Impact of Training Program about Occupational Stress on Decision Making among Teaching Staff Members in faculty of nursing at Suez Canal University.

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Mona Aziz Rateb Demitry*, prof. Wafaa Abdel-Azeem Elhosany, prof. Mostafa Fouad Abbas, assist prof. Nadia Mohamed El-Sayed Ghonem, “Impact of Training Program about Occupational Stress on Decision Making among Teaching Staff Members in faculty of nursing at Suez Canal University”., ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 717–730, Dec. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Background: Stress is an important issue within nursing teaching staff and it
is difficult to find agreement among those who are expert in the area regarding
a concise definition of stress. Nevertheless stress is seen as a negative feeling
affecting people's health either physically and/or psychologically. Stress and
decision making are intricately connected on the behavioral and the neural
level; work stress has impact on teaching staff decision. The aim of the study:
the study aimed to assess impact of occupational stress program on decision
making among teaching staff members. Research design: A quasi-
experimental design was utilized in this study. Setting: the study was
conducted in the faculty of nursing at Suez Canal University. Subject: all
teaching staff members working in 6 different scientific departments in the
previous study setting. Tools of the study: Three tools were used to conduct
this study; tool (I): occupational stress questionnaire which was used to assess
stress level, tool (II): observation checklist which was used to assess
occupational stressors and tool (III): decision making scale to assess decision
making steps; data was collected from beginning July 2017 December 2018.
Results: The study revealed that about half of the studied group had high stress
level in preprogram with a slight decrease in post immediate and a high
decrease in follow-up (12.3%). About two third of the studied group had made
decision steps preprogram with slightly increased in post program, and
followed by high increased (91.3%) in follow-up. conclusion: There was
statistically significant improvement in teaching staff occupational stress level,
with significant improvement in decision making before and after the
implemented program, There was statistically significant relation between
effect of occupational stress on decision making among teaching staff members
(P value=.004) Recommendation: Providing periodic training in effective
cognitive strategies concerning healthy stress reducers, and providing
comprehensive training courses about communication, conflict resolution and
team building to reduce occupational stress.
Key words: Decision Making, Occupational stress, Teaching staff

 Special Issue


1.Adebiyi, D. R. (2013). Occupationalstress among academic staff of EKITIstate university, Ado-Ekiti. EuropeanScientific Journal, ESJ, 9(4), 202. 2.Addo, Yaw Van Joseph (2016).Occupational stress and job performancein small and medium scale enterprises,International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom Vol. II, Issue 11, Nov 2014 3.Beikzad, J., Ranjbarian, R., Esgandari,K., &Khalilinaghadeh, M. (2012).Therelationship between department heads’duties and the performance of theacademic staff members.AmericanJournal of Scientific Research, 46, 128-141. 4.Bess, J., & Dee, J. (2008).Understanding college and universityorganization. Theories for effectivepolicy and practice: Vol. 1 - The state ofthe system. Sterling, VA: StylusPublishing. 5.Bremault, S. C., Parmar, J., Friesen,S., Rogers, L. G., Pike, A., & Sluggett,B. (2016). An Evaluation of theDecision-Making Capacity AssessmentModel. Can Geriatr J, 19(3), 83-96.doi:10.5770/cgj.19.222 6.Cartwright, S & Cooper, C.L. (2012).Assist an organization stress screeningtool-the management guide. Manchester,UK: RCL Ltd, P.400. 7.Diller, J. W., Patros, C. H. G.,Prentice, P. R. (2011). Temporaldiscounting and heart rate reactivity tostress. Behavioral Processes, 87(3), 306-309. 8.Eres, F. & Atanasoska, T. (2011).Occupational stress of teachers: Acomparative study between Turkey andMacedonia. International Journal ofHumanities and Social Science, 1(7), 59-65. 