Bahraini Females Knowledge about Developmental Delay in Children: A Cross Sectional Study

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O. Y. A. A. A. K. A. A. A. A. M. A. Abdulla M. Rabeah, Mohamed K. Fadhul, Amer Kamal*, “Bahraini Females Knowledge about Developmental Delay in Children: A Cross Sectional Study”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 611–621, Oct. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Guidelines for normal child development had been constructed by studying patterns of
growth and development. They included physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and motor
development in relation to age. The aim of this study was to provide a statistical data
regarding knowledge of milestones in Bahraini females and their awareness of delayed
milestones complication. This cross-sectional study was conducted from the period of 6th
of November 2018 until January 2019. Bahraini females older than 18 years of age (n=628)
were selected randomly. Each participant had to fill a specific questionnaire which included
questions to identify the level of knowledge about the milestones and if they are able to
identify abnormal behavior. The results showed that 93.94% of the population has failed
to answer 53% of the survey correctly, leaving only 6.06% of the population completing
the survey with correct answers exceeding the cut-off point. This exhibited the lack of
knowledge towards developmental milestones and the complications that
arise due to their delay. We concluded that Bahraini females lack the
knowledge of developmental milestones and the complications of this lack on early
detection of diseases in their babies. This showed that developmental milestones were
mistakenly not taken seriously and were underestimated.
Bahraini females, Knowledge, Developmental delay, Cross-sectional study, Milestones.

 Special Issue


1.Abo El Elella SS, Tawfik MAM, Abo ElFotoh WMM, Barseem NF (2017)Screening for developmental delay inpreschoolaged children using parent-completed ages and stagesquestionnaires: Additional insights intochild development. Postgrad Med J. 2.Bellman M, Byrne O SR (2013)Developmental assessment of children.BMJ 346:e8687. 3.Cole S, Ball A (2013) Developmentalassessment in children. Osteopath FamPhysician. 4.David D, Toppo KJ, Saini K (2014)David D, Toppo KJ, Saini K. ResearchArticle a Study To Assess theKnowledge of Mothers ’ RegardingDevelopmental Milestones of Infants.2014; Available at: 5.De Onis M (2006a) WHO MotorDevelopment Study: Windows ofachievement for six gross motordevelopment milestones. Acta PaediatrInt J Paediatr. 6.De Onis M (2006b) Reliability ofanthropometric measurements in theWHO Multicentre Growth ReferenceStudy. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr. 7.Di Rosa G, Cavallaro T, Alibrandi A,Marseglia L, Lamberti M, Giaimo E, Nicotera A, Bonsignore M, Gagliano A (2016) Predictive role of early milestones-related psychomotor profiles and long-term neurodevelopmental pitfalls in preterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 8.Ertem IO, Atay G, Dogan DG, BayhanA, Bingoler BE, Gok CG, Ozbas S,Haznedaroglu D, Isikli S (2007)Mothers’ knowledge of young childdevelopment in a developing country.Child Care Health Dev. 9.Halle T, Zaslow M, Wessel J, Moodie S,Darling-Churchill K(2011) Understanding andChoosing Assessments andDevelopmental Screeners for Young Children Ages 3-5:Profiles of Selected Measures. UnderstChoos Assessments Dev ScreenersYoung Child Ages 3-5 Profiles SelMeas. 10.Mackrides PS, Ryherd SJ (2011)Screening for developmental delay. AmFam Physician. 11.Murray GK, Jones PB, Kuh D, RichardsM (2007) Infant developmentalmilestones and subsequent cognitivefunction. Ann Neurol. 12.Oberklaid F, Efron D (2005)Developmental delay: Identification andmanagement. Aust Fam Physician. 13.Rehman AUSFK, · Farrukh Munir(2016) Mothers’ Knowledge about ChildDevelopment. · Pakistan Pediatr J40:176–181. 14.Reich S (2005) What do mothers know?Maternal knowledge of childdevelopment. Infant Ment Health J. 15.Rhoades RA, Scarpa A, Salley B (2007)The importance of physician knowledgeof autism spectrum disorder: Results of aparent survey. BMC Pediatr. 16.Rice CE, Naarden Braun K Van, Kogan MD, Smith C, Kavanagh L, Strickland B, Blumberg SJ, Centers for Disease Control (2014) Screening for developmental delays among young children--National Survey of Children’s Health, United States, 2007. MMWR Surveill Summ. 17.S H (2006) Screening for developmentaldelay: reliable, easy-to-use tools. J FamPr 55:415–422. 18.Sachdeva S, Amir A, Alam S, Khan Z,Khalique N, Ansari MA (2010) Globaldevelopmental delay and itsdeterminants among urban infants andtoddlers: A cross sectional study. IndianJ Pediatr. 19.Supreme Council for women S (2015)Bahraini Women in Numbers. SupremeCounc Women:1–34. 20.World Factbook (2018) BahrainDemographics profile 2018. IndexMundi.

