Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Quality of Nurses’ Work Life at King Fahad Hospital-Saudi Arabia

  • Salha Malki
  • Ghada Hamouda
  • Ohood Felemban
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S. . Malki, G. . Hamouda, and O. . Felemban, “Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Quality of Nurses’ Work Life at King Fahad Hospital-Saudi Arabia”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1349–1360, Oct. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Background: Improving the quality of nurses’ working life is challenging for healthcare
organizations because of its effect on the staff, organizations, and customers. The
development of supportive environments will enhance the quality of nursing work life
in organizations. However, the association between perceived organizational support
and the quality of working life among nurses was limited information.
Aim: This study aims to assess the relationship between perceived organizational
support and the quality of nurses’ work life at a King Fahad Hospital Jeddah, Saudi
Methodology: This current study was conducted at King Fahad Hospital, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia. A descriptive correlational design was used. A convenience sampling
technique was implemented to gather the needed data using a self-report questionnaire.
Data was collected using the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support and Brook’
Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey. In addition, a demographic questionnaire was
developed by the researcher.
Results: About 80.6% of staff nurses showed a moderate POS level, and 63.6% of staff
nurses experienced an average level of QNWL. The Pearson correlation coefficients
showed a statistically significant correlation between POS and overall QNWL (0.541).
The correlations between POS and the sub-scales of QNWL came in the range (0.367
– 0.521). Also, it found that non-Saudi nurses exhibited higher POS and QNWL levels
compared to Saudi nurses.
Conclusion and Recommendation: The study found that perceived organizational
support is positively related to QNWL, which means that the higher nurses’ perceived
organizational support will improve the nurses’ quality of working life. These findings
should be used by nursing administrations and health policymakers to develop a series
of organizational support that can improve the quality of working life among
nurses. Future research, further comparative research is needed to examine POS and
its relation to QNWL among different healthcare organizations.
Key words: Perceived Organizational Support–Quality of Nurses’ Work Life–Quality
of Nursing Work Life–Staff nurses

 Special Issue


1. Eisenberger, R., G.P. Malone, and W.D. Presson, Optimizing perceived organizational support to enhance employee engagement. Society for Human Resource Management and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2016. 2: p. 22. 2. Colakoglu, U., O. Culha, and H. Atay, The effects of perceived organisational support on employees' affective outcomes: Evidence from the hotel industry. Tourism and hospitality management, 2010. 16(2): p. 125-150. 3. Eisenberger, R., et al., Perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied psychology, 1986. 71(3): p. 500. 4. Eisenberger, R., L. Rhoades Shanock, and X. Wen, Perceived Organizational Support: Why Caring About Employees Counts. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2020. 7: p. 101-124. 5. Eisenberger, R. and F. Stinglhamber, Perceived organizational support: Fostering enthusiastic and productive employees. 2011: American Psychological Association. 6. Jahani, M.A., et al., Structural model of the relationship between perceived organizational support and quality of working life of employees of the selected hospital of north of Iran. Ambient Science, 2017. 4(1): p. 23-27. 7. Brooks, B.A., Development of an instrument to measure quality of nurses' worklife. 2001. 8. Almalki, M.J., G. FitzGerald, and M. Clark, Quality of work life among primary health care nurses in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study. Human resources for health, 2012. 10(1): p. 30. 9. Cheng, L., et al., Paediatric nurses’ general self-efficacy, perceived organizational support and perceived professional benefits from Class A tertiary hospitals in Jilin province of China: the mediating effect of nursing practice environment. BMC Health Services Research, 2020. 20(1): p. 12. 10. Abou Hashish, E.A., Relationship between ethical work climate and nurses’ perception of organizational support, commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intent. Nursing ethics, 2017. 24(2): p. 151-166. 11. Aly, N.A.E.-F.M., M. Ghanem, and S. El-Shanawany, Organizational Cynicism and Its Consequences on Nurses and Quality of Care in Critical Care and Toxicology Units. Journal of Education and Practice, 2016. 