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Shashi Prabha Singh,Preeti Sharma*,Pradeep Kumar,A.K. Mathur,Tapan Mahapatra, “STUDY OF OXIDANT MDA AND ANTIOXIDANTS SOD AND CATALASE IN PREGNANT & NON-PRENANT WOMEN”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 490–495, Jul. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: Pregnancy is state of dynamic changes in body systems
resulting in increased oxygen consumption. Pregnancy is associated with
oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), are main causes of oxidative
stress (OS) which are generated constantly by external and internal stimuli.
ROS causes cellular injury by attacking the phospholipids of cell membranes
and reacting with polyunsaturated fatty acids commonly associated with
disorders of pregnancy. Aim of this study was to evaluate the level of pro-
oxidant and antioxidant in healthy non pregnant and pregnant women.
Materials and methods: Parameters of the oxidative status Malondialdehyde
and antioxidant Superoxide dismutase and Catalase was estimated in serum
of 35 non pregnant and 35 pregnant women in the age group of 20-40 years.
Results: Findings were, that there was an increase in Malondialdehyde levels
(p<0.0001) and a decrease in superoxide dismutase and catalase activities
(P<0.0001 and P<0.0001) in pragnent women significantly.
Conclusion: This study shows that there was difference in oxidative status
due to dynamic changes in body and circulation that are inherent. During
pregnancy oxidative stress is increased that can be fatal to the health of the
mother and the fetus.
Keywords: Oxidative stress, Antioxidants, Normal pregnancy, Whole blood,
Serum, MDA, SOD, Catalase

 Special Issue


1.Scott, Walsh. Lipid Peroxidation inPregnancy. Hypertension in Pregnancy1994; 13(1): 1-32. 2.Qanungo, S. and M. Mukherjea, 2000.Ontogenic profile of some antioxidantsand lipid peroxidation in humanplacental and fetal tissues. Mol. CellBiochem. 215: 11-19. 3.Mutinati, M., Piccinno, M., Roncetti,M., Campanile, D., Rizzo, A. andSciorsci, R.L. Oxidative stress duringpregnancy in the sheep. V48, Issue3June 2013 Pages 353-357 4.Kagan VE. Lipid peroxidation inbiomembran. Boca Raton Florida: CRCPress, 1988: 131pp. 5.Rejitha, J. and Karthiayini, K. Effect ofascorbic acid supplementation onhaemato-biochemical andoxidativestress parameters of crossbredMalabari does during peripartumperiod.Int. J. Sci. Technol.2014 2(6): 202-205. 6.Palan PR, Shabam DW, Maritino T,Mikhail MS. Lipid-soluble antioxidantsand pregnancy: maternal serum levels ofcoenzyme Q10, alpha-tocopherol andgamma-tocopherol in pre-eclampsia andnormal pregnancy. Gynecol ObstetrInvest 2004; 58:8-13. 7.Sies H. Oxidative stress: Oxidants andantioxidants. AmJ Med. 1991 Sep 30;91(3C):31S-38S 8.Page, K.R.1993.The Physiology ofHuman Placenta.1st Edn. Taylor andFrancis, London, ISBN-13: 978-1857280654, pp: 164. 9.Agarwal, A., S. Gupta and R.K.Sharma, 2005. Role of oxidativestress in female reproduction. Reprod.Biol. Endocrinol. 3: 28-47 10.Zhang,C., M.A. Williams, S.E.Sanchez, I.B. King and S. Ware-Jauregui et al. 2001. Plasmaconcentrations of carotenoids, retinoland tocopherols in pre-eclamptic andnormotensivepregnant women. Am. J.Epidemiol.153: 572-580. 11.Kala Chandra, Ali Syed Salman*, AbidMohd., Rajpoot Sweety, Khan NajamAli. Protection Against FCA InducedOxidative Stress Induced DNA Damageas a Model of Arthritis and In vitro Anti-arthritic Potential of Costus speciosusRhizome Extract.International Journal ofPharmacognosy and PhytochemicalResearch 2015; 7(2); 383-389. ISSN:0975-4873. 12.Miao L, St Clair DK Regulation ofSuperoxide dismutase genes;implications in disease. Free Radic BiolMed.2009,Aug15,47(4),344-56. 13.Mohora Maria, Greabu Maria, TotanAlexandra, Mitrea Niculina, BattinoMaurizio Redox-Sensitive Signalingfactors and antioxidants. Farmacia,2009, vol57(4), 399-411. 