for civil society action?. SocialScience & Medicine, Volume 74,Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 6-13. 9.Okada K. Health and politicalregimes: Evidence from quantileregression. Economic Systems,Volume 42, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages307-319. 10.Prentice R. How surgery became aglobal public health issue. Technologyin Society, Volume 52, February2018, Pages 17-23. 11.Ravindran TKS. Poverty, foodsecurity and universal access to sexualand reproductive health services: acall for cross-movement advocacyagainst neoliberal globalization.Reproductive Health Matters, Volume 22, Issue 43, May 2014, Pages 14-27. 12.Rodriguez JM. Health disparities,politics, and the maintenance of thestatus quo: A new theory ofinequality. Social Science &Medicine, Volume 200, March 2018,Pages 36-43. 13.Rosenberg D, Kozlov V and LibmanA. Political regimes, income andhealth: Evidence from sub-nationalcomparative method. Social ScienceResearch, Volume 72, May 2018,Pages 20-37. 14.Schrecker T, Birn AE and Aguilera M.How extractive industries affecthealth: Political economyunderpinnings and pathways. Health& Place, Volume 52, July 2018, Pages135-147. 15.Schrecker T, Labonte R and De VogliR. Globalisation and health: the needfor a global vision. The Lancet,Volume 372, Issue 9650, 8–14November 2008, Pages 1670-1676. 16.Smith R. Global Public Goods andHealth. Encyclopedia of HealthEconomics, 2014, Pages 322-326. 17.Tran LD, Zimmerman FJ and FieldingJE. Public health and the economycould be served by reallocatingmedical expenditures to socialprograms. SSM - Population Health,Volume 3, December 2017, Pages185-191. 18.Verikios G, Dixon PB, Rimmer MTand Harris AH. Improving health in anadvanced economy: An economywideanalysis for Australia. EconomicModelling, Volume 46, April 2015,Pages 250-261. 19.Wang B, Liu B, Niu H, Liu J and YaoS. Impact of energy taxation oneconomy, environmental and publichealth quality. Journal ofEnvironmental Management, Volume206, 15 January 2018, Pages 85-92.

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1.Arora S, Ramm CJ, Bahekar AA andVavalle JP. Evaluating Health ofEmerging Economies Through theEyes of Heart Valve Disease in theTranscatheter Era. Global Heart,Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2017,Pages 301-304.
2.Beumer C, Figge L and Elliott J. Thesustainability of globalisation:Including the „social robustnesscriterion?. Journal of CleanerProduction, Volume 179, 1 April2018, Pages 704-715.
3.Chemouni B. The political path touniversal health coverage: Power,ideas and community-based healthinsurance in Rwanda. WorldDevelopment, Volume 106, June 2018, Pages 87-98.
4.Ferreira DC, Marques RC and NunesAM. Economies of scope in the healthsector: The case of Portuguesehospitals. European Journal ofOperational Research, Volume 266,Issue 2, 16 April 2018, Pages 716-735.
5.Hanefeld J. How does globalisationaffect women's health?. The LancetGlobal Health, Volume 6, Issue 1,January 2018, Pages e12-e13.
6.Hyndman N and McKillop D. Publicservices and charities: Accounting,accountability and governance at atime of change. The BritishAccounting Review, Volume 50, Issue2, February 2018, Pages 143-148.
7.Kannan VD and Veazie PJ. Politicalorientation, political environment, andhealth behaviors in the United States.Preventive Medicine, Volume 114,September 2018, Pages 95-101.
8.London L and Schneider H.Globalisation and health inequalities:Can a human rights paradigm createspace for civil society action?. SocialScience & Medicine, Volume 74,Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 6-13.
9.Okada K. Health and politicalregimes: Evidence from quantileregression. Economic Systems,Volume 42, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages307-319.
10.Prentice R. How surgery became aglobal public health issue. Technologyin Society, Volume 52, February2018, Pages 17-23.
11.Ravindran TKS. Poverty, foodsecurity and universal access to sexualand reproductive health services: acall for cross-movement advocacyagainst neoliberal globalization.Reproductive Health Matters, Volume 22, Issue 43, May 2014, Pages 14-27.
12.Rodriguez JM. Health disparities,politics, and the maintenance of thestatus quo: A new theory ofinequality. Social Science &Medicine, Volume 200, March 2018,Pages 36-43.
13.Rosenberg D, Kozlov V and LibmanA. Political regimes, income andhealth: Evidence from sub-nationalcomparative method. Social ScienceResearch, Volume 72, May 2018,Pages 20-37.
14.Schrecker T, Birn AE and Aguilera M.How extractive industries affecthealth: Political economyunderpinnings and pathways. Health& Place, Volume 52, July 2018, Pages135-147.
15.Schrecker T, Labonte R and De VogliR. Globalisation and health: the needfor a global vision. The Lancet,Volume 372, Issue 9650, 8–14November 2008, Pages 1670-1676.
16.Smith R. Global Public Goods andHealth. Encyclopedia of HealthEconomics, 2014, Pages 322-326.
17.Tran LD, Zimmerman FJ and FieldingJE. Public health and the economycould be served by reallocatingmedical expenditures to socialprograms. SSM - Population Health,Volume 3, December 2017, Pages185-191.
18.Verikios G, Dixon PB, Rimmer MTand Harris AH. Improving health in anadvanced economy: An economywideanalysis for Australia. EconomicModelling, Volume 46, April 2015,Pages 250-261.
19.Wang B, Liu B, Niu H, Liu J and YaoS. Impact of energy taxation oneconomy, environmental and publichealth quality. Journal ofEnvironmental Management, Volume206, 15 January 2018, Pages 85-92.
