Vol. 10 No. 11 (2020): Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science
Can an oral supplement with Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, improve post-surgery quality of recovery? Survey among adult and children to identify potential benefit
Alessandro Maselli Del Giudice*, Francesco Barbara, Francesco Cariti, Salvatore Dadduzio, Valentina De Robertis, Silvana Ciccarone, Michele BarbaraOnline First: Nov 7, 2020
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Can an oral supplement with Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, improve post-surgery quality of recovery? Survey among adult and children to identify potential benefit
Oral supplements have known abilities to stimulate immune-answer. In addition, some molecules, such as those extracted from Sambucus nigra, have a strong antibacterial and antiviral capacity. For these reasons, oral supplementation is used to improve the immune system. In this study we aim to investigate how an oral supplement with multi-element can support the recovery of patients who underwent surgery. To this aim we separately analyzed a sample of 130 patients under 17 years and 130 adults. All patients were treated by antibiotic therapy and assigned to group 1, 2, 3 or control (subgroups) based on the treatment with oral supplement performed. Each group followed a specific treatment by nutraceuticals (Difensil Immuno and/or Vitamin D). The health condition of the patients was investigated by looking at their blood test and using a validated questionnaire. All patients who underwent oral supplementation showed a higher percentage of positive answers to the questionnaire than control groups. Based on the results, our study shows that oral supplementation with selected and specific elements like Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, can be a valid support to immune system, after surgery both in adults and children.
Keywords: surgery; oral supplement; Sambucus nigra; Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus; quality of life.
Can an oral supplement with Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, improve post-surgery quality of recovery? Survey among adult and children to identify potential benefit
Oral supplements have known abilities to stimulate immune-answer. In addition, some molecules, such as those extracted from Sambucus nigra, have a strong antibacterial and antiviral capacity. For these reasons, oral supplementation is used to improve the immune system. In this study we aim to investigate how an oral supplement with multi-element can support the recovery of patients who underwent surgery. To this aim we separately analyzed a sample of 130 patients under 17 years and 130 adults. All patients were treated by antibiotic therapy and assigned to group 1, 2, 3 or control (subgroups) based on the treatment with oral supplement performed. Each group followed a specific treatment by nutraceuticals (Difensil Immuno and/or Vitamin D). The health condition of the patients was investigated by looking at their blood test and using a validated questionnaire. All patients who underwent oral supplementation showed a higher percentage of positive answers to the questionnaire than control groups. Based on the results, our study shows that oral supplementation with selected and specific elements like Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, can be a valid support to immune system, after surgery both in adults and children.
Keywords: surgery; oral supplement; Sambucus nigra; Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus; quality of life.
Can an oral supplement with Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, improve post-surgery quality of recovery? Survey among adult and children to identify potential benefit
Oral supplements have known abilities to stimulate immune-answer. In addition, some molecules, such as those extracted from Sambucus nigra, have a strong antibacterial and antiviral capacity. For these reasons, oral supplementation is used to improve the immune system. In this study we aim to investigate how an oral supplement with multi-element can support the recovery of patients who underwent surgery. To this aim we separately analyzed a sample of 130 patients under 17 years and 130 adults. All patients were treated by antibiotic therapy and assigned to group 1, 2, 3 or control (subgroups) based on the treatment with oral supplement performed. Each group followed a specific treatment by nutraceuticals (Difensil Immuno and/or Vitamin D). The health condition of the patients was investigated by looking at their blood test and using a validated questionnaire. All patients who underwent oral supplementation showed a higher percentage of positive answers to the questionnaire than control groups. Based on the results, our study shows that oral supplementation with selected and specific elements like Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C, can be a valid support to immune system, after surgery both in adults and children.
Keywords: surgery; oral supplement; Sambucus nigra; Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus; quality of life.
Role of Aerosolized Trichloroisocyanuricacid (TCCA) in the treatment of COVID-19
`Shailendra K. Jain, Megha JainOnline First: Nov 7, 2020
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Role of Aerosolized Trichloroisocyanuricacid (TCCA) in the treatment of COVID-19
The nebulization with aerosolized Trichloroisocyanuricacid in COVID-19 patients promotes early recovery and halts the
progression of the cytokine storm.
