The role of workers’ remittances and cooperatives in economic growth: Evidence from Nepal

  • Ramesh C. Paudel
  • Chakrapani Acharya
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Ramesh C. Paudel, & Chakrapani Acharya. (2019). The role of workers’ remittances and cooperatives in economic growth: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 7(12), 01–11.
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Cooperatives play important role in economic development, particularly, in the developing countries’ case. Considering this fact, Nepal’s constitution 2017has incorporated the cooperative as one of the three pillars of her economy. Similarly, remittances have become one of the important sources of government expenditure in the recent years in Nepal and has got numerous attentions from the policy makers. This paper aims to analyze the role of cooperatives and workers’ remittances in economic development of Nepal using the time series data for the period of 1994 to 2018.We employ the advanced econometric methodology for time series analysis, the Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach of cointegration. The major findings from the econometric estimation is that the cooperatives are beneficial to the economy as expected by the policy makers of the country.  Also, the dominancy of the remittance is downsizing the economy seeking an urgent attention from the policy makers to rescue the remittance-based economy both in the short and long run.


JEL: F43, O53, Q13

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