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L. D. C. O. S. B. N. G. G. Georgij M. Varava, Ruslan L. Furman*, Kyryl V. Agafonov, “INSTRUMENTAL AND LABORATORY STUDY OF JAW MINERALIZATION LEVEL IN FEMALE PATIENTS WITH ESTROGEN IMBALANCE”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 02, pp. 819–827, Feb. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: Prevention of dental caries and non-carious lesions associated with
demineralizing effect of estrogen imbalance in perimenopause women is
relevant problem in modern dentistry.
The aim: To improve the effectiveness of prevention of caries and non-carious
lesions in female patients with estrogen imbalance.
Materials and methods: 3 groups of patients were selected for the study (20
women in each): the patients of the control group receiving no additional
treatment, the patients of experimental group 1 receiving general therapy with
complex calcium supplements, the patients of experimental group 2 receiving
general therapy of complex calcium medicines combined with
To quantify bone density of the jaws by computed tomography method, X-ray
attenuation scale, called the Hounsfield scale was used. Bone tissues of the jaws
were studied using 3D cone beam computed tomography scanner Planmeca
ProMax. Planmeca Romexis® software was used for data processing and
interpretation. Estrogen level was estimated in all patients to confirm its
imbalance. The level of serum acid phosphatase was determined for indirect
study of osteoporosis degree.
Results: At the beginning of the research, significant bone demineralization and
increased level of acidic phosphatase were observed in all groups of women. In
6 months of treatment the Hounsfield index and the level of acidic phosphatase
in the control group were almost unchanged; in experimental group 1 – 1571
±44 HU and 4.93 ± 0.26 IU/l; in experimental group 2 – 1701±48 HU and 2.43
± 0.18 IU/l.
Conclusions: Combination therapy consisting of calcium phosphate with
vitamin D3 and aminobisphosphonates used for 6 months increased bone
mineralization by 13.05% and reduced the activity of acid phosphatase by
64.2%. This therapeutic complex results in decreased destruction of bone tissue
and enhances remineralization of bone tissue and dental hard tissues.
Key words: teeth mineralization, osteoporosis, estrogen dysfunction, Hounsfield

 Special Issue


1.Zadorozhna IV, Povorozniuk VV,Balatska NI. Pokaznyky kariiesu tamineralnoi shchilnosti kistkovoi tkanynyv ditei hirskoi zony Prykarpattia zdefitsytom ta nedostatnistiu vitaminu D[Indicators of caries and bone mineraldensity in children of the mountainousarea of the Carpathian region withvitamin deficiency and deficiency D].Modern dentistry. 2015;5:39-43. 2.Lieben L, Carmaliet G, Masuyama.Calcemic actions of vitamin D: Effectson the intestine, kidney and bone. BestPract. Res. Clin. Endocr. Metab.2011;25(4):561-572. 3.Saltevo J, Niskanen L, Kautiainen H, etal. Serum calcium level is associated withmetabolic syndrome in the generalpopulation. FIN-DGD study. Europ. J.Endocr. 2011;165(3):429-434. 4.Grover ChM, More VP, Singh N, GroverSh. Crosstalk between hormones and oralhealth in the mid-life of women: Acomprehensive review. J Int Soc PrevCommunity Dent. 2014;4(1):5-10.doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.144559. 5.Berger M, Szalewski L, Bakalczuk M, etal. Association between estrogen levelsand temporomandibular disorders: asystematic literature review. PrzMenopauzalny. 2015;14(4):260-270. doi:10.5114/pm.2015.56538. 6.Gadzhula NG. Indyvidualna profilaktykakariiesu zubiv u zhinok v periodyvahitnosti i laktatsii : avtoref. dys.... nauk. stup. «Stomatolohiia» [Individual prophylaxis of dental caries in women during pregnancy and lactation: extended abstract of Cand. Med. Sci. Dissertation: spec.14.01.22 ”Dentistry”]. Lviv National D. Halytsky Memorial Medical University; 2009. Lviv. 20 p. 7.O`Mahony L, Stepien M, Gibney MJ etal. The protein role of vitamin Denhanced foods in improving vitamin Dstatus. Nutrients. 2011; 3:1023-1041. 8.Modern aspects of radiology in dentistry /Kuts PV and others. Radiography.2011;1:64-69. 9.Korobeinikova YuL. Evaluation of boneresorption results by cone-beamcomputed tomography in patients withnon-removable metal-ceramic structures.Bulletin of problems of biology andmedicine. 2016;2(128):205-208.

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1.Zadorozhna IV, Povorozniuk VV,Balatska NI. Pokaznyky kariiesu tamineralnoi shchilnosti kistkovoi tkanynyv ditei hirskoi zony Prykarpattia zdefitsytom ta nedostatnistiu vitaminu D[Indicators of caries and bone mineraldensity in children of the mountainousarea of the Carpathian region withvitamin deficiency and deficiency D].Modern dentistry. 2015;5:39-43.
2.Lieben L, Carmaliet G, Masuyama.Calcemic actions of vitamin D: Effectson the intestine, kidney and bone. BestPract. Res. Clin. Endocr. Metab.2011;25(4):561-572.
3.Saltevo J, Niskanen L, Kautiainen H, etal. Serum calcium level is associated withmetabolic syndrome in the generalpopulation. FIN-DGD study. Europ. J.Endocr. 2011;165(3):429-434.
4.Grover ChM, More VP, Singh N, GroverSh. Crosstalk between hormones and oralhealth in the mid-life of women: Acomprehensive review. J Int Soc PrevCommunity Dent. 2014;4(1):5-10.doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.144559.
5.Berger M, Szalewski L, Bakalczuk M, etal. Association between estrogen levelsand temporomandibular disorders: asystematic literature review. PrzMenopauzalny. 2015;14(4):260-270. doi:10.5114/pm.2015.56538.
6.Gadzhula NG. Indyvidualna profilaktykakariiesu zubiv u zhinok v periodyvahitnosti i laktatsii : avtoref. dys.... nauk. stup. «Stomatolohiia» [Individual prophylaxis of dental caries in women during pregnancy and lactation: extended abstract of Cand. Med. Sci. Dissertation: spec.14.01.22 ”Dentistry”]. Lviv National D. Halytsky Memorial Medical University; 2009. Lviv. 20 p.
7.O`Mahony L, Stepien M, Gibney MJ etal. The protein role of vitamin Denhanced foods in improving vitamin Dstatus. Nutrients. 2011; 3:1023-1041.
8.Modern aspects of radiology in dentistry /Kuts PV and others. Radiography.2011;1:64-69.
9.Korobeinikova YuL. Evaluation of boneresorption results by cone-beamcomputed tomography in patients withnon-removable metal-ceramic structures.Bulletin of problems of biology andmedicine. 2016;2(128):205-208.