In 2019, novel beta coronavirus, also known as 1SARS CoV- 2i, emerged in Wuhan city of China.ii It is highly contagious and
can have profound implications, especially in people with pre-existing co-morbidities. In March 2020, 2COVID-19 pandemic
was declared, and it has affected millions of lives until now. SARS CoV-2 is an RNA virus which enters the human cells
through the Angiotensin-converting enzyme two receptorsiii (ACE 2-Receptor) and multiplies using the RNA dependent RNA
polymerase. The mean incubation period is 4-5 daysiv , and the ones who will become symptomatic will have symptoms by 12
days. However, the majority of patients remain asymptomatic or experience only mild forms of the disease. The infected person
starts shedding the virus one to three days before the onset of symptomsv, but the duration of the viral shedding remains unclear.
The patient presents with a high viral load in the nasopharyngeal swab just before and soon after the onset of symptoms, which
fall over the next week. The viral particles are released as droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, which spread up
to a few meters and remains viable on the inanimate objectsvi for variable periods. Therefore, maintaining a distance of at least 2
meters, frequent cleansing of the surfaces and hand sanitization significantly contains the spread of the virusvii. The detection of
viral RNA through the Polymerase Chain Reaction performed on the nasopharyngeal swab confirms the diagnosisviii. The
patient experiencing a mild form of the disease have a fever, sore throat, myalgias and malaise. They can also develop anorexia,
nausea, diarrhoea, ageusia and anosmiaix. Some patients report Shortness of breath 5 to 8 days after the symptom onset, which is
a predictor of worsening diseasex. The patients with age > 65, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, diabetes and obesity are at
more risk of developing complications. The other potential risk factors are immunodeficiency, infection with HIV, chronic
kidney disease and chronic liver diseasexi. The severity of clinical presentation outlines the management. Patients with mild
disease generally do not require additional evaluation as infection will spontaneously resolve with minimal supportive care and
isolation. However, some of these patients may deteriorate and develop dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia and abnormal lung
findings and need hospitalization.
Chlorination has been the conventional method for water and surface disinfection since the 1800s as it is practical, accessible and
economical. Despite the use of Trichloroisocyanuricacid (TCCA) as a water disinfectant, there is no study in the literature showing
its efficacy against SARSCoV2 using nebulization. Our principal aim is to identify if the benefits of aerosolized TCCA
disinfectant can be extrapolated to eradicate the SARS CoV-2 virus from the respiratory tract and if it might help curb the
transmission of the virus to other people. We observed in a small group of symptomatic patients if they exhibit faster
recovery/resolution of symptoms and decrease in viral load as confirmed with RT-PCR on a nasopharyngeal swab, when
commenced on the aerosolized (TCCA) in addition to the recommended standard of care as outlined by 3WHO xiiand 4MOHFW,
Indiaxiii xiv. These patients were either RT-PCR5 positive for SARS CoV2 or had CT findings highly suggestive of coronavirus
disease. Since chlorine inhalation can be toxic at higher concentrations, we administered a minimal concentration of 1-2 ppm to
see if the disinfectant properties can be productive while avoiding airway injury. We hypothesize that the nebulization with
aerosolized Trichloroisocyanuricacid in COVID-19 patients promotes early resolution of symptoms and prevents or halts the
progression of an aggressive cytokine storm, which is the leading cause of complications in these patients. However, this
hypothesis needs corroboration with a more intense double-blinded randomized clinical trial.
