Evaluation of Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Gestational Hypertension and its Relation to the provided health Care

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S. N. N. A. D. T. AHLAM AL ZAHRANI, “Evaluation of Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Gestational Hypertension and its Relation to the provided health Care”, ijmhs, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 10–18, Jan. 2018.
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Background: Gestational Hypertension complicates up to approximately l0-15% of all the pregnancies and it is linked to high risk of reverse fetal, neonatal, and maternal consequences.

Aim: Evaluate the pregnancy outcomes among women with gestational hypertension and its relation to provided care. Study Design: Quantitative descriptive design Setting: King Abdulaziz University Hospital and Maternity and Children Hospital Sampling: The sample was a purposeful sample that includes the gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia women, who fulfill the inclusion criteria and admitted to the mentioned setting during data collection time and agree to participate. Study period: From September 2013 till April 2014. Tools: 1- Assessment sheet 2- The pregnancy outcomes checklist.

Results: The maternal outcome in this study recorded no deaths, however; among the participating women 38.3% had serious complications. (58.3%) of women delivered by caesarian section, (35%) had preterm deliveries, (7.7%) had cardiovascular complications, (5%) had HELLP syndrome and (3.3%) had PPH. On the other hand, 66.7% of the neonates were complicated. 35% of the babies had premature birth, while one baby IUFD and one neonatal death

Conclusion: Both fetal and maternal complications were highest when nursing care was not achieved. However, study findings indicates that the provided care to the gestational hypertensive women was not totally in line with international guidelines of gestational hypertension management. Recommendation: Study clearly indicates the necessity to organize continuing nursing education and training workshop for all the nurses and innovate a clear protocol in dealing with gestational hypertension woman.

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