Evalation of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Adolescent Admitted to Pediatric Emergency Department Due to Suicide Attempts

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Bekir Yigit Develi,Hüseyin Dag*,Emre Aygün,Ahmet Dogan,Emine Türkkan,Nevin Çetin Dag,Seda Erbilgin,Ömer Faruk Beser, “Evalation of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Adolescent Admitted to Pediatric Emergency Department Due to Suicide Attempts”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 558–565, Aug. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Background and Aim: In adolescence, suicide is accepted as an increasing problem
in our country as in the whole world. It is important to make definitions about
suicide attempt, to identify risk factors, and to recognize high-risk adolescents. The
aim of this study was to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics of children
admitted to the pediatric emergency department because of suicide attempt
Material and Method:The records of 102 children admitted to the Pediatric
Emergency Department of the Health Sciences University Okmeydan? Training and
Research Hospital for suicide attempt, aged between 12-18 years were
retrospectively analyzed.
Results: The age distribution of the children included in the study was 11-16 years
and the mean age was 13.83 ± 1.42 years. Among patients 73.5% (n = 75) were
female and 26.5% (n = 27) were male. Overdose drug intake was the most common
method in suicide attempts (85.3%). Analgesic-anti-inflammatory drugs were the
most commonly used drugs with a rate of 52.9% (n = 46). Psychiatric problems were
detected in 71% of the patients who were followed up by psychiatrists. Conflict with
family and girlfriend / boyfriend were the most common triggering factors for
suicide attempt.
Conclusion: Regarding our results, being female and having mental disorders and
problems in social relations were determined as important factors related to suicide
attempt in adolescents.
Key words: Adolescent, suicide, psychiatric disorders, socio-demographic features

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1.Atay IM, Kerimo?lu E. Ergenlerdeözk?y?m davran???. Çocuk ve Gençlik RuhSa?l??? Dergisi 2003: 10: 128-136. 2.Kurihara T, Kato M, Reverger R, Tirta IG.Suicide rate in Bali. Psychiatry ClinNeurosci 2009; 63: 701. 3.Duman M, Özdemir D, Demir K ve ark.Çocuk acil servisine özk?y?m giri?imi ileba?vuran olgular?n özellikleri. DokuzEylül Üniversitesi T?p Fakültesi Dergisi2004; 18: 236-240. 4.World Health Organization. Suicideprevention (SUPRE). Available at:http://www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide/suicideprevent/en/ Eri?imtarihi 16 Kas?m 2018. 5.Türkiye ?statistik Kurumu. ?ntiharistatistikleri – Suicide statistics 2015.www.tuik.gov.tr Eri?im tarihi 18 Kas?m2018. 6.Pfeffer CR. Suicidal behavior in childrenand adolescents: causes and management.In: Martin A, Volkmar FR eds. Lewis’schild and adolescent psychiatry. 4th ed.Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2007;529-538 7.Beautrais AL, Joyce PR, Mulder RT.Youth suicide attempts: a social anddemographic profile. Aust N Z JPsychiatry 1998;32:349-357. 8.Boeninger DK, Masyn KE, Feldman BJ,Conger RD. Sex differences indevelopmental trends of suicide ideation,plans, and attempts among EuropeanAmerican adolescents. Suicide Life ThreatBehav 2010;40:451-464. 9.Beautrais AL. Suicide and serious suicideattempts in youth: A multiple-groupcomparison study. Am J Psychiatry2003;160:1093-1099. 10.Aktepe E, Kandil S, Topba? M. Çocuk veergenlerde özk?y?m davran???. TSKKoruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni 2005;4:88-97. 11.Dodig-Curkovi? K, Curkovi? M, Radi? J,Degmeci? D, Filekovi? P. Suicidalbehavior and suicide among children andadolescents-risk factorsand epidemiological characteristics.Coll Antropol 2010;34:771-777. 