THE IMPACT OF BANANA CONSUMPTION ON THE LOWER EXTREMITY MUSCLE RESISTANCE (A Case Study from Male Student of Medicine Faculty, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani)

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Daswara, T. A. . Anwar, and F. D. . Sutisna, “THE IMPACT OF BANANA CONSUMPTION ON THE LOWER EXTREMITY MUSCLE RESISTANCE (A Case Study from Male Student of Medicine Faculty, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani)”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 2020.
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Increasing the endurance performance of the lower limb muscles can not only be helped by the type and method of exercise, but consumption of the right nutrition. Bananas are one of the nutrients with a source of carbohydrates, sugar and the mineral potassium which can help the process of muscles to contract during exercise.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving bananas on lower limb muscle endurance. And also, what is the proper mechanism for banana consumption to increase muscle endurance in the lower extremities. This research method is a quasi experimental method, with a pre-test and post-test design. Subjects were taken through probability sampling techniques with simple random sampling method. Subjects filled out a list of questions and agreement sheets, then in the pre-test, the subject pedalled an ergometer until the research subject was unable to continue the test or reached a maximum heart rate. The post-test was continued two days later by being given a banana one hour before the test and then pedalling an ergometer bicycle until it reached the same limit as the pre-test. The research results were analysed using the t test.

There is a significant effect by bananas consumption on the endurance of lower extremity muscles. This shows that giving bananas is very beneficial for individuals who will do sports so that they can increase their endurance.

Consuming 2 bananas before doing activities, especially before exercising, can increase the endurance of lower limb muscles and physical fitness, except for people with kidney disease. The right time to consume bananas is 60 minutes before exercising. This consumption can be done again if you want to continue sports or other activities after experiencing fatigue.

Further research is needed by measuring potassium levels in the body which affect the results of giving bananas on muscle endurance so that the results obtained are more objective. In addition, for further research, there is a need for a uniform cycling technique, especially the pedaling position with the bicycle ergometer test when measuring the endurance of the muscles of the lower extremities so as not to affect the results of the study.

Keywords : Lower limb muscle endurance, Banana Consumption.

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