Gender disparity wise study of Impulsive buying behavior and exploratory tendencies of youth in central India

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Dr. Monica Sain (India), D. V. K. (2014). Gender disparity wise study of Impulsive buying behavior and exploratory tendencies of youth in central India. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 1(9 Sep). Retrieved from
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The purpose of the present paper is to explore the concept of Impulsive buying & exploratory tendencies on different facets such as its relationships & the impact of impulsive buying on exploratory tendency with special reference to Central India. The present study attempts to                                                                                                                                  assess Impulsive buying & exploratory tendencies in B school students against the backdrop of demographic variable i.e. gender.  It also intends to gauge the extent of Impulsive buying on exploratory buying tendencies tendency among B school students.   Keeping the same objective in mind Impulsive buying scale developed by Rook & Fischer (1987) was administered to B school students & for exploratory tendencies the scale developed by C.Raju(1981) was used for the study.  198 respondents were used to collect the samples.  It is expected that the findings will provide vital inputs to marketers in framing their marketing strategies keeping in mind the various tendencies among youth & their behavior The results also shows that impulsive buying has a positive impact on exploratory tendencies & no significant difference is observed in B school students on the basis of Gender.


Keywords: Impulsive buying, Gender, exploratory tendencies, consumer behavior

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