Perception of Parents of Hospitalized High – Risk Infants over NICU

  • Chiejina N E
  • Ebenebe C R
Cite this:
C. N. E and E. C. R, “Perception of Parents of Hospitalized High – Risk Infants over NICU”, ijmhs, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 115–119, Jul. 2014.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The study evaluated how parents of hospitalized high-risk infants perceive Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). A sample of 216 parents whose infants were hospitalized in the NICU of two Teaching hospitals in the South – East Zone of Nigeria was used for the study. One research question and four null hypotheses guided the study. Questionnaires on NICU Parental Stress Scale were administered to the parents. A parent – infant demographic sheet was also used to collect data on the parents and their infants’ characteristics. Mean score, standard deviation and Spearman Rank correlation co-efficient (rho) were used to answer the research question while Mann – Whitney U, Wilcoxon and Chi-square tests were adopted in testing the null hypotheses at 0.01 level of significance. The result revealed significant correlation between parental stress for NICU sights and sounds and parental role alteration. Also parental stress for NICU staff behaviour, and the sights and sounds significantly differ with regard to the number of children born by the parents and the sex of the parents. In addition, coping measures reported by the parents were observed to significantly differ among the married and single parents.

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