Herbal Therapy in Dentistry: A Review

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S. C. Rakesh Oswal, “Herbal Therapy in Dentistry: A Review”, ijmhs, vol. 1, no. 1, Oct. 2013.
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An herb is any plant that lacks the woody tissue characteristic of shrubs or trees. Herbs are plants used medicinally or for their flavor or scent. Herbs with medicinal properties are useful and effective source of treatment for various disease processes. Many allopathic medicine-have their origin in medicinal plants. Use of alternative therapies is common among patients with serious, chronic, or degenerative illness and to combat side effects with allopathic medicine. Herbal preparations can be derived from the root, leaves, seeds, and flowers. The preparations often contain a concoction of chemical substances may contain minerals and vitamins, and determining a specific active ingredient. .This paper includes few herbs which can be used as remedies in dentistry alternative to allopathic medicine.

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