Implementation of Paternalism Philosophy and Smoking Cessation Guidelines to Motivate Jordanian Patients with Cardiovascular Disease to Quit Smoking.

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R. A. E. M. S. A.-Z. areer, N. M. A. M. Y. Yahya, Zyad T. Saleh, Mohammed A. Albalawi, Roqia S. Maabreh, “Implementation of Paternalism Philosophy and Smoking Cessation Guidelines to Motivate Jordanian Patients with Cardiovascular Disease to Quit Smoking”., ijmhs, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 114–120, May 2015.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The prevalence of smoking and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is high among Jordanian population. Despite Jordanian government establishment of tobacco control regulations, Jordanians still smoke in public areas and indoor work places. Implementation of paternalistic laws through prohibiting of smoking in public places and indoor areas, selling tobacco to minors and increasing taxes on tobacco products have been recognized as effective strategies to control smoking and limit its' harm. Government should take firm actions to enforce these regulations to protect Jordanians from the hazards of second-hand smoking. Tobacco use has strong addictive properties. Smoking cessation interventions are necessary to reduce health hazards of tobacco use. According to tobacco cessation guidelines, clinicians should assess smoking behavior at each patient visit and assist patients to quit smoking. Also, clinicians should provide counseling and pharmacological treatment to patients who are willing to quit smoking. On the other hand, patients who are unwilling to quit smoking, motivational intervention and improve patients' self efficacy to quit smoking are highly recommended to help those patients to make attempts to quit smoking in the future.

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