The Factors Affecting the Students’ Satisfaction through Training Quality of the Dong Nai University Vietnam

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Huyen, H. H. (2016). The Factors Affecting the Students’ Satisfaction through Training Quality of the Dong Nai University Vietnam. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 4(01), 07–11.
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In recent years, the Government of Vietnam has had many policies and measures to improve the quality of training to meet the practical needs of society. In addition, elements of science and technology development as well as rushing the process of globalization and international economic integration of each country are more and more extensive.

For this reason, the researching of the quality of education and training quality is a matter that is crucial to promote economic development, society and Dong Nai University (DNU). The objectives of this paper were not only to look into the relevant literature but also to find common ground regarding the students’ satisfaction through training quality and reports the results of a survey of 450 students who to be interviewed and students answered 18 questions. In this paper, the researchers used analytical method of explore factor analysis to determining that are components of the students’ satisfaction through training quality, Dong Nai province, Vietnam. This paper conducted during the time from July 2013 to December, 2015.

The researcher had analyzed KMO test, the result of KMO analysis used for multiple regression analysis. Students’ responses were measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. Hard copy and online questionnaire were distributed among Students of Dong Nai University. 

In addition, The regression analysis result of students’ satisfaction showed that there were three factors, which included of factors following: Lecturer; Equipment and training program value actually affected students’ satisfaction with 5 % significance level.

The research results were processed from SPSS 20.0 software. The parameters of the model estimated by Least - Squares Method tested for the model assumption with 5% significance level.

The researcher had obtained the main objectives of this study were to:

1. The first objective, the researchers had to to identify and test the factors affected the students’ satisfaction at Dong Nai University.

2. The second objective, the researcher had solutions to improve the students’ satisfaction at Dong Nai University.

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