Assessment of medication adherence in patients at high risk of cardiovascular diseases
P. R. Pal, Rakesh Kumar Jat, Pooja Rajesh PalOnline First: Nov 7, 2020
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Assessment of medication adherence in patients at high risk of cardiovascular diseases
BACKGROUND: Adherence to chronic pharmacotherapy is poor. Medication adherence is an important health issue. To better understand its relevance among vulnerable populations requires the availability of a valid, reliable and practical measurement approach. Researchers have proposed various competing methods, including pill counts and self-report measures. Medication adherence has been defined as the extent to which patients take medications as prescribed by their healthcare providers. Poor medication adherence diminishes the health benefits of pharmacotherapy. Elderly patients with coronary risk factors frequently require treatment with multiple medications, placing them at increased risk for nonadherence. OBJECTIVES: To test the efficacy of a comprehensive pharmacy care program to improve Medication adherence and its associated effects on blood pressure (BP) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). METHODS: Prospective, Observational cohort study, in this study improvement in medication adherence & its associated effects on the patients before & after pharmacist involvement (intervention) was observed. Pharmacy records are reviewed, medication adherence was measured by proportion of days covered. PDC<80% was classified as poor adherence.( New York Heart Association )Group A- Hypertension (Usual group),Group B-Hyperlipidemia Intervention group (Pharmacist involvement) After a 2-month run-in phase (measurement of baseline adherence, BP, and LDL-C), patients entered a 6-month intervention phase (standardized medication education, regular follow-up by pharmacists, and medications dispensed in time specific packs). Following the intervention phase, patients were randomized to continued pharmacy care vs usual care for an additional 6 months. RESULTS: A total of 200 elderly patients with maximum lying in the age group 60-70 years, taking more than four chronic medications were enrolled. Coronary risk factors included drug-treated hypertension in102 patients (91.5%) and drug-treated hyperlipidemia in 99 patients (80.6%). Baseline medication adherence was 61.33% in usual care group and 70.44%.After 6 months of intervention, medication adherence increased to 72.22% in usual care and78.86% in pharmacy care group and was associated with significant improvements in BP and LDL-C . Two months after randomization, the persistence of medication adherence decreased to69.1%among those patients assigned to usual care, whereas it was sustained at 85.66% in pharmacy care. This was associated with significant reductions in systolic BP in the pharmacy care group vs the usual care group, but no significant between group differences in LDL-C levels or reductions. Conclusions: A pharmacy care program led to increases in medication adherence, medication persistence, and clinically meaningful reductions in BP and LDL level whereas discontinuation of the program was associated with decreased medication adherence and persistence.
Key Words: S
Determinants of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) medication among HIV infected patients: A snapshot study at ART Centre, Odisha
Swetaleena Ashe, Dipanweeta Routray, Suchismita MohapatraOnline First: Nov 20, 2020
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Determinants of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) medication among HIV infected patients: A snapshot study at ART Centre, Odisha
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has now transformed HIV pandemic from “virtual death sentence” to a “chronic manageable disease”. An adherence rate of 95% to ART decreases viral suppression to nearly 78% and is thus ear marked as an optimum therapy for viral suppression. The objectives are to estimate the level and associated factors of adherence (with respect to the five WHO dimensions) to ART among HIV positive patients.
It was a cross-sectional study carried out at the ART center of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Simple random sampling was done from the new enrollment list of the previous 6 months. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed by a pre-designed semi structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.
Majority of the participants (55.1%) aged 26 to 40 years and 57% of them were found to be adherent. Patients aged more than 40 years (OR 11.55), distance < 100 kms from the ART Centre (OR 2.75), dissatisfied with family support (OR 3.42), and those with decreased CD4 count from the previous count (OR 6.56) were found to be highly significantly associated with the probability of being adherent to ART.
Adherence to ART was found among 57% among the study subjects. Elderly patients residing nearer to service delivery centre and those at higher risk of morbidity due to lower CD4 count were found to be some of the major determinants of adherence to ART. Link ART centres and LAC Plus Centres with community level awareness programs are recommended.
Determinants of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) medication among HIV infected patients: A snapshot study at ART Centre, Odisha
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has now transformed HIV pandemic from “virtual death sentence” to a “chronic manageable disease”. An adherence rate of 95% to ART decreases viral suppression to nearly 78% and is thus ear marked as an optimum therapy for viral suppression. The objectives are to estimate the level and associated factors of adherence (with respect to the five WHO dimensions) to ART among HIV positive patients.
It was a cross-sectional study carried out at the ART center of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Simple random sampling was done from the new enrollment list of the previous 6 months. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed by a pre-designed semi structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.
