Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Knowledge Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study

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Fatma Eti Aslan, Fadime Çinar, Hatice Azizoglu*, Evin Korkmaz, “Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Knowledge Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 04, pp. 955–963, Apr. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Objective: In patients who will undergo surgical intervention; Anxiety can be seen
before, during and after surgery. We see that hospitalization, waiting for surgical
intervention, and various medical practices trigger anxiety. Studies show that anxious
patients may be at higher risk of complications in the preoperative period. With this
study, it was aimed to make the validity and reliability analysis of the scale by adapting
the “Amsterdam Pre-operative Anxiety and Knowledge Scale” developed by Moerman et
Material and Method: The population of the study consisted of 9901 patients over the
age of 18 who had undergone surgery in the surgical clinics of a training and research
hospital operating in the province of Van. This methodological research was carried out
between July and September 2019. By considering the number of items in the scale, the
number of samples was determined by G-power analysis, which would be five to ten
times the number of items. In the study, 335 sampling scales determined for the scale
with 6 items were applied, but 310 participants who volunteered to participate in the
study constituted the sample of the study. “Personal Information Form” and “Preoperative
Anxiety and Knowledge Scale” developed by the researchers were used to
collect the data. Study; linguistic equivalence of the scale, content validity for expert
evaluation, correlation between items for internal consistency / reliability, and
calculation of Cronbach Alpha values, confirmatory and exploratory factor analyzes for
construct validity. In addition, pretest and posttest were performed on the sample group
consisting of 50 patients 15 days apart. IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program was used for the
statistical evaluation of the data.
Results: As a result of the expert evaluation, the content validity index of the scale is
0.82. Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) coefficient of 0.746, Chronbach alpha = 0.876 and
Barlett test result X2 = 1531.030; p = 0.000 (p <0.001). The total variance of this scale,
which was determined by factor analysis, was 63.829%. It was determined that the item
load values of 6 items in the scale were between 0,694 and 0,876. Pearson correlation
value was found to be 0,508 (p = 0,00) in the analysis performed by test repetition.
Conclusion: It is thought that the Turkish form of the Amsterdam Pre-operative Anxiety
and Knowledge Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool, it can be used in similar
studies and can be used to measure the pre-operative anxiety status in institutions
providing health care services.
Keywords:Surgery, preoperative anxiety, health care

 Special Issue


1- Bedaso A., Ayalew M. (2019). Preoperative anxiety among adult patients undergoing elective surgery: a prospective survey at a general hospital in Ethiopia. Patient safety in surgery, 13(1), 18. 2- F?nd?k Ü., Topçu S. (2012). The effect of the way of surgical intervention on preoperative anxiety level. Hacettepe University Journal of Nursing Faculty, 19 (2), 22-33. 3- Ta?demir A., Erakgun A., Deniz M. N., Çertu? A. (2013). Comparison of anxiety levels before and after surgery with state-trait anxiety inventory test in patients who were informed preoperatively. Turk J Anaesth Reanim; 41: 44-9. 4- Jlala, H. A., French, J.L., Foxall, G.L., Hardman J.G., Bedforth N.M. (2010). Effect of preoperative multimedia information on perioperative anxiety in patients undergoing procedures under regional anaesthesia. British journal of anaesthesia, 104(3), 369-374. 5- Çetinkaya F., Kavuran E., ASLAN K.S.Ü. (2019). Validity and reliability of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale in the Turkish population. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 49(1), 178-183. 6- Turzáková, J. (2014). 2 Amsterdam Preoperat?ve Anx?ety And Informat?on Scale: Val?dat?on Study. Sollár, T. et al.: Anxiety and Coping in Hospitalized Patients. Measurement Tools and Findings. Krakow: Scientia, 31-51. 7- Zeleníková R., Homzová P., Homza M., Bužgová R. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Czech version of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS). Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(5), 429-437. 8- ?im?ek Ö.F. (2007). Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling, Basic Principles and L?SREL Applications. Ankara: Equinox. p.4-22. 9- Hooper D, Coughlan J, Mullen M.R (2008).Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods.6(1): 53-60. 10- Schumacker RE,Lomax RG.(2004).Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. New Jersey: Taylor & Francis. p.1-8. 11-Waltz CF, Strcikland OL, Lenz ER. (2010). Measurement in Nursing and Health Research. New York: Springer Publishing Company. p.176-8. 12-Wang J, Wang X. (2012). StructuralEquationModeling: Applications Using Mplus: methodsandapplications. West Susex: John Wiley& Son. p.5-9. 13- Sumer, N. (2000). Structural Equation Models. Turkish Psychology Articles. No.3, P.6, 49-74. 14- Cinar F., Eti Aslan F. (2018). Measuring the compassion levels of operating room nurses: Turkish validity and reliability study. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 7 (3), 222-229. 15- Drost E. A. (2012). Validityandreliability in social science research, education research and perspectives.38(1):12-3. 16- Büyüköztürk ?. (2016). Manual of data analysis for social sciences. Ankara, Pegem Academy. 17- Büyüköztürk ?. (2016). Manual of data analysis for social sciences. Ankara, Pegem Academy. 18- Ç?nar, F., ?engül, H., Çapar, H., Çakmak, C., Bilge Y. (2018). Health News Perception: A Scale Development Study. G.O.P. Taksim E.A.H. JAREN; 4 (3): 164-171.

