Seroprevalence of Tropical Fever in patients with Acute Febrile Illness in a Tertiary care centre of North India

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S. . Chitkara, D. . Chhina, V. . Gupta, and R. . Mahajan, “Seroprevalence of Tropical Fever in patients with Acute Febrile Illness in a Tertiary care centre of North India”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 04, Apr. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Background and objectives: Tropical fever cause significant illness and debilitation, primarily in developing countries. Knowledge of their local prevalence can help in effective control and treatment programs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of tropical fever in hospitalized patients and to correlate their clinical and serological profile.

Methods: A total of 6705 patients were enrolled in the study with history of acute febrile illness admitted in the hospital over a period of one year. Disease specific serological tests were performed to establish the diagnosis of tropical fevers. Serologically confirmed patients of tropical fever were studied for their clinical presentation and lab parameters.

Results: The Seroprevalence of Tropical fever was 26.3%. Dengue (17.3%) was most prevalent followed by scrub typhus and leptospirosis (2.6% and 2.2% respectively). Co-infections with dual etiologies were observed in 2.1% of cases. Tropical infections occurred most commonly during the monsoon and post monsoon months.

Conclusion: Tropical infections should be considered as important cause of acute febrile illness. Due to the overlapping clinical presentations, diagnosis must be confirmed by specific diagnostic tests. Possibility of co-infections must also be borne in mind when treating patients with acute febrile illness.

Keywords: ELISA; Clinical profile; Seroprevalence; Seasonality; Tropical fever

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