14.Bocskay K.A., Tang D., Orjuela M.A. etal. (2005) Chromosomal aberrations incord blood are associated withprenatalexposure to carcinogenic polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons.CancerEpidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 14(2):506-11. 15.Casanueva E, Viteri FE. Iron andoxidative stress in pregnancy. J Nutr2003; 133:1700S–1708S. 16.Satoh.K.Clinica.Chemica.Acta. 1978Nov 15; 90(1):37-43. 17.Navneet Omprakash Soni “Antioxidantassay in vivo and vitro”InternationalJournal ofPhytopharmacology,5(1),2014,51-58. ashok k.sinha et .al. (1972) 19.Ishihara M. Studies on lipoperoxide ofnormal pregnant women and of patientswith toxemia of pregnancy. Clin ChimActa 1978; 84: 1-9. 20.Wisdom SJ, Wilson R, McKillop JH,Walker JJ. Antioxidant systems innormal pregnancy and in pregnancyhypertension. Am J Obstet Gynecol1991; 6: 1701–1705. 21.Toescu, V., S.L. Nuttall, U. Martin, M.J.Kendall and F. Dunne, 2002. Oxidativestress and normal pregnancy. Clin.Endocrinol., 57: 609-613 22.Upadhyaya, C., S. Mishra, P.P. Singhand P. Sharma, 2005. Antioxidant statusand peroxidative stress in mother andnewborn-a pilot study. Indian J. Clin.Biochem., 20: 30-34. 23.Patil, S.B., M.W. Kodiwadmath andS.M. Kodliwadmath, 2007. Study ofoxidative stress and enzymatic antioxi-dants in normal pregnancy. Indian J.Clin. Biochem., 22: 135-137 24.Kodliwadmath SM, Sadashivadu B. andKodliwadmath MV. SerumMalondialdehyde and ceruloplasminLevels in toxaemia of pregnancy. J of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India 1989; 5: 648-51. 25. 25.Stipek S, Mechurova A ,Crkovska J , Zima T, PlatenikJ. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in umbilical and maternal blood. Biochem Mol Biol Int 1995;35:705-711. 26.Uotila J, Tuimala R, Aarnio T ,PyykkoK, Ahoputa M. Lipid peroxidationproduct , selenium dependentglutathione peroxidise and vitamin E innormal pregnancy . Eur J Obstet Gyn RB 1991;42:95-100. 27.Pentieva K, Ivanova L, Petrova S,Ovcharova D, Vatralova K, Angelova K.Changes in the level of lipidperoxidation in healthy pregnant women.Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) 1995; 34: 19–21 28.Saikumar P, Jaya B, Renuka Devi MR.Oxidative stress in pregnancy. IOSRJournal of Dental and MedicalSciences2013; 3: 12–13. 29.Kawashiro Y, Ishii K, Hosoyamada Y,Miyaso H, Matsuno Y,Kubonoya K,Mori C, Hanazato M. Changes indiacronreactive oxygen metabolites andbiological antioxidant potential inmaternal serum during pregnancy.FASEB J 2014; 28: 910.6. 30.Qanungo S, Sen A, Mukherjea M.Antioxidant status and lipid peroxidationin human feto-placental unit. Clin ChimActa1999;285:

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1.Scott, Walsh. Lipid Peroxidation inPregnancy. Hypertension in Pregnancy1994; 13(1): 1-32.
2.Qanungo, S. and M. Mukherjea, 2000.Ontogenic profile of some antioxidantsand lipid peroxidation in humanplacental and fetal tissues. Mol. CellBiochem. 215: 11-19.
3.Mutinati, M., Piccinno, M., Roncetti,M., Campanile, D., Rizzo, A. andSciorsci, R.L. Oxidative stress duringpregnancy in the sheep. V48, Issue3June 2013 Pages 353-357
4.Kagan VE. Lipid peroxidation inbiomembran. Boca Raton Florida: CRCPress, 1988: 131pp.
5.Rejitha, J. and Karthiayini, K. Effect ofascorbic acid supplementation onhaemato-biochemical andoxidativestress parameters of crossbredMalabari does during peripartumperiod.Int. J. Sci. Technol.2014 2(6): 202-205.
6.Palan PR, Shabam DW, Maritino T,Mikhail MS. Lipid-soluble antioxidantsand pregnancy: maternal serum levels ofcoenzyme Q10, alpha-tocopherol andgamma-tocopherol in pre-eclampsia andnormal pregnancy. Gynecol ObstetrInvest 2004; 58:8-13.
7.Sies H. Oxidative stress: Oxidants andantioxidants. AmJ Med. 1991 Sep 30;91(3C):31S-38S
8.Page, K.R.1993.The Physiology ofHuman Placenta.1st Edn. Taylor andFrancis, London, ISBN-13: 978-1857280654, pp: 164.
