The Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of University Students Regarding Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-examination: A descriptive study from Turkey

  • Sefika Dilek GÜVEN*
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Sefika Dilek GÜVEN*, “The Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of University Students Regarding Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-examination: A descriptive study from Turkey”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 02, pp. 828–834, Feb. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: Testicular cancer (TC) is one of the most common cancers among
young adult males but can be diagnosed in the early stages through periodic
testicular self-examinations (TSE). Early diagnosis opportunities may be missed
due to the lack of knowledge on TC and TSE. Nurses play an important role in
informing individuals about early signs and symptoms of cancer as well as
practices to identify these signs and symptoms. The knowledge, attitudes and
behaviors of individuals should be determined in order to effectively target and
teach these practices. Material and methods: This study aims to determine the
knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of university students regarding TC and
TSE. The study sample consisted of 353 volunteer university students. The data
was collected using a questionnaire form and the Turkish version of the
Champion's Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS). Results: The majority of the
students had inadequate knowledge about TC and TSE, as well as a low level of
perceived sensitivity, self-efficacy/confidence and barriers, a medium level of
perceived benefits, and a high level of perceived susceptibility/seriousness
regarding TC and TSE. Conclusion: In line with the study results, it may be
suggested that nurses, who are key health professionals in developing positive
health behavior, should use reminders and cues to action, in order to make
students develop health behaviors regarding TC, TSE and diagnosis of TC.
Keywords: Testicular Cancer, Testicular Self-Examination, Knowledge,
Attitudes, Behaviors

 Special Issue


1.American Cancer Society. (2018).Retrieved from!/cancer-site/Testis 2.Ramim T, Mousavi SQ, Rosatmnia L,Bazyar A, Ghanbari V. (2014).Student knowledge of testicularcancer and self-examination in a medical sciences University in Iran. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research, 6(3), 7-11. 3.Y?lmaz E, Kutlu A, Çeçen D. (2009).The Knowledge, attitude andbehaviors school of health studentsrelated testicular cancer and testicularself examination. F?rat Sa?l?kHizmetleri Dergisi, 4(10), 72-82. 4.Asgar Pour H, Çam R. (2014).Evaluation of men’s knowledge,attitude and behavior about testicularself-examination and testicularcancer. Florence Nightingale Journalof Nursing, 22(1), 33–38. 5.Rew L, McDougall G, Riesch L,Parker C. (2005). Development of theselfefficacy for testicular self-examination scale. The Journal ofMen’s Health & Gender, 2(1), 59-63.6.Pinar G, Oksuz E, Beder A, ElbasNO. (2011). Reliability and validityof the Turkish adaptation of theChampion’s Health Belief ModelScale at testicular cancer screening.The Journal of Medical Investigaiton,9(2), 89–96. 7.Ugboma H, Aburoma H. (2011).Public awareness of testicular cancerand testicular self-examination inacademic environments: a lostopportunity. Clinics (Sao Paulo),66(7), 1125–1128. 8.Casey R G, Grainger R, Butler M R,McDermott T E, Thornhill JA.(2010). Public awareness of testiscancer and the prevalence oftesticular self-examination--changingpatterns over 20 years. Urology,76(4), 915-918. 9.Kuzgunbay B, Yaycioglu O, SoyupakB, Atay Kayis A, Ayan S,Yavascaoglu I et al. (2013). Publicawareness of testicular cancer and selfexamination in Turkey: A multicenter study of Turkish Urooncology Society. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 31(3), 386-91. 10.Rudberg L, Nilsson S, Wikblad K,Carlsson M. (2005). Testicular cancerand testicular self-examination:knowledge and attitudes of adolescentSwedish men. Cancer Nursing, 28(4),256-62. 11.Göçgeldi E, Koçak N. (2010).Evaluation of the education given tothe young adult males about testicularself examination. Gulhane MedicalJournal, 52(4), 270-275. 12.Ugurlu Z, Akkuzu G, Karahan A,Beder A, Dogan N, Okdem S, Kav S.(2011). Testicular cancer awarenessand testicular self-examination amonguniversity students. Asian PacificJournal of Cancer Prevention, 12(3),695-698. 13.Altinel B, Avci IA. (2013). Theknowledge, beliefs and practises ofuniversity students on testicularcancer and testicular self-examination. Turkish Armed ForcesPreventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(4),365–370. 14.Pour HA, Kunter D, Norouzzadeh R,Heidari MR. (2018). The Effect of Testicular Self-Examination Education on Knowledge, Performance, and Health Beliefs of Turkish Men. Journal of Cancer Education, 33(2), 398-403. 15.Avci I.A, Altinel B. (2018). Thevalidity and reliability of health beliefscale for testicular cancer self-examination. American Journal ofMen's Health, 12(3), 531-538. 16.Ceylan K, Y?lmaz Y, Y?ld?z A, Ku?A, Gönülalan H. (2006).Kriptor?idizm: 164 olgunun; birliktebulunan anomali, komplikasyon,tedavi modalitesi, hasta ya?? aç?s?ndanirdelenmesi. T?p Ara?t?rmalar?Dergisi, 4(3), 24-26.17.Tuzcu A, Bahar Z. (2012). Effect ofusing the health belief model and thehealth promotion model in migrantwomen on change in early diagnosisbehaviors of breast cancer. Journal ofEge University Nursing Faculty,28(2), 91-103. 18.Gözüm S, Çap?k C (2014). A Guidein the development of healthbehaviours: Health Belief Model(HBM). Dokuz Eylül UniversityFaculty of Nursing ElectronicJournal, 7(3), 230-237.

