Impact of crude oil prices on the Bombay stock exchange:

Cite this:
Najaf, R., & Najaf, K. (2016). Impact of crude oil prices on the Bombay stock exchange:. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 4(9), 01–05.
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The main objective of this paper is that oil is known as the important factor, which effects on all the economy of the country. For this purpose we have taken the data and apply the multiregression method. For the checking that data is stationary or not, we have applied the ADF test and Johansen co integration Test. Which have shown that there is positive relationship between oil prices, inflation and stock exchange of india.Bombay stock exchange is known as the faster stock exchange of the world. It was founded in 1876.According to market capitalization; it comes on the 11th no. Large capitalization is the reason the investors want to invest here. The value of market capitalization is seen 1.9 $ trillion. In 2001, it was considered as the derivatives market. It is famous due to its screen based trading system. AT any time, investors can do trade through this system.

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