Effectiveness of sleeper Stretch In Shoulder Posterior Capsular Tightness - A Case Report

  • Jakson K Joseph
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J. K. Joseph, “Effectiveness of sleeper Stretch In Shoulder Posterior Capsular Tightness - A Case Report”, ijmhs, vol. 4, no. 5, Oct. 2014.
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A single case study design was selected to evaluate the effect of sleeper stretch on the pain and dysfunction due to posterior capsular tightness in shoulder joint. The technique involves sustained passing stretching of posterior capsule in a prescribed position and exercise regimen. Pre and post evaluation of treatment was evaluated using different outcome measures. The study involved three phases, pre treatment phase, treatment phase and post treatment phase. The technique’s effect was to reduce the pain and improve function during activities of daily living. A structured exercise regimen of sleeper stretch was given to the patient for two weeks, 10 repetitions, and three sets for three times a day. The technique shown to be effective in treating patient with posterior capsular tightness.

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