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1- Bedaso A., Ayalew M. (2019). Preoperative anxiety among adult patients undergoing elective surgery: a prospective survey at a general hospital in Ethiopia. Patient safety in surgery, 13(1), 18.
2- F?nd?k Ü., Topçu S. (2012). The effect of the way of surgical intervention on preoperative anxiety level. Hacettepe University Journal of Nursing Faculty, 19 (2), 22-33.
3- Ta?demir A., Erakgun A., Deniz M. N., Çertu? A. (2013). Comparison of anxiety levels before and after surgery with state-trait anxiety inventory test in patients who were informed preoperatively. Turk J Anaesth Reanim; 41: 44-9. 4- Jlala, H. A., French, J.L., Foxall, G.L., Hardman J.G., Bedforth N.M. (2010). Effect of preoperative multimedia information on perioperative anxiety in patients undergoing procedures under regional anaesthesia. British journal of anaesthesia, 104(3), 369-374.
5- Çetinkaya F., Kavuran E., ASLAN K.S.Ü. (2019). Validity and reliability of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale in the Turkish population. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 49(1), 178-183. 6- Turzáková, J. (2014). 2 Amsterdam Preoperat?ve Anx?ety And Informat?on Scale: Val?dat?on Study. Sollár, T. et al.: Anxiety and Coping in Hospitalized Patients. Measurement Tools and Findings. Krakow: Scientia, 31-51. 7- Zeleníková R., Homzová P., Homza M., Bužgová R. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Czech version of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS). Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(5), 429-437.
8- ?im?ek Ö.F. (2007). Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling, Basic Principles and L?SREL Applications. Ankara: Equinox. p.4-22.
9- Hooper D, Coughlan J, Mullen M.R (2008).Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods.6(1): 53-60.
10- Schumacker RE,Lomax RG.(2004).Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. New Jersey: Taylor & Francis. p.1-8.
11-Waltz CF, Strcikland OL, Lenz ER. (2010). Measurement in Nursing and Health Research. New York: Springer Publishing Company. p.176-8.
12-Wang J, Wang X. (2012). StructuralEquationModeling: Applications Using Mplus: methodsandapplications. West Susex: John Wiley& Son. p.5-9.
13- Sumer, N. (2000). Structural Equation Models. Turkish Psychology Articles. No.3, P.6, 49-74.
14- Cinar F., Eti Aslan F. (2018). Measuring the compassion levels of operating room nurses: Turkish validity and reliability study. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 7 (3), 222-229.
15- Drost E. A. (2012). Validityandreliability in social science research, education research and perspectives.38(1):12-3.
16- Büyüköztürk ?. (2016). Manual of data analysis for social sciences. Ankara, Pegem Academy.
17- Büyüköztürk ?. (2016). Manual of data analysis for social sciences. Ankara, Pegem Academy.
18- Ç?nar, F., ?engül, H., Çapar, H., Çakmak, C., Bilge Y. (2018). Health News Perception: A Scale Development Study. G.O.P. Taksim E.A.H. JAREN; 4 (3): 164-171.
