Study of prevalence of psychiatric manifestations in pulmonary tuberculosis patients

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Dr Kiran Tandia, Dr. Devendra Ahirwar*, “Study of prevalence of psychiatric manifestations in pulmonary tuberculosis patients”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 06, pp. 944–947, Jun. 2020.
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Introduction- tuberculosis is thought to be an incurable disease, and a
lot of stigma is associated with it. A mere diagnosis of tuberculosis
can be a psychological trauma for a person, giving rise to varied
psychiatric symptoms. A high incidence of depression and anxiety has
been found in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Aims and objectivesto
study the prevalence of psychiatric components associated with
patients of pulmonary tuberculosis.material and methods- It was an
observational cross sectional study.Total 100 patients of pulmonary
tuberculosis who are on ATT were selected and patients who had prior
or concomitant psychiatric manifestation and taking treatment for their
psychiatric illness were excluded from study.psychiatric assessments
was done by using quettaionaire pattern by using zung depression
scale, mini mental state examinations and neuropsychiatry inventory.
Results and discussion- The high incidence of depression and anxiety
found in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis could be due to the various
psychosocial stresses faced by the patient like social stigma attached to
the illness, set back in occupation, social isolation with damaged status.
Keywords: pulmonary tuberculosis, depression, anxiety, zung depression
scale, mini mental state examination.

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