7(8): p. 85-96. 12. Labrague, L.J., et al. Perceptions of organizational support and its impact on nurses’ job outcomes. in Nursing forum. 2018. Wiley Online Library. 13. Robaee, N., et al., Perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses. BMC nursing, 2018. 17(1): p. 1-7. 14. Hemanathan, R., P.P. Sreelekha, and M. Golda, Quality of work life among nurses in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Health Care, 2017. 5(4): p. 555667. 15. Akter, N., et al., Factors predicting quality of work life among nurses in tertiary?level hospitals, Bangladesh. International nursing review, 2018. 65(2): p. 182-189. 16. Suleiman, K., et al., Quality of nursing work life and related factors among emergency nurses in Jordan. Journal of Occupational Health, 2019. 61(5): p. 398-406. 17. Wang, Q.Q., et al., Job burnout and quality of working life among Chinese nurses: A cross?sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 2019. 27(8): p. 1835-1844. 18. Alharbi, M.F., et al., Quality of nursing work life among hospital nurses in Saudi Arabia: A cross?sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 2019. 27(8): p. 1722-1730. 19. Wang, L., et al., Analysis and strategy research on quality of nursing work life. Medicine, 2020. 99(6). 20. Yildiz, M., Nursing's Job Life Quality's Effect on Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019. 12(2): p. 1-8. 21. Eslamian, J., A.A. Akbarpoor, and S.A. Hoseini, Quality of work life and its association with workplace violence of the nurses in emergency departments. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 2015. 20(1): p. 56. 22. Kelbiso, L., A. Belay, and M. Woldie, Determinants of quality of work life among nurses working in Hawassa town public health facilities, South Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Research and Practice, 2017. 2017. 23. Kaddourah, B., A.K. Abu-Shaheen, and M. Al-Tannir, Quality of nursing work life and turnover intention among nurses of tertiary care hospitals in Riyadh: a cross-sectional survey. BMC nursing, 2018. 17(1): p. 43. 24. Raeissi, P., et al., Quality of work life and factors associated with it among nurses in public hospitals, Iran. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, 2019. 94(1): p. 25. 25. Brunault, P., et al., Do transactive memory and participative teamwork improve nurses’ quality of work life? Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2014. 36(3): p. 329-345. 26. Lamadah, S.M. and H.Y. Sayed, Challenges facing nursing profession in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2014. 4(7): p. 20-25. 27. Bassi, J., Vision 2030 and the opportunities it represents in healthcare in Saudi Arabia. Retrieved February, 2016. 25: p. 2019. 28. Brooks, B.A., et al., Assessing the quality of nursing work life. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 2007. 31(2): p. 152-157. 29. Gorji, H.A., M. Etemadi, and F. Hoseini, Perceived organizational support and job involvement in the Iranian health care system: a case study of emergency room nurses in general hospitals. Journal of education and health promotion, 2014. 3. 30. Higazee, M.Z.A., A. Rayan, and M. Khalil, Relationship between job stressors and organizational support among Jordanian nurses. American Journal of Nursing Research, 2016. 4(3): p. 51-55. 31. Gurdogan, E.P. and E.C. Uslusoy, The Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Happiness in Nurses: A Sample from Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019. 12(3): p. 1364.

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1. Eisenberger, R., G.P. Malone, and W.D. Presson, Optimizing perceived organizational support to enhance employee engagement. Society for Human Resource Management and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2016. 2: p. 22.
2. Colakoglu, U., O. Culha, and H. Atay, The effects of perceived organisational support on employees' affective outcomes: Evidence from the hotel industry. Tourism and hospitality management, 2010. 16(2): p. 125-150.
3. Eisenberger, R., et al., Perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied psychology, 1986. 71(3): p. 500.
4. Eisenberger, R., L. Rhoades Shanock, and X. Wen, Perceived Organizational Support: Why Caring About Employees Counts. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2020. 7: p. 101-124.
5. Eisenberger, R. and F. Stinglhamber, Perceived organizational support: Fostering enthusiastic and productive employees. 2011: American Psychological Association.
6. Jahani, M.A., et al., Structural model of the relationship between perceived organizational support and quality of working life of employees of the selected hospital of north of Iran. Ambient Science, 2017. 4(1): p. 23-27.