9.Agarwal, A., S. Gupta and R.K.Sharma, 2005. Role of oxidativestress in female reproduction. Reprod.Biol. Endocrinol. 3: 28-47
10.Zhang,C., M.A. Williams, S.E.Sanchez, I.B. King and S. Ware-Jauregui et al. 2001. Plasmaconcentrations of carotenoids, retinoland tocopherols in pre-eclamptic andnormotensivepregnant women. Am. J.Epidemiol.153: 572-580.
11.Kala Chandra, Ali Syed Salman*, AbidMohd., Rajpoot Sweety, Khan NajamAli. Protection Against FCA InducedOxidative Stress Induced DNA Damageas a Model of Arthritis and In vitro Anti-arthritic Potential of Costus speciosusRhizome Extract.International Journal ofPharmacognosy and PhytochemicalResearch 2015; 7(2); 383-389. ISSN:0975-4873.
12.Miao L, St Clair DK Regulation ofSuperoxide dismutase genes;implications in disease. Free Radic BiolMed.2009,Aug15,47(4),344-56.
13.Mohora Maria, Greabu Maria, TotanAlexandra, Mitrea Niculina, BattinoMaurizio Redox-Sensitive Signalingfactors and antioxidants. Farmacia,2009, vol57(4), 399-411.
14.Bocskay K.A., Tang D., Orjuela M.A. etal. (2005) Chromosomal aberrations incord blood are associated withprenatalexposure to carcinogenic polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons.CancerEpidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 14(2):506-11.
15.Casanueva E, Viteri FE. Iron andoxidative stress in pregnancy. J Nutr2003; 133:1700S–1708S.
16.Satoh.K.Clinica.Chemica.Acta. 1978Nov 15; 90(1):37-43.
17.Navneet Omprakash Soni “Antioxidantassay in vivo and vitro”InternationalJournal ofPhytopharmacology,5(1),2014,51-58. ashok k.sinha et .al. (1972)
19.Ishihara M. Studies on lipoperoxide ofnormal pregnant women and of patientswith toxemia of pregnancy. Clin ChimActa 1978; 84: 1-9.
20.Wisdom SJ, Wilson R, McKillop JH,Walker JJ. Antioxidant systems innormal pregnancy and in pregnancyhypertension. Am J Obstet Gynecol1991; 6: 1701–1705.
21.Toescu, V., S.L. Nuttall, U. Martin, M.J.Kendall and F. Dunne, 2002. Oxidativestress and normal pregnancy. Clin.Endocrinol., 57: 609-613
22.Upadhyaya, C., S. Mishra, P.P. Singhand P. Sharma, 2005. Antioxidant statusand peroxidative stress in mother andnewborn-a pilot study. Indian J. Clin.Biochem., 20: 30-34.
23.Patil, S.B., M.W. Kodiwadmath andS.M. Kodliwadmath, 2007. Study ofoxidative stress and enzymatic antioxi-dants in normal pregnancy. Indian J.Clin. Biochem., 22: 135-137
24.Kodliwadmath SM, Sadashivadu B. andKodliwadmath MV. SerumMalondialdehyde and ceruloplasminLevels in toxaemia of pregnancy. J of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India 1989; 5: 648-51.
25. 25.Stipek S, Mechurova A ,Crkovska J , Zima T, PlatenikJ. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in umbilical and maternal blood. Biochem Mol Biol Int 1995;35:705-711.
26.Uotila J, Tuimala R, Aarnio T ,PyykkoK, Ahoputa M. Lipid peroxidationproduct , selenium dependentglutathione peroxidise and vitamin E innormal pregnancy . Eur J Obstet Gyn RB 1991;42:95-100.
27.Pentieva K, Ivanova L, Petrova S,Ovcharova D, Vatralova K, Angelova K.Changes in the level of lipidperoxidation in healthy pregnant women.Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) 1995; 34: 19–21
28.Saikumar P, Jaya B, Renuka Devi MR.Oxidative stress in pregnancy. IOSRJournal of Dental and MedicalSciences2013; 3: 12–13.
29.Kawashiro Y, Ishii K, Hosoyamada Y,Miyaso H, Matsuno Y,Kubonoya K,Mori C, Hanazato M. Changes indiacronreactive oxygen metabolites andbiological antioxidant potential inmaternal serum during pregnancy.FASEB J 2014; 28: 910.6.
30.Qanungo S, Sen A, Mukherjea M.Antioxidant status and lipid peroxidationin human feto-placental unit. Clin ChimActa1999;285:
