A Study of Drug Utilization Pattern in Geriatric Patients at Local Secondary & Tertiary Care Hospitals

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D. R. G. . Ghritlahare, “A Study of Drug Utilization Pattern in Geriatric Patients at Local Secondary & Tertiary Care Hospitals”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 5, May 2020.
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Introduction : As the number of drugs taken by geriatric patients and the incidence of ADR is high in this age group, it becomes increasingly essential to study patterns of drug use. This study aimed to analyze the medication utilization patterns using WHO core prescribing indicators.

Methods: Cross Sectional  & Analytical study using WHO core indicators and Beer’s criteria as an assessment tool for potentially inappropriate medication for older adults.The top 10 drugs were classified according to WHO-ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Code) Classification system with DDD (Defined Daily Dose) 

Results: A total of 200 Geriatric patients were taken in the study. . The average number of drugs per encounter was 7.16. Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system were the most commonly prescribed. Ranitidine was the most commonly prescribed drug. The study shows the present prescribing practices in the hospital related to higher polypharmacy and inappropriate medication use.

Conclusion: To enhance drug therapy for geriatric patients, it is essential for prescribers to make aware of the Beers criteria and should be surely followed for good health care outcomes in the elderly. A systematic medication chart review by the clinical pharmacist can minimize the frequency of prescribing drugs without indications and thereby decrease polypharmacy.

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