Treatment outcome of tuberculosis cases seen at the University Hospital Center of Fenoarivo

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H. M. T. K. R. J. R. O. F. I. D. R. Marie odette RASOAFARANIRINA, Mihaja NANDIMBINIAINA, Jocelyn Rakotomizao, Rakotoson Joelson Lovaniaina, RAHARIMANANA Rondro Nirina, “Treatment outcome of tuberculosis cases seen at the University Hospital Center of Fenoarivo”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 737–742, Dec. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: Tuberculosis remains a major public health burden in
developing countries such as Madagascar. The results knowledge of the
instituted treatment constitute a capital step in the management of this
pathology. The objective of our study is to evaluate the results of tuberculosis
management in the Fenoarivo hospital. Methodology: This is a retrospective,
descriptive study evaluating the results of tuberculosis treatment notified at the
diagnosis and management center of the Fenoarivo University Hospital during
the period from Jan 01,2012 to December, 31 2016.
Result: During our study, 1911 patients were included with a male
predominance (sex ratio of 1.79). The patients average age were 37.87 years
old. Pulmonary tuberculosis is prevalent (67.66%) regarding to extra-
pulmonary tuberculosis (32.34%). Therapeutic success, death, failure and
dropped out of treatment rates were 89%, 3%, 1% and 7% respectively. Death
and dropped out of treatment occur mainly during the first and second months
of disease management. Keys words: evaluation studies,Madagascar,
tuberculosis, treatment outcome,

 Special Issue


1.World Heath Organisation. WHOreport Global tuberculosis 2.Veen J, Raviglione M, Rieder HL.Standardized tuberculosis treatmentoutcome monitoring in Europe. EurRespir J. 1998 ; 12 : 505-10. 3.Antoine D, Che D. Les issues detraitement des cas de tuberculosedéclarés en France en 2008. BullEpidémiol Hebd. 2011;(32):345-8. 4.Raheliarisos J. Evaluation de la lutteantituberculeuse de 2004-2008 àl’hôpital de Fenoarivo [thèse].MédecineHumaine:Antananarivo ;2001 5.Ousmane CM. Evaluation de la priseen charge des patients tuberculeuxdans les10 centres de santé communautaireset Sotuba en commune Idu district de Bamako[thèse].Médecine :Bamako ;2008 6.Rakotoson JL, Rakotomizao JR ,Andrianjafison F, Ravahatra K ,Rajaoarifetra J, Tiaray HM,Raharimanana RN, Ralison A,Andrianarisoa ACF. Les issuesfavorables du traitement de latuberculose dans le service dePneumo-phtisiologie du CHUd’Antananarivo. Journal de Médecineet de Thérapeutique. 2015 ;1(1) :4p 7.Randriantiana MNA. Analyseépidémiologique de la tuberculosepulmonaire à bacilloscopie positiveau TPLA 67Ha et suivi de traitement(thèse]. MédecineHumaine :Antananarivo ;2014 8.Auregan G, Rakotondramarina D,Razafinimanana J. Le ProgrammeNational de Lutte Anti Tuberculeuse(PNLAT) à Madagascar. Arch InstPasteur Madagascar. 1995 ; 62 : 4-12.

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1.World Heath Organisation. WHOreport Global tuberculosis
2.Veen J, Raviglione M, Rieder HL.Standardized tuberculosis treatmentoutcome monitoring in Europe. EurRespir J. 1998 ; 12 : 505-10.
3.Antoine D, Che D. Les issues detraitement des cas de tuberculosedéclarés en France en 2008. BullEpidémiol Hebd. 2011;(32):345-8.
4.Raheliarisos J. Evaluation de la lutteantituberculeuse de 2004-2008 àl’hôpital de Fenoarivo [thèse].MédecineHumaine:Antananarivo ;2001
5.Ousmane CM. Evaluation de la priseen charge des patients tuberculeuxdans les10 centres de santé communautaireset Sotuba en commune Idu district de
Bamako[thèse].Médecine :Bamako ;2008
6.Rakotoson JL, Rakotomizao JR ,Andrianjafison F, Ravahatra K ,Rajaoarifetra J, Tiaray HM,Raharimanana RN, Ralison A,Andrianarisoa ACF. Les issuesfavorables du traitement de latuberculose dans le service dePneumo-phtisiologie du CHUd’Antananarivo. Journal de Médecineet de Thérapeutique. 2015 ;1(1) :4p
7.Randriantiana MNA. Analyseépidémiologique de la tuberculosepulmonaire à bacilloscopie positiveau TPLA 67Ha et suivi de traitement(thèse]. MédecineHumaine :Antananarivo ;2014
8.Auregan G, Rakotondramarina D,Razafinimanana J. Le ProgrammeNational de Lutte Anti Tuberculeuse(PNLAT) à Madagascar. Arch InstPasteur Madagascar. 1995 ; 62 : 4-12.
