Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a crucial concept which defined as a type of extra-role behaviors that are not involved in the reward and punitive policies of the organization which contributes to help and share information, reinforce endurance, a feeling of conscience, and commendation the organization [1, 2]. It is also defined as prosocial actions that maintain the well-being of individuals, groups, or organizations[3]. Organ (1988) identified five types to this voluntary behavior which are; conscientiousness (exceeding the minimum job requirements), sportsmanship (endurance behaviors), civic virtue (participating actively and compliance with the organizational issues), courtesy (preventing work-related problems), and altruism (helping others)[4]. Williams & Anderson (1991) classify these types in different approach. Altruism and courtesy as a category of organizational citizenship behavior- individual (OCB-I) which is defined as the behavior directed towards and benefits other individuals. While sportsmanship, conscientiousness and civic virtue as a category of organizational citizenship behavior- organization (OCB-O) which is defined as behaviors directed towards and benefits the organizations[5].
Search Strategy:One step search strategy has been utilized to determine the published studies relevant to the topic reported in English language texts. It includes an extended search in various databases: Cumulative Index Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), MEDLINE, ProQuest, and google scholar.Key Search Terms:The search terms used were based on the review objectives divided into two parts to facilitate and maintain a more accurate search process.Determine Nurses' Organizational Citizenship Behavior Level: Organizational citizenship behavior, organizational citizenship behavior level, nurses, nurse, and nursing.Find out The relationship between Job Satisfaction and Nurses' OCB: Job satisfaction, work satisfaction, career satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, nurses or nurse or nursing.
The search was initiated with every keyword and was further developed by grouping and joining terms together using Boolean operators to select the best literature review. To widen or narrow the joined keywords, the researcher used Boolean operators (AND and OR) in all databases. The literature inclusion criteria included the studies that addressed organizational citizenship behavior level and the relationship between OCB and job satisfaction. Full- text papers were published between January 2015 and April 2020. The exclusion criteria for this review involved the studies explain OCB and its correlation with job satisfaction in a non- nursing field.Study selection process:A large number of studies resulted from searching in databases. Duplicate studies removed after studies were filtered, the remaining studies titles and abstracts were checked and excluded according to the inclusion criteria. Using the strategy mentioned before, the researcher initially retrieved 395 articles reviewed and selected for inclusion. Thirty-four articles were excluded due to duplicate. The remaining studies were 361, which screened for the title. The researcher eliminated 321 articles after the title and abstract screening; 20 articles were excluded after the full-text screening. After that, 20 studies were retained (two studies from MEDLINE, six studies from CINAHL, one study from ProQuest, and 11 studies from google scholar). This selection process is indicated below in Figure : PRISMA flow diagram.Each study critically appraised and using matrix review that includes the title, aim, sample, country, year, author, design, and results of the selected papers as a method for facilitating the writing and summarizing the most related studies and identifying the main themes of the literature review.
Figure 1 PRISMA Flow Diagram

Nurses' organizational citizenship behavior level:The level OCB of the employee is critical for developing organizations, while only limited studies have focused on the nursing field [16]. An Iranian study aimed to identify the correlation between emotional intelligence and OCB among 150 nurses working in critical and emergency units. The findings regard OCB level found on a high level, and the altruism dimension had the maximum mean score [17].Similar results found in two studies, one study conducted in Iran among 301 nurses, had at least one year of work experience[18]; while the other study was done in Indonesia among 175 nurses[19].Furthermore, a correlational study in Iran surveyed 250 nurses in 12 teaching hospitals to examine OCB and its relation to an ethical climate and ethical leadership. The study result indicated that the mean score for OCB among nurses was 80.75, which means they had a high level[20].Moreover, an Egyptian descriptive study aimed to explore the correlation between OCB and psychological capital for 109 staff nurses. The study was found the OCB level of staff nurses on a high level according to their perceived. The highest level was for altruism, whereas civic virtue had the lowest level[21].Additionally, two studies in Egypt revealed that more than half of nurses had a high OCB level. One of them was conducted among 310 staff nurses who had work experience at least three years, while the other surveyed 29 nurse managers and 150 staff nurses[22, 23].Nevertheless, only 10% of the 250 nurses had a high OCB level, whereas near to half had a low level in a descriptive correlational study in Egypt[24].On the other side, a study in South Korea used the cross-sectional design to determine the level of OCB for 219 nurses from two teaching hospitals. The OCB score was higher than the average rate[25]. Similar results found in a correlational study conducted in Iran among 201 nurses [26].
Likewise, a descriptive study was conducted in Iran examined 373 nurses working in 15 governmental hospitals. The results found that the five subscales of OCB achieved higher than average rate, and the conscientiousness subscale had the highest level[27].
Moreover, a study in Iran collected the data from 214 nurses working in the largest teaching hospital. According to the findings, the nurses expressed a medium level, the behaviors of altruism and conscientiousness were found on a high level while the civic virtue, courtesy,
The previous studies demonstrated many strategies to enhance OCB among nurses. Tofighi and her colleagues declared that the managers in healthcare facilities need to establish organized and functional policies and procedures that deal with emotional intelligence [17]. Nursing manager should coach their staff to be aware of their personal emotions and for those of others as well as manage them professionally[32]. Furthermore, other studies displayed that the nurse’s leaders have to be focus on improving organizational identification , maintain organizational justice, considered opportunities to participate in decision-making and periodic evaluation of citizenship behavior required[16, 24, 26]. Finally , two studies suggested the nursing education program to be concentrate on leadership style workshops and provide periodic counseling and courses regard OCB to staff nurses[18, 20].
The relationship between job satisfaction and nurses’ organizational citizenship behavior:A few studies discussed the relationship between those two variables in nursing profession. A cross-sectional descriptive correlational predictive study in the United States analyzed the correlation between job satisfaction and OCB among 206 nurse staff, the nurse managers, and the nurse administrators. The result indicated that no relation between job satisfaction and OCB [33]. A similar result was found in a correlational study that surveyed 373 nurses in 15 public hospitals in Iran[27].In line with the previous studies, a descriptive study was conducted in Iran which revealed that job satisfaction not had direct influence on OCB as well as it does not mediate the a association between OCB and organizational justice [26].In contrast, another study from Iran was carried out to identify the correlation between job satisfaction and OCB for 270 staff nurses of social security hospitals. The results revealed that job satisfaction positively affects OCB [34].A study was conducted in Indonesia and analyzed data from 292 nurses from three private hospitals to assess the direct influence of job satisfaction against OCB and the indirect influence of spiritual leadership on OCB across job satisfaction. The findings of the studyclarified that job satisfaction had significant direct influences on OCB and a significant indirect influence on the correlation between OCB and spiritual leadership [35].Finally, a study was implemented among 100 Indonesian nurses. This study reported that job satisfaction effect positively on the OCB level for nurses. Add to that, this study was found the perceptions of nurses toward the reward system influenced their OCB level by job satisfaction[36].
The review results concluded that most of the studies found that nurses had a high-level regard OCB. All studies used self-report questionnaires, which could affect the accuracy of the results. So, the evaluation of nurses' OCB by their managers and conducted observational studies could be required. However, the result of studies regards the relationship between job satisfaction and OCB were ambivalent. This result may be due to a dearth in nursing researches that highlighted the influence of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, further investigations are needed in this field.Conflicts of interest: The author displayed no conflicts of interest.Funding: No funding availed to conduct this review.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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