12.Cash SJ, Bridge JA. Epidemiology ofyouth suicide and suicidal behavior. CurrOpin Pediatr 2009;21: 613-619 13.Öztop BC, Özdemir Ç, Ünalan D, AkgülH, ?ahin N. ?ntihar giri?iminde bulunan 6-16 ya? grubuna ait 20022006 y?llar?ba?vuru kay?tlar?n?n de?erlendirilmesi.F?rat Sa?l?k Hizmetleri Dergisi2009;4:159-173. 14.Yalaki Z, Ta?ar MA, Yalç?n N, Dallar Y.Çocukluk ve gençlik dönemindekiözk?y?m giri?imlerinin de?erlendirilmesi.Ege T?p Derg 2011;50:125-128. 15.Ak?n E, Berkem M. ?ntihar giri?imindebulunan ergenlerde psikiyatrik tan?lar?n,demografik ve klinik özelliklerinde?erlendirilmesi. F?rat T?p Dergisi2012;17:228-232. 16.Güleç G, Aksaray G. ?ntihar giri?imindebulunan gençlerin sosyodemografiksosyokültürel ve aile özelliklerinin de?erlendirilmesi. Yeni Symposium 2006;44:141-150 17.Ertemir D, Ertemir M. Gençlerin intihargiri?imlerinin özellikleri. Dü?ünen Adam2003;16:231-234. 18.Karatoprak C, Karabulut L, Kaya B,Alt?ndal M, U?urlukisi B, K?l?caslan M.H.et al. Demographic Evaluation ofAttempted Suicide by Drug Overdose in?stanbul. Acta Medica Mediterranea,2015, 31: 857. 19.Wasserman D, Cheng Q, Jiang GX.Global suicide rates among young peopleaged 15–19. World Psychiatry2005;4:114-120. 20.Bridge JA, Goldstein TR, Brent DA.Adolescent suicide and suicidal behavior.J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2006;47:372-394. 21.Tezcan A.E., O?uzhano?lu N.K.Ülkero?lu F. Çocuk ve gençlerde intihargiri?imleri. Kriz Dergisi 1995; 3: 70-74. 22.Gould MS, Kramer AR. Youth suicideprevention. Suicide Life Threat Behav2001;31:6-31. 23.Hawton K, James A. Suicide anddeliberate self harm in young people. BMJ2005;330:891-894. 24.Hawton K, Saunders KEA, O’Connor RC.Self-harm and suicide in adolescents.Lancet 2012; 379:23732382. 25.Beautrais AL. Risk factors for suicide andattempted suicide among young people.Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2000; 34:420-436. 26.Woodward LJ, & Horwood LJ. Riskfactors and life processes associated withthe onset of suicidal behaviour duringadolescence and early adulthood. PsycholMed 2000;30:23-39. 27.Rowan AB. Adolescent substance abuseand suicide. Depress Anxiety 2001;3:186-191. 28.Metha A, Chen E, Mulvenon S, Dode I. Atheoretical model of adolescent suiciderisk. Arch Suicide Res 1998;4:115-133. 29.Aktepe E, Kandil S, Göker Z, ve ark.Özk?y?m giri?iminde bulunan çocuk veergenlerde sosyodemografik ve psikiyatriközelliklerin de?erlendirilmesi. TAF PrevMed Bull 2006; 5: 444-454. 30.Ercan E.E., Varav A., Ayd?n C. intihargiri?iminde bulunan ergenlerdesosyodemografik, psikiyatrik ve aileselözelliklerin ara?t?r?lmas?. Çocuk veGençlik Ruh Sa?l??? Dergisi 2000; 7: 81-91.

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1.Atay IM, Kerimo?lu E. Ergenlerdeözk?y?m davran???. Çocuk ve Gençlik RuhSa?l??? Dergisi 2003: 10: 128-136.
2.Kurihara T, Kato M, Reverger R, Tirta IG.Suicide rate in Bali. Psychiatry ClinNeurosci 2009; 63: 701.
3.Duman M, Özdemir D, Demir K ve ark.Çocuk acil servisine özk?y?m giri?imi ileba?vuran olgular?n özellikleri. DokuzEylül Üniversitesi T?p Fakültesi Dergisi2004; 18: 236-240.
4.World Health Organization. Suicideprevention (SUPRE). Available at:http://www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide/suicideprevent/en/ Eri?imtarihi 16 Kas?m 2018.
5.Türkiye ?statistik Kurumu. ?ntiharistatistikleri – Suicide statistics 2015.www.tuik.gov.tr Eri?im tarihi 18 Kas?m2018.
6.Pfeffer CR. Suicidal behavior in childrenand adolescents: causes and management.In: Martin A, Volkmar FR eds. Lewis’schild and adolescent psychiatry. 4th ed.Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2007;529-538
7.Beautrais AL, Joyce PR, Mulder RT.Youth suicide attempts: a social anddemographic profile. Aust N Z JPsychiatry 1998;32:349-357.