9.Ghareeb&Mohamed, (2014). Occupational Stress andCoping Strategies among Academicians at HafrAl-Batin University, Saudi DOI:10.9790/ 24 | Page 10.Grawitch, M. J., Barber, L. K., &Kruger, M. H. (2010).Role identification,community socio-economic status demands, and stressoutcomes in police officers. Anxiety,Stress, & Coping, 23(2), 165-180.doi:10.1080/10615800902935542 11.Krishnamurthy NA Dr., JagatheeswariS. (2014). A study on occupational stressamong employees of public and privatesector textile mills with reference toCoimbatore. District International Journalof Commerce and Management ResearchISSN: 2455-1627, Impact Factor: RJIF5.22 Volume 3; Issue 2; February 2017;Page No. 44-50 12.Mohammed, S., Lim, A., Hamilton, K.,Zhang, Y., &Kim, S. (2007). Individualdifferences in decision making: Themeasurement of decision styles. Posterpresented at the 22ndannual meeting ofthe Society for Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology, NewYork, NY 13.Näswall, K., Kuntz, J., Hodliffe, M andMalinen, S. (2015). EmployeeResilience Scale (EmpRes) MeasurementProperties. Resilient OrganizationsResearch Report, 2015/04 14.Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD,NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN (2017). 15.Porcelli, A. J., & Delgado, M. R.(2017). Stress and decision making:effects on valuation, learning, and risk-taking. Current opinion in behavioralsciences, 14, 33-39. 16.Rana, B. &Munir, K. (2011). Impact ofstressors on the performance ofemployees on line at PaperNo.32729. 17.Rahman, R., Aman, O., Adnan, H.,Ahmad, M.A., & Darus, N.M. (2014).Factors ofRelationship between OccupationalStress, Developing TrainingNeeds and Performance Enhancement of SMEs’ Employees inMelaka.18.Seaward, B. L. (2017). Managing stress. Jones & Bartlett Learning. 19.Stephen, R,T, A. J (2012). "OrganizationalBehavior"(7th ed). Australia: Australia plylid group Taking Safety Seriously Policy and Guidelines 2nd Edition 2002, Premier’s Department (2003). 20.Ternan Mc, W. P., Dollard, M. F.,Tuckey, M. R. & Vandenberg, R. J.(2016). Enhanced Co-Worker SocialSupport in Isolated Work Groups and ItsMitigating Role on the Work-FamilyConflict-Depression Loss Spiral.International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch and Public Health, 13(4), 382. 21.Univesity and College Union (ucu)(2012). Stess toolkit modified fom at 2016. 22.Vanishree, P. (2014). The impact ofRole Ambiguity, Role Conflict and RoleOverload on Job Stress in Small andMedium Scale Industries. ResearchJournal of Management Science, 3(1),10-13. 23.Whitehead, A. J. (2001). Teacherburnout: a study of occupational stressand burnout in New Zealand schoolteachers: a thesis submitted in partialfulfillment of the requirements for thedegree of Doctor of Philosophy, MasseyUniversity, and Albany, New Zealand.(Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Doctoral),Massey University. Retrieved from 24.Yozgat, U., Yurtkoru, S. andBilginoglu, E. (2013). Job Stress and JobPerformance among Employees in PublicSector in Istanbul: Examining theModerating Role ofEmotional Intelligence. Procardia-Socialand Behavioral Sciences, 75, 518-524. 25.Yu R. (2016). Stress potentiates decisionbiases: A stress induced deliberation-to-intuition (SIDI) model. Neurobiology ofstress,3, 83–95.doi:10.1016/j.ynstr.2015.12.006

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1.Adebiyi, D. R. (2013). Occupationalstress among academic staff of EKITIstate university, Ado-Ekiti. EuropeanScientific Journal, ESJ, 9(4), 202.
2.Addo, Yaw Van Joseph (2016).Occupational stress and job performancein small and medium scale enterprises,International Journal of Economics,
Commerce and Management United Kingdom Vol. II, Issue 11, Nov 2014
3.Beikzad, J., Ranjbarian, R., Esgandari,K., &Khalilinaghadeh, M. (2012).Therelationship between department heads’duties and the performance of theacademic staff members.AmericanJournal of Scientific Research, 46, 128-141.
4.Bess, J., & Dee, J. (2008).Understanding college and universityorganization. Theories for effectivepolicy and practice: Vol. 1 - The state ofthe system. Sterling, VA: StylusPublishing.
