A Study Of Cardiac Profile In Organophosphate Poisoning

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D. N. R. T. D. N. V. T. Dr. S G Jayaraj, Dr. Ayisha Nawaz, Dr. Sreedevi. T, “A Study Of Cardiac Profile In Organophosphate Poisoning”, ijmhs, vol. 7, no. 2, Mar. 2017.
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Aims and Objectives To study the cardiac profile of organophosphate compound poisoning.

Method About 100 cases of organophosphate poisoning admitted over a period of 1 year in SS Institute of Medical Sciences were studied. ECG was carried out daily on all patients during their stay. Chest x ray and estimation of serum electrolytes were done routinely on admission. Cardiac enzyme estimation was done if ECG showed significant changes along with echocardiography. As there was no method available for estimation of organophosphate compound, blood pseudo cholinesterase levels were estimated.

Results: Males were predominant (86%) with 26-35 year age group being more common. Majority of them did not have ECG (57%) changes, with 4% had pulmonary oedema and 5% hypotension, 4% hypertension and out of 7 patients who underwent 2D Echo , 2 of them had Acute Myocardial Infarction Cardiac changes on ECG were seen more commonly among patients having very low pseudocholine esterase levels (60.9%). This association was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).

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