Is Inequality threat to Small-Scale Agriculture in GamoGofa Zone of Ethiopia

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Melkamu, M., & Mesfin, M. (2016). Is Inequality threat to Small-Scale Agriculture in GamoGofa Zone of Ethiopia. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 4(01), 12–22.
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The present study attempts to analyze total annual income and farm land inequality in GamoGofa province. The study used primary data from 500 households following multistage random sampling process.To address income and farm land inequality, the study used Lorenz curve, Gini coefficients and dividing the sampled households into fifths (quintiles) approach. The result found that in GamoGofa province60 percent of annual incomes and 39 percent of agricultural land were distributed unequally. Furthermore district wise result found that, in Chencha district, 43 percent of agricultural land and 56 percent of annual incomes, in Kamba district 32 percent of agricultural land and 34 percent of annual incomes and in Dita district 29 percent of agricultural land and 38 percent of annual incomes were distributed unequally. In Dita district farm land and in Kamba district annual income diffused better.Finally, the study concluded that in GamoGofa provincepoverty is greatest threat than inequality.

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