The International Coffee Agreement (ICA) aimed at strengtheningthe globalcoffee sector through the promotion of its sustainable expansioninamarket- based environment for the bettermentofall participants in the sector. This goal was meant to be achieved through five strategies, namely, (1) promoting international cooperation on coffee matters, (2) encouraging consumption that balances demand and supply, (3) providing market development, (4) facilitating fair-trade and (5) enhancing coffee financing for small scale farmers in developing countries. An exploratory aiming at assessing to what extent the ICA has succeeded in encouraging consumption of coffee in order to boost export market for small-scale producers in Manicaland, Zimbabwe showed that theICAis failing to promote distinctive coffeeconsumption. 90% of the responses stated that the ICA is promoting coffee consumption to a lower extent, an average of 7.5% agree that it is to a moderate extent while 2.5% agreed that ICA is promoting the consumption of coffee to a greater extent. This study recommends that the ICOÂ should provide assistanceinvalueadditionofground coffee produced by smallscalefarmers in order to create competitive advantage to the sefarmersandbein position to with stand price volatility which are current saffecting coffee production and exports.
The role of the women is very important because somehow all the society needs to know how is the role of the women through the different cultures in the world. Women have gained a lot of ground in politics, the work force, and even more power within their own households. There was a time in history when women were unable to voice their opinion in politics being unable to cast a vote or run for office, and now in modern time there are more than one woman running in the presidential campaign.  Now women and men can both be the bread winners, the stereotypical role place on women are slowly dissolving and both spouse parents are sharing the responsibilities that come with the house and family.â€Women have been playing a major role in shaping the society by providing the moral force in the home environment. Thus the position of women is half of the human capital of the country and one of the indices of national development. They are the embodiment of Shakti, the creator and destroyer of human race. It needs to be recognised that women are builders and molders of nation’s destiny. They are the partner and soul of men and behind every successful man, there lays a women. But it is deplorable to treat that they are the most neglected and deprive segment of the society. In most families a daughter is viewed as liabilities and she is conditioned to believe that she is inferior and subordinate to men. Sons are idolized and celebrated. “May you be the mother of hundred sons†is a common Hindu wedding blessing. It is generally viewed empowerment of women is a solution to gender discrimination. It is now widely believed that empowerment of women that is providing equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities in the decision making process will go a long way in removing the existing gender discrimination.