Third Molar Development Evaluation Of Children In Mixed Dentition According To Age In The Western Mediterranean Region In Turkey

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Z. K. Z. ÇİFTÇİ, AyÅŸegül SARITEKÄ°N, CeylanÇağıl YETÄ°Åž, “Third Molar Development Evaluation Of Children In Mixed Dentition According To Age In The Western Mediterranean Region In Turkey”, ijmhs, vol. 6, no. 5, Oct. 2016.
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Introduction: The last erupted teeth are third molar teeth and eruption times, eruption levels and positions of third molar teeth observed differences. Third molars caused various problems such as caries and distal root resorption of neighboring second molars and crowding of anterior teeth.

Material and method: 770 children ages between 8-13 have panoramic radiographies

evaluated. The classification determined by Demirjian was modified and used in our study to determine the existence and development levels of third molars.

The radiographies were examined by two researchers. Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests were carried out in order to determine the relationship between gender and age. The relationship of each Demirijian development period with age was calculated. McNemar test was used in order to determine the developmental period distribution differences between the lower and upper third molars.

Results: No statistically significant difference was observed in terms of gender between the patients who have none of the third molars in radiographies and patients who have all third molars in radiographies. It has been observed that there is no statistically significant difference between males and females according to mineralization stages.

Conclusion: It is important to know the development periods of third molars which are important for the pedodontic treatment planning in mixed dentition period.

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