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1.Abo El Elella SS, Tawfik MAM, Abo ElFotoh WMM, Barseem NF (2017)Screening for developmental delay inpreschoolaged children using parent-completed ages and stagesquestionnaires: Additional insights intochild development. Postgrad Med J.
2.Bellman M, Byrne O SR (2013)Developmental assessment of children.BMJ 346:e8687.
3.Cole S, Ball A (2013) Developmentalassessment in children. Osteopath FamPhysician.
4.David D, Toppo KJ, Saini K (2014)David D, Toppo KJ, Saini K. ResearchArticle a Study To Assess theKnowledge of Mothers ’ RegardingDevelopmental Milestones of Infants.2014; Available at:
5.De Onis M (2006a) WHO MotorDevelopment Study: Windows ofachievement for six gross motordevelopment milestones. Acta PaediatrInt J Paediatr.
6.De Onis M (2006b) Reliability ofanthropometric measurements in theWHO Multicentre Growth ReferenceStudy. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr.
7.Di Rosa G, Cavallaro T, Alibrandi A,Marseglia L, Lamberti M, Giaimo E, Nicotera A, Bonsignore M, Gagliano A (2016) Predictive role of early milestones-related psychomotor profiles and long-term neurodevelopmental pitfalls in preterm infants. Early Hum Dev.
8.Ertem IO, Atay G, Dogan DG, BayhanA, Bingoler BE, Gok CG, Ozbas S,Haznedaroglu D, Isikli S (2007)Mothers’ knowledge of young childdevelopment in a developing country.Child Care Health Dev.
9.Halle T, Zaslow M, Wessel J, Moodie S,Darling-Churchill K(2011) Understanding andChoosing Assessments andDevelopmental Screeners for Young Children Ages 3-5:Profiles of Selected Measures. UnderstChoos Assessments Dev ScreenersYoung Child Ages 3-5 Profiles SelMeas.
10.Mackrides PS, Ryherd SJ (2011)Screening for developmental delay. AmFam Physician.
11.Murray GK, Jones PB, Kuh D, RichardsM (2007) Infant developmentalmilestones and subsequent cognitivefunction. Ann Neurol.
12.Oberklaid F, Efron D (2005)Developmental delay: Identification andmanagement. Aust Fam Physician.
13.Rehman AUSFK, · Farrukh Munir(2016) Mothers’ Knowledge about ChildDevelopment. · Pakistan Pediatr J40:176–181.
14.Reich S (2005) What do mothers know?Maternal knowledge of childdevelopment. Infant Ment Health J.
15.Rhoades RA, Scarpa A, Salley B (2007)The importance of physician knowledgeof autism spectrum disorder: Results of aparent survey. BMC Pediatr.
16.Rice CE, Naarden Braun K Van, Kogan
MD, Smith C, Kavanagh L, Strickland B, Blumberg SJ, Centers for Disease Control (2014) Screening for developmental delays among young children--National Survey of Children’s Health, United States, 2007. MMWR Surveill Summ.
17.S H (2006) Screening for developmentaldelay: reliable, easy-to-use tools. J FamPr 55:415–422.
18.Sachdeva S, Amir A, Alam S, Khan Z,Khalique N, Ansari MA (2010) Globaldevelopmental delay and itsdeterminants among urban infants andtoddlers: A cross sectional study. IndianJ Pediatr.
19.Supreme Council for women S (2015)Bahraini Women in Numbers. SupremeCounc Women:1–34.
20.World Factbook (2018) BahrainDemographics profile 2018. IndexMundi.