Majority of the participants (55.1%) aged 26 to 40 years and 57% of them were found to be adherent. Patients aged more than 40 years (OR 11.55), distance < 100 kms from the ART Centre (OR 2.75), dissatisfied with family support (OR 3.42), and those with decreased CD4 count from the previous count (OR 6.56) were found to be highly significantly associated with the probability of being adherent to ART.
Adherence to ART was found among 57% among the study subjects. Elderly patients residing nearer to service delivery centre and those at higher risk of morbidity due to lower CD4 count were found to be some of the major determinants of adherence to ART. Link ART centres and LAC Plus Centres with community level awareness programs are recommended.
Determinants of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) medication among HIV infected patients: A snapshot study at ART Centre, Odisha
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has now transformed HIV pandemic from “virtual death sentence” to a “chronic manageable disease”. An adherence rate of 95% to ART decreases viral suppression to nearly 78% and is thus ear marked as an optimum therapy for viral suppression. The objectives are to estimate the level and associated factors of adherence (with respect to the five WHO dimensions) to ART among HIV positive patients.
It was a cross-sectional study carried out at the ART center of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Simple random sampling was done from the new enrollment list of the previous 6 months. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed by a pre-designed semi structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.
Majority of the participants (55.1%) aged 26 to 40 years and 57% of them were found to be adherent. Patients aged more than 40 years (OR 11.55), distance < 100 kms from the ART Centre (OR 2.75), dissatisfied with family support (OR 3.42), and those with decreased CD4 count from the previous count (OR 6.56) were found to be highly significantly associated with the probability of being adherent to ART.
Adherence to ART was found among 57% among the study subjects. Elderly patients residing nearer to service delivery centre and those at higher risk of morbidity due to lower CD4 count were found to be some of the major determinants of adherence to ART. Link ART centres and LAC Plus Centres with community level awareness programs are recommended.
Determinants of Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) medication among HIV infected patients: A snapshot study at ART Centre, Odisha
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has now transformed HIV pandemic from “virtual death sentence” to a “chronic manageable disease”. An adherence rate of 95% to ART decreases viral suppression to nearly 78% and is thus ear marked as an optimum therapy for viral suppression. The objectives are to estimate the level and associated factors of adherence (with respect to the five WHO dimensions) to ART among HIV positive patients.
It was a cross-sectional study carried out at the ART center of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Simple random sampling was done from the new enrollment list of the previous 6 months. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed by a pre-designed semi structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.
Majority of the participants (55.1%) aged 26 to 40 years and 57% of them were found to be adherent. Patients aged more than 40 years (OR 11.55), distance < 100 kms from the ART Centre (OR 2.75), dissatisfied with family support (OR 3.42), and those with decreased CD4 count from the previous count (OR 6.56) were found to be highly significantly associated with the probability of being adherent to ART.
Adherence to ART was found among 57% among the study subjects. Elderly patients residing nearer to service delivery centre and those at higher risk of morbidity due to lower CD4 count were found to be some of the major determinants of adherence to ART. Link ART centres and LAC Plus Centres with community level awareness programs are recommended.
Interpretation of Prostatic Biopsy at a tertiary care centre
Ruchi Agrawal, Alpana Jain, Alok Kumar Goyal, Nandita Mehta, Neha GuptaOnline First: Nov 21, 2020
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Interpretation of Prostatic Biopsy at a tertiary care centre
Introduction: Worldwide prostatic carcinoma is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death in males. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination, and transrectal ultrasound are the tools most commonly used to screen for prostate cancer. Prostatic biopsy is most often preceded by abnormalities found on digital rectal examination (DRE) or serum prostate specific antigen (S.PSA) elevation. This study was planned to know proportion of malignant and benign lesions in histopathologic examination for prostatic lesions in patient who attend OPD/IPD and to analyze the usefulness of serum PSA & ultrasound examination by histopathological confirmation.
Methods: Patients visited to urology department with urinary incontinence and other complaints were evaluated which includes clinical history, signs and symptoms. Rectal examination of patients was done. Serum PSA level and prostatic biopsy were sent of those who were suspected for prostatic disease. Prostate biopsy was obtained by using any one of the following method 1.Transurethral resection biopsy 2. Transrectal biopsy Trucut biopsy.