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1.American Cancer Society. (2018).Retrieved from!/cancer-site/Testis
2.Ramim T, Mousavi SQ, Rosatmnia L,Bazyar A, Ghanbari V. (2014).Student knowledge of testicularcancer and self-examination in a
medical sciences University in Iran. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research, 6(3), 7-11. 3.Y?lmaz E, Kutlu A, Çeçen D. (2009).The Knowledge, attitude andbehaviors school of health studentsrelated testicular cancer and testicularself examination. F?rat Sa?l?kHizmetleri Dergisi, 4(10), 72-82.
4.Asgar Pour H, Çam R. (2014).Evaluation of men’s knowledge,attitude and behavior about testicularself-examination and testicularcancer. Florence Nightingale Journalof Nursing, 22(1), 33–38.
5.Rew L, McDougall G, Riesch L,Parker C. (2005). Development of theselfefficacy for testicular self-examination scale. The Journal ofMen’s Health & Gender, 2(1), 59-63.6.Pinar G, Oksuz E, Beder A, ElbasNO. (2011). Reliability and validityof the Turkish adaptation of theChampion’s Health Belief ModelScale at testicular cancer screening.The Journal of Medical Investigaiton,9(2), 89–96.
7.Ugboma H, Aburoma H. (2011).Public awareness of testicular cancerand testicular self-examination inacademic environments: a lostopportunity. Clinics (Sao Paulo),66(7), 1125–1128.
8.Casey R G, Grainger R, Butler M R,McDermott T E, Thornhill JA.(2010). Public awareness of testiscancer and the prevalence oftesticular self-examination--changingpatterns over 20 years. Urology,76(4), 915-918.
9.Kuzgunbay B, Yaycioglu O, SoyupakB, Atay Kayis A, Ayan S,Yavascaoglu I et al. (2013). Publicawareness of testicular cancer and selfexamination in Turkey: A multicenter study of Turkish Urooncology Society. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 31(3), 386-91.
10.Rudberg L, Nilsson S, Wikblad K,Carlsson M. (2005). Testicular cancerand testicular self-examination:knowledge and attitudes of adolescentSwedish men. Cancer Nursing, 28(4),256-62.
11.Göçgeldi E, Koçak N. (2010).Evaluation of the education given tothe young adult males about testicularself examination. Gulhane MedicalJournal, 52(4), 270-275.
12.Ugurlu Z, Akkuzu G, Karahan A,Beder A, Dogan N, Okdem S, Kav S.(2011). Testicular cancer awarenessand testicular self-examination amonguniversity students. Asian PacificJournal of Cancer Prevention, 12(3),695-698.
13.Altinel B, Avci IA. (2013). Theknowledge, beliefs and practises ofuniversity students on testicularcancer and testicular self-examination. Turkish Armed ForcesPreventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(4),365–370.
14.Pour HA, Kunter D, Norouzzadeh R,Heidari MR. (2018). The Effect of
Testicular Self-Examination Education on Knowledge, Performance, and Health Beliefs of Turkish Men. Journal of Cancer Education, 33(2), 398-403.
15.Avci I.A, Altinel B. (2018). Thevalidity and reliability of health beliefscale for testicular cancer self-examination. American Journal ofMen's Health, 12(3), 531-538.
16.Ceylan K, Y?lmaz Y, Y?ld?z A, Ku?A, Gönülalan H. (2006).Kriptor?idizm: 164 olgunun; birliktebulunan anomali, komplikasyon,tedavi modalitesi, hasta ya?? aç?s?ndanirdelenmesi. T?p Ara?t?rmalar?Dergisi, 4(3), 24-26.17.Tuzcu A, Bahar Z. (2012). Effect ofusing the health belief model and thehealth promotion model in migrantwomen on change in early diagnosisbehaviors of breast cancer. Journal ofEge University Nursing Faculty,28(2), 91-103.
18.Gözüm S, Çap?k C (2014). A Guidein the development of healthbehaviours: Health Belief Model(HBM). Dokuz Eylül UniversityFaculty of Nursing ElectronicJournal, 7(3), 230-237.