8.Boeninger DK, Masyn KE, Feldman BJ,Conger RD. Sex differences indevelopmental trends of suicide ideation,plans, and attempts among EuropeanAmerican adolescents. Suicide Life ThreatBehav 2010;40:451-464.
9.Beautrais AL. Suicide and serious suicideattempts in youth: A multiple-groupcomparison study. Am J Psychiatry2003;160:1093-1099.
10.Aktepe E, Kandil S, Topba? M. Çocuk veergenlerde özk?y?m davran???. TSKKoruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni 2005;4:88-97.
11.Dodig-Curkovi? K, Curkovi? M, Radi? J,Degmeci? D, Filekovi? P. Suicidalbehavior and suicide among children andadolescents-risk factorsand epidemiological characteristics.Coll Antropol 2010;34:771-777.
12.Cash SJ, Bridge JA. Epidemiology ofyouth suicide and suicidal behavior. CurrOpin Pediatr 2009;21: 613-619
13.Öztop BC, Özdemir Ç, Ünalan D, AkgülH, ?ahin N. ?ntihar giri?iminde bulunan 6-16 ya? grubuna ait 20022006 y?llar?ba?vuru kay?tlar?n?n de?erlendirilmesi.F?rat Sa?l?k Hizmetleri Dergisi2009;4:159-173.
14.Yalaki Z, Ta?ar MA, Yalç?n N, Dallar Y.Çocukluk ve gençlik dönemindekiözk?y?m giri?imlerinin de?erlendirilmesi.Ege T?p Derg 2011;50:125-128.
15.Ak?n E, Berkem M. ?ntihar giri?imindebulunan ergenlerde psikiyatrik tan?lar?n,demografik ve klinik özelliklerinde?erlendirilmesi. F?rat T?p Dergisi2012;17:228-232.
16.Güleç G, Aksaray G. ?ntihar giri?imindebulunan gençlerin sosyodemografiksosyokültürel ve aile özelliklerinin de?erlendirilmesi. Yeni Symposium 2006;44:141-150
17.Ertemir D, Ertemir M. Gençlerin intihargiri?imlerinin özellikleri. Dü?ünen Adam2003;16:231-234.
18.Karatoprak C, Karabulut L, Kaya B,Alt?ndal M, U?urlukisi B, K?l?caslan M.H.et al. Demographic Evaluation ofAttempted Suicide by Drug Overdose in?stanbul. Acta Medica Mediterranea,2015, 31: 857.
19.Wasserman D, Cheng Q, Jiang GX.Global suicide rates among young peopleaged 15–19. World Psychiatry2005;4:114-120.
20.Bridge JA, Goldstein TR, Brent DA.Adolescent suicide and suicidal behavior.J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2006;47:372-394.
21.Tezcan A.E., O?uzhano?lu N.K.Ülkero?lu F. Çocuk ve gençlerde intihargiri?imleri. Kriz Dergisi 1995; 3: 70-74.
22.Gould MS, Kramer AR. Youth suicideprevention. Suicide Life Threat Behav2001;31:6-31.
23.Hawton K, James A. Suicide anddeliberate self harm in young people. BMJ2005;330:891-894.
24.Hawton K, Saunders KEA, O’Connor RC.Self-harm and suicide in adolescents.Lancet 2012; 379:23732382.
25.Beautrais AL. Risk factors for suicide andattempted suicide among young people.Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2000; 34:420-436.
26.Woodward LJ, & Horwood LJ. Riskfactors and life processes associated withthe onset of suicidal behaviour duringadolescence and early adulthood. PsycholMed 2000;30:23-39.
27.Rowan AB. Adolescent substance abuseand suicide. Depress Anxiety 2001;3:186-191.
28.Metha A, Chen E, Mulvenon S, Dode I. Atheoretical model of adolescent suiciderisk. Arch Suicide Res 1998;4:115-133.
29.Aktepe E, Kandil S, Göker Z, ve ark.Özk?y?m giri?iminde bulunan çocuk veergenlerde sosyodemografik ve psikiyatriközelliklerin de?erlendirilmesi. TAF PrevMed Bull 2006; 5: 444-454.
30.Ercan E.E., Varav A., Ayd?n C. intihargiri?iminde bulunan ergenlerdesosyodemografik, psikiyatrik ve aileselözelliklerin ara?t?r?lmas?. Çocuk veGençlik Ruh Sa?l??? Dergisi 2000; 7: 81-91.