5.Bremault, S. C., Parmar, J., Friesen,S., Rogers, L. G., Pike, A., & Sluggett,B. (2016). An Evaluation of theDecision-Making Capacity AssessmentModel. Can Geriatr J, 19(3), 83-96.doi:10.5770/cgj.19.222
6.Cartwright, S & Cooper, C.L. (2012).Assist an organization stress screeningtool-the management guide. Manchester,UK: RCL Ltd, P.400.
7.Diller, J. W., Patros, C. H. G.,Prentice, P. R. (2011). Temporaldiscounting and heart rate reactivity tostress. Behavioral Processes, 87(3), 306-309.
8.Eres, F. & Atanasoska, T. (2011).Occupational stress of teachers: Acomparative study between Turkey andMacedonia. International Journal ofHumanities and Social Science, 1(7), 59-65.
9.Ghareeb&Mohamed, (2014). Occupational Stress andCoping Strategies among Academicians at HafrAl-Batin University, Saudi DOI:10.9790/ 24 | Page
10.Grawitch, M. J., Barber, L. K., &Kruger, M. H. (2010).Role identification,community socio-economic status demands, and stressoutcomes in police officers. Anxiety,Stress, & Coping, 23(2), 165-180.doi:10.1080/10615800902935542
11.Krishnamurthy NA Dr., JagatheeswariS. (2014). A study on occupational stressamong employees of public and privatesector textile mills with reference toCoimbatore. District International Journalof Commerce and Management ResearchISSN: 2455-1627, Impact Factor: RJIF5.22 Volume 3; Issue 2; February 2017;Page No. 44-50
12.Mohammed, S., Lim, A., Hamilton, K.,Zhang, Y., &Kim, S. (2007). Individualdifferences in decision making: Themeasurement of decision styles. Posterpresented at the 22ndannual meeting ofthe Society for Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology, NewYork, NY
13.Näswall, K., Kuntz, J., Hodliffe, M andMalinen, S. (2015). EmployeeResilience Scale (EmpRes) MeasurementProperties. Resilient OrganizationsResearch Report, 2015/04
14.Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD,NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN (2017).
15.Porcelli, A. J., & Delgado, M. R.(2017). Stress and decision making:effects on valuation, learning, and risk-taking. Current opinion in behavioralsciences, 14, 33-39.
16.Rana, B. &Munir, K. (2011). Impact ofstressors on the performance ofemployees on line at PaperNo.32729.
17.Rahman, R., Aman, O., Adnan, H.,Ahmad, M.A., & Darus, N.M. (2014).Factors ofRelationship between OccupationalStress, Developing TrainingNeeds and Performance Enhancement of SMEs’ Employees inMelaka.18.Seaward, B. L. (2017). Managing stress. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
19.Stephen, R,T, A. J (2012). "OrganizationalBehavior"(7th ed).
Australia: Australia plylid group Taking Safety Seriously Policy and Guidelines 2nd Edition 2002, Premier’s Department (2003).
20.Ternan Mc, W. P., Dollard, M. F.,Tuckey, M. R. & Vandenberg, R. J.(2016). Enhanced Co-Worker SocialSupport in Isolated Work Groups and ItsMitigating Role on the Work-FamilyConflict-Depression Loss Spiral.International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch and Public Health, 13(4), 382.
21.Univesity and College Union (ucu)(2012). Stess toolkit modified fom at 2016.
22.Vanishree, P. (2014). The impact ofRole Ambiguity, Role Conflict and RoleOverload on Job Stress in Small andMedium Scale Industries. ResearchJournal of Management Science, 3(1),10-13.
23.Whitehead, A. J. (2001). Teacherburnout: a study of occupational stressand burnout in New Zealand schoolteachers: a thesis submitted in partialfulfillment of the requirements for thedegree of Doctor of Philosophy, MasseyUniversity, and Albany, New Zealand.(Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Doctoral),Massey University. Retrieved from
24.Yozgat, U., Yurtkoru, S. andBilginoglu, E. (2013). Job Stress and JobPerformance among Employees in PublicSector in Istanbul: Examining theModerating Role ofEmotional Intelligence. Procardia-Socialand Behavioral Sciences, 75, 518-524.
25.Yu R. (2016). Stress potentiates decisionbiases: A stress induced deliberation-to-intuition (SIDI) model. Neurobiology ofstress,3, 83–95.doi:10.1016/j.ynstr.2015.12.006
