Review the Effect of Relationship Management with Customer on Getting Competitive Advantage in Branches of Credit and Financial Institution SamenAlhojaj of Sabzevar City

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Reza MirAli, S. H. (2015). Review the Effect of Relationship Management with Customer on Getting Competitive Advantage in Branches of Credit and Financial Institution SamenAlhojaj of Sabzevar City. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(3), 13–15.
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This study examinesthe effect of relationship management with customer on getting competitive advantage in branches of credit and financial institution SamenAlhojajof Sabzevarcity. In the present study the fundamental question is issued that how much the implementation of CRM will cause increasing the responsiveness to customers and raisingthe efficiency of staff and consequently will increase the quality of services  and providing assumptions based on there is a relationship between getting competitive advantage and relationship management with customer. It has tried to identify and rank the key factors in the success of relationship management with customer.

The main aim of thestudy is identification the relationship of banking service quality, innovation in organization, performance and relationship of responsiveness to customersand relationship management with customer (CRM) incredit and financial institution SamenAlhojaj.

The method of sampling was simple random that in the first phase review the reports and documents and in the second phase distributethe questionnaires betweencustomers of SamenAlhojajinstituteto gain competitive advantage through the central index and Pearson correlation advantage.

The results show that the relationship management with customer has positiveeffect on taking competitive advantage.Therefore, it is suggested to emphasis on the role of services, location, promotional factors of physical facilities, innovation of service, continuous marketing researches and regular communication with clients.

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