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A. Shetty and S. Shetty, “THE CORRELATION OF INFANT MORTALITY RATE AND SEX RATIOS IN INDIAN STATES”, ijmhs, vol. 4, no. 2, Apr. 2014.
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Background: Infant mortality rate and sex ratio are invaluable health and socioeconomic indicators. There have been considerable gains in both indices. However the gains are not uniform and consistent. Aims: To determine if the change in infant mortality rate has positively influenced the sex ratio and to study the regional variations of these parameters. Materials and Methods: Sex ratio and infant mortality rate data from the past 4 censuses from 1981 to 2011 on 24 states were collated and analyzed. Results: There is a significant regional variation among the states and ranges from a sex ratio of 1084 for Kerala and 868 for Delhi. The infant mortality rate ranges from 11 for Goa and Manipur and 59 for Madhya Pradesh. States which have a low IMR do not necessarily have a better balanced sex ratio. Conclusion: There is significant regional variation in these parameters and the gains of a falling IMR are not equitably distributed. 

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1. Marian F. MacDorman MF, Mathews TJ. Recent Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States. National Center for Health Statistics brief no 9 2008. US Department of and Human Services.2008:1-8. 2. Joshi A, Tiwari N. Sex ratio in India – embarrassing to be honest. Curr Sci India 2011; 101:1006-8. 3. Singh JP. Socio-cultural Aspects of the High Masculinity Ratio in India. J Asian Afr Stud 2010; 45:628-44. 4. Griffiths P, Mathews Z, Hinde A. Understanding the sex ratio in India: A simulation approach. Demography 2000; 37:477-88. 5. Chaudhari S. Female Infant Mortality Disadvantage in India: A Regional Analysis. Rev Radic Polit Econ 2012; 44:321-6. 6. State-wise Infant Mortality in India. Office of the Registrar General of India. 2003: 113. Available from: 7. Rajan SI, Nair PM, Sheela KL, Jagatdeb L, Mishra NR. Infant and Child Mortality in India. Population Foundation of India. 2008:4-5. 8. State-wise Infant Mortality in India. Office of the Registrar General of India.2012. Available from: 9. Databook for the use of the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of India. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. May 2011 p.123. 10. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. Available from 11. Bhaskar V, Gupta B. India's missing girls: biology, customs, and economic development. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2007; 23:221-38. 12. Sudha S, Rajan SI. Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981–1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide. Dev Change 1999; 30:585-618. 13. Bose S, Trent K. Socio-demographic determinants of abortion in India: A North-South comparison. J Biosoc Sci 2006; 38:261-282. 14. Dyson T, Moore M. On Kinship Structure, Female Autonomy, and Demographic Behavior in India. Popul Dev Rev 1983; 9:35-60. 15. Arnold F, Kishor S, Roy TK. Sex-Selective Abortions in India. Popul Dev Rev 2002; 28:759-85. 16. Richmond J. Excess Female Mortality in India: The Case of Himachal Pradesh. Am J Public Health 2000; 90:1369-71. 17. Gupta MD, Zhenghua J, Bohua L, Zhenming X, Chung W, Hwa-Ok B. Why is Son preference so persistent in East and South Asia? a cross-country study of China, India and the Republic of Korea. J Dev Stud 2003; 40:153-87. 18. Arnold F, Choe MJ, Roy TK. Son Preference, the Family-building Process and Child Mortality in India. Pop Stud-J Demog 1998; 52:301-15. 19. Jayachandran S, Kuziemko I. Why Do Mothers Breastfeed Girls Less than Boys? Evidence and Implications for Child Health in India. Q J Econ 2011; 126:1485-1538. 20. Ramakrishnan S, Khera R, Jain S, Saxena A, Kailash S, Karthikeyan G, et al. Gender differences in the utilization of surgery for congenital heart disease in India. Heart 2011; 97:1920-25.

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1. Marian F. MacDorman MF, Mathews TJ. Recent Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States. National Center for Health Statistics brief no 9 2008. US Department of and Human Services.2008:1-8.
2. Joshi A, Tiwari N. Sex ratio in India – embarrassing to be honest. Curr Sci India 2011; 101:1006-8.
3. Singh JP. Socio-cultural Aspects of the High Masculinity Ratio in India. J Asian Afr Stud 2010; 45:628-44.
4. Griffiths P, Mathews Z, Hinde A. Understanding the sex ratio in India: A simulation approach. Demography 2000; 37:477-88.
5. Chaudhari S. Female Infant Mortality Disadvantage in India: A Regional Analysis. Rev Radic Polit Econ 2012; 44:321-6.
6. State-wise Infant Mortality in India. Office of the Registrar General of India. 2003: 113. Available from:
7. Rajan SI, Nair PM, Sheela KL, Jagatdeb L, Mishra NR. Infant and Child Mortality in India. Population Foundation of India. 2008:4-5.
8. State-wise Infant Mortality in India. Office of the Registrar General of India.2012. Available from:
9. Databook for the use of the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of India. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. May 2011 p.123.
10. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. Available from
11. Bhaskar V, Gupta B. India's missing girls: biology, customs, and economic development. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2007; 23:221-38.
12. Sudha S, Rajan SI. Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981–1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide. Dev Change 1999; 30:585-618.
13. Bose S, Trent K. Socio-demographic determinants of abortion in India: A North-South comparison. J Biosoc Sci 2006; 38:261-282.
14. Dyson T, Moore M. On Kinship Structure, Female Autonomy, and Demographic Behavior in India. Popul Dev Rev 1983; 9:35-60.
15. Arnold F, Kishor S, Roy TK. Sex-Selective Abortions in India. Popul Dev Rev 2002; 28:759-85.
16. Richmond J. Excess Female Mortality in India: The Case of Himachal Pradesh. Am J Public Health 2000; 90:1369-71.
17. Gupta MD, Zhenghua J, Bohua L, Zhenming X, Chung W, Hwa-Ok B. Why is Son preference so persistent in East and South Asia? a cross-country study of China, India and the Republic of Korea. J Dev Stud 2003; 40:153-87.
18. Arnold F, Choe MJ, Roy TK. Son Preference, the Family-building Process and Child Mortality in India. Pop Stud-J Demog 1998; 52:301-15.
19. Jayachandran S, Kuziemko I. Why Do Mothers Breastfeed Girls Less than Boys? Evidence and Implications for Child Health in India. Q J Econ 2011; 126:1485-1538.
20. Ramakrishnan S, Khera R, Jain S, Saxena A, Kailash S, Karthikeyan G, et al. Gender differences in the utilization of surgery for congenital heart disease in India. Heart 2011; 97:1920-25.


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