A cross-sectional study of stress among junior college students in a rural area of Sangli district of Maharashtra, India.

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V. B. Waghachavare, V. M. Chavan, G. B. Dhumale, and A. D. Gore, “ India”., ijmhs, vol. 3, no. 6, Dec. 2013.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Objectives: Higher secondary school certificate examination is considered to be one of the most important year in an academic career. Excessive Stress during this year could results in increased prevalence of psychological problems like depression and anxiety. This could ultimately have negative impact on the outcome of the achievements. The objective of the current study is, to assess the stress and its association with various academic factors among students of higher secondary school from a rural area in Sangli district of Maharashtra, India. Materials and Methods:  It is cross-sectional study, conducted among the students of a randomly selected higher secondary school from the rural area in Sangli district of Maharashtra, India. Sampling technique used in the study was stratified random sampling and calculated sample size. The study was conducted during September 2012 to February 2013. A pretested self administered questionnaire was used for the data collection. Analysis was done using percentage, chi-square test. Results: Among the 396 students participated in the study, 118 (30.2%) were positive for stress. Stress was observed in 69 (38.1%) female students and 49 (23.3%) male students; the association with gender was statistically significant. Association between stress and stream of education was not observed. Stress was significantly associated with depression and perceived academic stressors. Conclusion: Students from all the three fields are exposed to stress.  Academic stress is an important factor in development of stress. Introduction of stress management education in the curriculum can prove useful in dealing with the problem.  

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1. Bansal CP, Bhave SY. Stress in Adolescents and Its Management. In: Bhave SY, editor. Bhave’s Textbook of Adolescent Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2006. p.844-53. 2. Arria AM, O’Grady KE, Caldeira KM, Vincent KB, Wilcox HC, Wish ED. Suicide ideation among college students: A multivariate analysis. Arch Suicide Res [Internet]. 2009 [cited on 2013, May 4];13:230-46. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709750/. 3. Rosa MC, Preethi C. Academic Stress and Emotional Maturity among Higher Secondary School Students of Working and Non Working Mothers. IJBAR [Internet] 2012[Cited on 2013, May 4];1:40-3. Available online: http://ijbar.impactfactor.org/PDF/Vol1/Issue3/IJBAR,Vol1,Issue3,Article1.pdf. 4. Viner RM, Ozer EM, Denny S, Marmot M, Resnick M, Fatusi A,et al. Adolescence and the social determinants of health. Lancet 2012;379:1641-52. 5. Augustine LF, Vazir S, Rao SF, Rao MVV, Laxmaiah A, Nair MK. Perceived stress, life events & coping among higher secondary students of Hyderabad, India: A pilot study. Indian J Med Res. 2011;134:61–8. 6. Lovibond SH, Lovibond PF. Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. 2nd Ed. Sydney: Psychology Foundation, 1995. 7. Yusoff MSB, Hamid AHA, Rosli NR, Zakaria NA, Rameli NAC, Abdul Rahman NS, et.al. Prevalence of stress, stressors and coping strategies among secondary school students in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Int J Stud Res 2011;1:23-8. 8. Sahoo S, Kher CR. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among young male adults in India: a dimensional and categorical diagnoses-based study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2010;198:901-4. 9. Al-Gelban KS. Depression, anxiety and stress among Saudi adolescent school boys. J R Soc Promot Health. 2007;127:33-7. 10. Bayram N, Bilgel N. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlations of depression, anxiety and stress among a group of university students. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2008;43:667-72.

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1. Bansal CP, Bhave SY. Stress in Adolescents and Its Management. In: Bhave SY, editor. Bhave’s Textbook of Adolescent Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2006. p.844-53.

2. Arria AM, O’Grady KE, Caldeira KM, Vincent KB, Wilcox HC, Wish ED. Suicide ideation among college students: A multivariate analysis. Arch Suicide Res [Internet]. 2009 [cited on 2013, May 4];13:230-46. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709750/.

3. Rosa MC, Preethi C. Academic Stress and Emotional Maturity among Higher Secondary School Students of Working and Non Working Mothers. IJBAR [Internet] 2012[Cited on 2013, May 4];1:40-3. Available online: http://ijbar.impactfactor.org/PDF/Vol1/Issue3/IJBAR,Vol1,Issue3,Article1.pdf.

4. Viner RM, Ozer EM, Denny S, Marmot M, Resnick M, Fatusi A,et al. Adolescence and the social determinants of health. Lancet 2012;379:1641-52.

5. Augustine LF, Vazir S, Rao SF, Rao MVV, Laxmaiah A, Nair MK. Perceived stress, life events & coping among higher secondary students of Hyderabad, India: A pilot study. Indian J Med Res. 2011;134:61–8.

6. Lovibond SH, Lovibond PF. Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. 2nd Ed. Sydney: Psychology Foundation, 1995.

7. Yusoff MSB, Hamid AHA, Rosli NR, Zakaria NA, Rameli NAC, Abdul Rahman NS, et.al. Prevalence of stress, stressors and coping strategies among secondary school students in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Int J Stud Res 2011;1:23-8.

8. Sahoo S, Kher CR. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among young male adults in India: a dimensional and categorical diagnoses-based study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2010;198:901-4.

9. Al-Gelban KS. Depression, anxiety and stress among Saudi adolescent school boys. J R Soc Promot Health. 2007;127:33-7.

10. Bayram N, Bilgel N. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlations of depression, anxiety and stress among a group of university students. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2008;43:667-72.


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