The Measurement Of The Level Of Compassion Of Nurses In Operating Room

  • Fadime Çinar
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Fadime Çinar, “The Measurement Of The Level Of Compassion Of Nurses In Operating Room”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 743–753, Dec. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the compassion levels and
the factors that affect the compassion levels of the operating room nurses,
which is an important part of the surgical process. Methods: This descriptive
study was conducted with 236 nurses working in the operating rooms of public
and private hospitals between December 2017 and January 2018, which
allowed the study to be carried out in Istanbul. The Compassion Scale and the
Individual Information Form were used to collect data. The SPSS 23 for
Windows computer program was used to analyze the frequency, Mann-
Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H Test, Result: 47.1% of the operating room
nurses were male and 52.9% were female. The mean total score of the
operating room nurses Compassion Scale was 3.92 ± 0.85.According to
gender, kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, disengagement and total
compassion level in male; ?ndifference and separation were higher in female (p
<0.05). According to marital status, the size of indifference was higher in
married, all other dimensions were higher in single nurses. Conclus?on: In the
light of the findings obtained from the study, it can be said that the highest
average score can be taken from the scale, and the compassion levels of the
operating room nurses are high.
Keywords: Nursing, care, compassion, operating room nurses

 Special Issue


1.Perry A.G.(2013). Fundamentals ofNursing: Nursing Today. Edited by PotterPA, Perry AG, Stockert PA, Hall AM.8th ed. St. Louis Missouri, ElsevierMosby, 1-13. 2.Medical Research Council.(2000). Aframework for the development andevaluation of RCTs for complexinterventions to improve health. London:MRC, 2000. 3.Nursing, A., & Council, M.(2008).Codeof professional conduct for nurses inAustralia. Australian Nursing andMidwifery Council. 4.Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, ZubairuK, Christiansen A.(2014). The role ofprofessional education in developingcompassionate practitioners: A mixedmethods study exploring the perceptionsof health professionals and pre-registration students. Nurse EducationToday. 34:480-486. 5.Bloomfield J, Pegram A.(2015). Care,compassion and communication. NursingStandard , 29 (25):45-50. 6.Perez-Bret E, Altisent R, RocafortJ.(2016). Definition of compassion inhealthcare: A systematic literaturereview. International Journal of PalliativeNursing. 22:599-606. 7.Polat F.,N, and Erdem R.(2017).Merhamet yorgunluðu düzeyinin çal??maya?am kalitesi ile ili?kisi: Sa?l?kprofesyonelleri örne?i. SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi Sosyal BilimlerEnstitüsü Dergisi.2017; 26(1): 291-312. 8.Cingel M. Compassion in care: Aqualitative study of older people with achronic disease and nurses. NursingEthics. 2011; 18(5): 672–685. 9.Pommier, E. A. The compassion scale.Dissertation Abstracts InternationalSection A: Humanities and SocialSciences.2011; 72, 1174 10.Ekstrom, L. W.(2012). Liars, medicine,and compassion. The Journal of medicineand philosophy.37(2), 159–180. 11.Neff, K. D., & Pommier, E.(2013).Therelationship between self- compassionand other-focused concern among collegeundergraduates, community adults, andpracticing meditators. Self and Identity.12, 160–176. 12.Pommier A.N.(2010). The CompassionScale. The Graduate School of TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, DoctoralThesis. 13.Akdeniz S, Deniz ME.(2016). Adaptationof compassion scale to Turkish: validityand reliability study. The Journal ofHappiness & Well-Being. 2016;4(1):50-61. 14.Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., &Gross, J. J.(2008). Loving-kindnessmeditation increases socialconnectedness. Emotion. 8(5), 720–724. 15.Gilbert, P. & Procter, S.(2006).Compassionate mind training forpeople with high shame and self- criticism: A pilot study of a group therapy approach. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 13(6), 353379. 16.Shapiro, S. L., Brown, K. W., & Biegel,G. M.