The Effect of Brand Image on Customer Choices in the Zimbabwean Food Industry

  • Ishmael Vingirayi
  • Eneresi Matanhire
  • Wilbert Manyanga
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Ishmael Vingirayi, Eneresi Matanhire, & Wilbert Manyanga. (2021). The Effect of Brand Image on Customer Choices in the Zimbabwean Food Industry. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 9(02), 09–20.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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This study examined the effects of brand image on customer choices in Zimbabwean food industry. Three objectives of the study were to determine the effect of brand image, corporate social responsibility and employees on customer choices. In order to gain competitive advantage, determination of the importance of brand image concept in shaping customer choices. A mixed research design in which a sample of 91 respondents was used. Both primary and secondary data were used and research instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. Data was presented in form of graphs and tables. Generally, the study found that brand image influences customer choices. It was found that employees, customers and suppliers are key in the establishment of a positive brand image hence the recommendation made in this regard were that companies need to embrace trainings especially of the internal stakeholders so that they extend their knowledge to the customer and suppliers. Corporate socially responsibility came out among the pivotal activities that organisations should embark on so as to create good relations with the government and the general citizens which helps to position the image of the brand in the mind of customers.

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