7. Brooks, B.A., Development of an instrument to measure quality of nurses' worklife. 2001.
8. Almalki, M.J., G. FitzGerald, and M. Clark, Quality of work life among primary health care nurses in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study. Human resources for health, 2012. 10(1): p. 30.
9. Cheng, L., et al., Paediatric nurses’ general self-efficacy, perceived organizational support and perceived professional benefits from Class A tertiary hospitals in Jilin province of China: the mediating effect of nursing practice environment. BMC Health Services Research, 2020. 20(1): p. 12.
10. Abou Hashish, E.A., Relationship between ethical work climate and nurses’ perception of organizational support, commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intent. Nursing ethics, 2017. 24(2): p. 151-166.
11. Aly, N.A.E.-F.M., M. Ghanem, and S. El-Shanawany, Organizational Cynicism and Its Consequences on Nurses and Quality of Care in Critical Care and Toxicology Units. Journal of Education and Practice, 2016. 7(8): p. 85-96.
12. Labrague, L.J., et al. Perceptions of organizational support and its impact on nurses’ job outcomes. in Nursing forum. 2018. Wiley Online Library.
13. Robaee, N., et al., Perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses. BMC nursing, 2018. 17(1): p. 1-7.
14. Hemanathan, R., P.P. Sreelekha, and M. Golda, Quality of work life among nurses in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Health Care, 2017. 5(4): p. 555667.
15. Akter, N., et al., Factors predicting quality of work life among nurses in tertiary?level hospitals, Bangladesh. International nursing review, 2018. 65(2): p. 182-189.
16. Suleiman, K., et al., Quality of nursing work life and related factors among emergency nurses in Jordan. Journal of Occupational Health, 2019. 61(5): p. 398-406.
17. Wang, Q.Q., et al., Job burnout and quality of working life among Chinese nurses: A cross?sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 2019. 27(8): p. 1835-1844.
18. Alharbi, M.F., et al., Quality of nursing work life among hospital nurses in Saudi Arabia: A cross?sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 2019. 27(8): p. 1722-1730.
19. Wang, L., et al., Analysis and strategy research on quality of nursing work life. Medicine, 2020. 99(6).
20. Yildiz, M., Nursing's Job Life Quality's Effect on Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019. 12(2): p. 1-8.
21. Eslamian, J., A.A. Akbarpoor, and S.A. Hoseini, Quality of work life and its association with workplace violence of the nurses in emergency departments. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 2015. 20(1): p. 56.
22. Kelbiso, L., A. Belay, and M. Woldie, Determinants of quality of work life among nurses working in Hawassa town public health facilities, South Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Research and Practice, 2017. 2017.
23. Kaddourah, B., A.K. Abu-Shaheen, and M. Al-Tannir, Quality of nursing work life and turnover intention among nurses of tertiary care hospitals in Riyadh: a cross-sectional survey. BMC nursing, 2018. 17(1): p. 43.
24. Raeissi, P., et al., Quality of work life and factors associated with it among nurses in public hospitals, Iran. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, 2019. 94(1): p. 25.
25. Brunault, P., et al., Do transactive memory and participative teamwork improve nurses’ quality of work life? Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2014. 36(3): p. 329-345.
26. Lamadah, S.M. and H.Y. Sayed, Challenges facing nursing profession in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2014. 4(7): p. 20-25.
27. Bassi, J., Vision 2030 and the opportunities it represents in healthcare in Saudi Arabia. Retrieved February, 2016. 25: p. 2019.
28. Brooks, B.A., et al., Assessing the quality of nursing work life. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 2007. 31(2): p. 152-157.
29. Gorji, H.A., M. Etemadi, and F. Hoseini, Perceived organizational support and job involvement in the Iranian health care system: a case study of emergency room nurses in general hospitals. Journal of education and health promotion, 2014. 3.
30. Higazee, M.Z.A., A. Rayan, and M. Khalil, Relationship between job stressors and organizational support among Jordanian nurses. American Journal of Nursing Research, 2016. 4(3): p. 51-55.
31. Gurdogan, E.P. and E.C. Uslusoy, The Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Happiness in Nurses: A Sample from Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019. 12(3): p. 1364.