(2007). Teaching self-care tocaregivers: Effects of mindfulness-basedstress reduction on the mental health oftherapists in training. Training andEducation in Professional Psychology.1(12), 105–115. 17.Crocker, J., & Canevello, A.(2008).Creating and undermining socialsupport in communal relationships: Therole of compassionate and self-imagegoals. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology.95(3), 555–575. 18.Lemay, E. P., & Clark, M. S.(2008). Howthe head liberates the heart: Projection ofcommunal responsiveness guidesrelationship promotion. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology.94(4), 647–671. 19.Berman A, Snyder SJ, & FrandsenG.(2016) Kozier and Erb's Fundamentalsof Nursing Concept, Process, andPractice. 10th ed. Edinburgh, PearsonEducation Limited.2016;425-429 20.U?urlu, A. K., & Eti Aslan, F.Compassion and Nursing: Is CompassionMeasurable ?. Turkey Clinics NursingScience.2017;9(3). 21.Neff, K.D.(2003). The development ofvalidation of a scale to measure selfcompassion. Self and Identity.2(3), 223-250. 22.Ç?nar, F., & Eti Aslan, F. (2018).Measurement of compassion levels ofoperating room nurses: Turkish validityand reliability study. Kocaeli MedicalJournal,7(3), 222-229 23.Hooper C, Craig J, Janvrin DR, WetselMA, & Reimels E.(2010). CompassionSatisfaction, Burnout, And Compassion Fatigue Among Emergency Nurses Compared With Nurses in Other Selected ?npatient Specialties. J Emerg Nurs.36(5): 420-7. 24.Gök A.(2015). The unbearable weight ofcompassion: compassion fatigue innurses. Journal of Süleyman DemirelUniversity Faculty of Economics andAdministrative Sciences. 20(2): 299-313. 25.Salazar LR. (2015).Exploringthe relationship betweencompassion, closeness, trust, and social support insame-sex friendships. The Journal ofHappiness & Well-Being; 2015;3(1): 15-29. 26.Tatum, K.J.(2012). Adherence to GenderRoles as a Predictor of Compassion andSelf-Compassion in Women and Men.Baylor University, Doctoral dissertation.2012. 27.Chakrabarti B, & Baron-Cohen S.(2006).Empathizing: neurocognitivedevelopmental mechanisms and individual differences. Progress in Brain Research. 156:403-417. 28.Salazar LR. (2016) The relationshipbetween compassion, interpersonalcommunication apprehension, narcissismand verbal aggressiveness. The Journalof Happiness & Well-Being.2016; 4(1):1-14. 29.Adam D, Taylor R.(2014),Compassionate care: Empoweringstudents through nurse education. NurseEducation Today.2014;34:1242-1245. 30.Kelly L, Runge J, & SpencerC.(2015).Predictors of compassionfatigue and compassion satisfaction inacute care nurses. Journal of NursingScholarship , 47(6): 522–528. 31.Sacco TL, Ciurzynski SM, & HarveyM.E.(2015).Ingersoll GL. Compassionsatisfaction and compassion fatigueamong critical care nurses. Critical CareNurse. 35(4): 32-44.

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1.Perry A.G.(2013). Fundamentals ofNursing: Nursing Today. Edited by PotterPA, Perry AG, Stockert PA, Hall AM.8th ed. St. Louis Missouri, ElsevierMosby, 1-13.
2.Medical Research Council.(2000). Aframework for the development andevaluation of RCTs for complexinterventions to improve health. London:MRC, 2000.
3.Nursing, A., & Council, M.(2008).Codeof professional conduct for nurses inAustralia. Australian Nursing andMidwifery Council.
4.Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, ZubairuK, Christiansen A.(2014). The role ofprofessional education in developingcompassionate practitioners: A mixedmethods study exploring the perceptionsof health professionals and pre-registration students. Nurse EducationToday. 34:480-486.
5.Bloomfield J, Pegram A.(2015). Care,compassion and communication. NursingStandard , 29 (25):45-50.
6.Perez-Bret E, Altisent R, RocafortJ.(2016). Definition of compassion inhealthcare: A systematic literaturereview. International Journal of PalliativeNursing. 22:599-606.
7.Polat F.,N, and Erdem R.(2017).Merhamet yorgunluðu düzeyinin çal??maya?am kalitesi ile ili?kisi: Sa?l?kprofesyonelleri örne?i. SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi Sosyal BilimlerEnstitüsü Dergisi.2017; 26(1): 291-312.
8.Cingel M. Compassion in care: Aqualitative study of older people with achronic disease and nurses. NursingEthics. 2011; 18(5): 672–685.
