A Clinical Study of Fever with Thrombocytopenia and Manifestations

  • Dr. Sriram K
  • Dr Vivekananda chood O.M
  • Ass Prof Dr. Krishnan kutty K
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Dr. Sriram K, Dr Vivekananda chood O.M, and Ass Prof Dr. Krishnan kutty K, “A Clinical Study of Fever with Thrombocytopenia and Manifestations”, ijmhs, vol. 12, no. 05, pp. 1898–1902, May 2022.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Fever with thrombocytopenia in a clinical scenario narrows the differential diagnosis. Infections like malaria, dengue, leptospirosis, typhoid, HIV and milliary TB are some of the common causes of fever with thrombocytopenia. Therefore a well organized systemic approach that is carried out with an awareness of causes of fever with thrombocytopenia can shorten the duration of investigations and bring out diagnosis. Hence, a need for study to know the causes and complications of fever with thrombocytopenia.

 Special Issue


1. Woodward T.E. “The Fever Pattern as a Diagnostic Aid : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott -Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997: pp215-235. 2. George JN, Aizvi MA. Thrombocytopenia. Chapter-117, In: Williams haematology, 6th Ed, Edt. Ernest Beufler et al, USA : McGraw Hill, 2001 pp1501. 3. Dinerarello C.A., and Wolf M.S. “ Fever of Unkown orignin”, Chapter -40 3rd Edn, Principles and practies of infectious disease, Mandell G.L., Douglas R.G. Jr, Bennett J.E, eds, New York, J. Wiley 1990 : pp468-479. 4. Mackowiak, P.A., Boulant, J.A., “Fever’s upper Limit : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, LippincottRaven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp147-163. 5. Mackowiak, P.A. “ History of Clinical Thermometry : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, LippincottRaven Publishers, Philadeplphia, 1997 ; pp1-10. 6. Swash, M., “Doctor and patient : In Hutchison’s Clinical Methods”. (ed, Swash, M.) 20th edn, 1995; pp22. 7. Dinarello, C.A. “Cytokines as Endogenous Pyrogens : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp87-116. 8. Blatteis C.M. and Elmir Sehic “Prostaglandin E2: A putative Fever mediator : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A.), New York, Lippincott- raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1995; pp117-145. 9. Boulant, J.A. “Thermoregulation : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed.Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott- Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp35-58. 10. Dinarello, C.A. “New concepts in the pathogenesis of fever”. Rev Infect Dis 1988; 10: 168. 11. Moseley P.L. “Heat Shock Proteins : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997 . 12. Stephenson, L.A. “ Circadian timekeeping : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997. 13. Handian RI. Bleeding and thrombosis. Chapter 62, In: Harrison principles of internal medicine, 15th Ed. Vol.1, Edt. Braunwald et al, USA : McGraw Hill, 2001. 14. Firkin, Chesterman, Penangtion Rush. Edt., Haemorrhagic disorders; Capillary and platelet defects Chapter -14, In: Degruchy’s Clinical haematology in Medical practice, 5th Ed; Oxford Black well science, 1989. 15. Risdall RJ, Brunning RD, Hernandez JL, Gordon DH. Bacterial associated haemophagocytic syndrome. Cancer, 1984 Dec. 15; 54(12): 2968-72.

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  1. Woodward T.E. “The Fever Pattern as a Diagnostic Aid : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott -Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997: pp215-235.
  2. George JN, Aizvi MA. Thrombocytopenia. Chapter-117, In: Williams haematology, 6th Ed, Edt. Ernest Beufler et al, USA : McGraw Hill, 2001 pp1501.
  3. Dinerarello C.A., and Wolf M.S. “ Fever of Unkown orignin”, Chapter -40 3rd Edn, Principles and practies of infectious disease, Mandell G.L., Douglas R.G. Jr, Bennett J.E, eds, New York, J. Wiley 1990 : pp468-479.
  4. Mackowiak, P.A., Boulant, J.A., “Fever’s upper Limit : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, LippincottRaven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp147-163.
  5. Mackowiak, P.A. “ History of Clinical Thermometry : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, LippincottRaven Publishers, Philadeplphia, 1997 ; pp1-10.
  6. Swash, M., “Doctor and patient : In Hutchison’s Clinical Methods”. (ed, Swash, M.) 20th edn, 1995; pp22.
  7. Dinarello, C.A. “Cytokines as Endogenous Pyrogens : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp87-116.
  8. Blatteis C.M. and Elmir Sehic “Prostaglandin E2: A putative Fever mediator : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A.), New York, Lippincott- raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1995; pp117-145.
  9. Boulant, J.A. “Thermoregulation : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed.Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott- Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997; pp35-58.
  10. Dinarello, C.A. “New concepts in the pathogenesis of fever”. Rev Infect Dis 1988; 10: 168.
  11. Moseley P.L. “Heat Shock Proteins : In Fever : basic mechanisms and management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997 .
  12. Stephenson, L.A. “ Circadian timekeeping : In Fever : basic mechanisms and
  13. management”. (ed. Mackowiack P.A), New York, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997.
  14. Handian RI. Bleeding and thrombosis. Chapter 62, In: Harrison principles of internal medicine, 15th Ed. Vol.1, Edt. Braunwald et al, USA : McGraw Hill, 2001.
  15. Firkin, Chesterman, Penangtion Rush. Edt., Haemorrhagic disorders; Capillary and platelet defects Chapter -14, In: Degruchy’s Clinical haematology in Medical practice, 5th Ed; Oxford Black well science, 1989.
  16. Risdall RJ, Brunning RD, Hernandez JL, Gordon DH. Bacterial associated haemophagocytic syndrome. Cancer, 1984 Dec. 15; 54(12): 2968-72.