9.Pommier, E. A. The compassion scale.Dissertation Abstracts InternationalSection A: Humanities and SocialSciences.2011; 72, 1174
10.Ekstrom, L. W.(2012). Liars, medicine,and compassion. The Journal of medicineand philosophy.37(2), 159–180.
11.Neff, K. D., & Pommier, E.(2013).Therelationship between self- compassionand other-focused concern among collegeundergraduates, community adults, andpracticing meditators. Self and Identity.12, 160–176.
12.Pommier A.N.(2010). The CompassionScale. The Graduate School of TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, DoctoralThesis.
13.Akdeniz S, Deniz ME.(2016). Adaptationof compassion scale to Turkish: validityand reliability study. The Journal ofHappiness & Well-Being. 2016;4(1):50-61.
14.Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., &Gross, J. J.(2008). Loving-kindnessmeditation increases socialconnectedness. Emotion. 8(5), 720–724.
15.Gilbert, P. & Procter, S.(2006).Compassionate mind training forpeople with high shame and self-
criticism: A pilot study of a group therapy approach. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 13(6), 353379.
16.Shapiro, S. L., Brown, K. W., & Biegel,G. M.(2007). Teaching self-care tocaregivers: Effects of mindfulness-basedstress reduction on the mental health oftherapists in training. Training andEducation in Professional Psychology.1(12), 105–115.
17.Crocker, J., & Canevello, A.(2008).Creating and undermining socialsupport in communal relationships: Therole of compassionate and self-imagegoals. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology.95(3), 555–575.
18.Lemay, E. P., & Clark, M. S.(2008). Howthe head liberates the heart: Projection ofcommunal responsiveness guidesrelationship promotion. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology.94(4), 647–671.
19.Berman A, Snyder SJ, & FrandsenG.(2016) Kozier and Erb's Fundamentalsof Nursing Concept, Process, andPractice. 10th ed. Edinburgh, PearsonEducation Limited.2016;425-429
20.U?urlu, A. K., & Eti Aslan, F.Compassion and Nursing: Is CompassionMeasurable ?. Turkey Clinics NursingScience.2017;9(3).
21.Neff, K.D.(2003). The development ofvalidation of a scale to measure selfcompassion. Self and Identity.2(3), 223-250.
22.Ç?nar, F., & Eti Aslan, F. (2018).Measurement of compassion levels ofoperating room nurses: Turkish validityand reliability study. Kocaeli MedicalJournal,7(3), 222-229
23.Hooper C, Craig J, Janvrin DR, WetselMA, & Reimels E.(2010). CompassionSatisfaction, Burnout, And Compassion Fatigue Among Emergency Nurses Compared With Nurses in Other Selected ?npatient Specialties. J Emerg Nurs.36(5): 420-7.
24.Gök A.(2015). The unbearable weight ofcompassion: compassion fatigue innurses. Journal of Süleyman DemirelUniversity Faculty of Economics andAdministrative Sciences. 20(2): 299-313.
25.Salazar LR. (2015).Exploringthe relationship betweencompassion, closeness, trust, and social support insame-sex friendships. The Journal ofHappiness & Well-Being; 2015;3(1): 15-29.
26.Tatum, K.J.(2012). Adherence to GenderRoles as a Predictor of Compassion andSelf-Compassion in Women and Men.Baylor University, Doctoral dissertation.2012.
27.Chakrabarti B, & Baron-Cohen S.(2006).Empathizing: neurocognitivedevelopmental mechanisms and
individual differences. Progress in Brain Research. 156:403-417.
28.Salazar LR. (2016) The relationshipbetween compassion, interpersonalcommunication apprehension, narcissismand verbal aggressiveness. The Journalof Happiness & Well-Being.2016; 4(1):1-14.
29.Adam D, Taylor R.(2014),Compassionate care: Empoweringstudents through nurse education. NurseEducation Today.2014;34:1242-1245.
30.Kelly L, Runge J, & SpencerC.(2015).Predictors of compassionfatigue and compassion satisfaction inacute care nurses. Journal of NursingScholarship , 47(6): 522–528.
31.Sacco TL, Ciurzynski SM, & HarveyM.E.(2015).Ingersoll GL. Compassionsatisfaction and compassion fatigueamong critical care nurses. Critical CareNurse. 35(4): 32-44.