Results: Out of 300 cases of prostatic biopsy 265 (88.33%) are benign and 35 (11.66%) cases are malignant lesions. Out of 300 cases, 191 (63.66%) are pure benign prostatic hyperplasia, 48(16%) are BPH with chronic prostatitis and 11(3.66%) are BPH with severe prostatitis. Out of 35 cases of prostatic carcinoma 33 (94.28%) cases are adenocarcinoma and 2 cases (5.71%) are transitional cell carcinoma. Out of 262 cases with clinically benign lesions, 258 cases proved benign histopathologically but 4 cases (1.52%) are diagnose malignant. 151 patients have S.PSA less than 4 ng/ml, out of 151, 149 turned to be benign on histopathological examination. 52 patient have S.PSA above 10 ng/ml, out of these 52 cases, 29 have malignancy in HPE examination. Out of 278 cases diagnosed as benign isoechoic by ultra sonography 262 cases have benign lesion on histologic diagnosis and 16 have malignant lesion. Out of 22 cases diagnosed as malignant (hypoechoic asymmetrical) by ultrasonographicaly 19 proved malignant histologically.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that transrectal ultrasound, serum prostate specific antigen and digital rectal examination were good tool to differentiate between malignant and benign lesions of prostate. Proportion of malignancies are quiet significant in prostatic lesions and increased with age.
Key words: Prostae, Malignancy, Biopsy, PSA, DRE
A Prospective Study of Blunt Trauma Abdomen in Pediatric Patients – Our Institutional Experience
Prameshwar Lal, Ajay Kumar, Mohan Lal, Rahul Gupta, Gurudatt Raipuria, Dinesh Kumar Barolia, Aditya Pratap Singh, Arun Kumar GuptaOnline First: Nov 26, 2020
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A Prospective Study of Blunt Trauma Abdomen in Pediatric Patients – Our Institutional Experience
Background – Blunt trauma abdomen is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in pediatric patients because of their peculiar body habitus and immature musculoskeletal system. We aimed to study clinical presentations and outcome analysis of blunt trauma abdomen in children.
Method - A prospective observational study from 16 October 2018 to 15 April 2020, carried out in our tertiary care teaching institute.
Results – A total of 121 patients of less than 16 year age were included in this study. Male to female ratio was 4.26: 1. Most common age group was 6 – 12 years. Most common mode of injury was RTA (41.32%) followed by fall from height (27.27%). Liver was most commonly involved solid organ in our study (25.61 %). One hundred five patients (86.77%) were managed successfully with conservative management. Surgery was done 16 (13.22%) patients. Out of these 16 patients emergency surgery was done in 14 patients (11.57%). While 2 (1.65%) patients were planned for conservative treatment but ultimately they required surgery.
Conclusion- Conservative treatment is an effective management modality in majority of pediatric blunt trauma abdomen patients without bowel perforation.
Key Words: - Blunt trauma abdomen, Liver injury, Bowel injury, BTA, RTA.
The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient –A case report of first clinical experience
Shiva Chackan, Shariful Islam*, Trevor Seepaul, Vijay NaraynsinghOnline First: Nov 5, 2020
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The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient –A case report of first clinical experience
Chronic Orthopaedic infections and the wounds that accompany them make up a large percentage of Orthopaedic complications that are seen in low resource settings such as ours at the San Fernando General Hospital. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma has shown relatively good results in the treatment of chronic wounds. However, its role in the treatment of chronically infected wounds after the removal of orthopaedic implants is yet to be explored. This case report analyses and examines the rate of healing of a relatively large ulcer post removal of an infected Orthopaedic implant. Following surgical debridement the wound was treated with PRP and this paper represents the first post surgical wound treated with PRP at our tertiary hospital.
The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient –A case report of first clinical experience
Chronic Orthopaedic infections and the wounds that accompany them make up a large percentage of Orthopaedic complications that are seen in low resource settings such as ours at the San Fernando General Hospital. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma has shown relatively good results in the treatment of chronic wounds. However, its role in the treatment of chronically infected wounds after the removal of orthopaedic implants is yet to be explored. This case report analyses and examines the rate of healing of a relatively large ulcer post removal of an infected Orthopaedic implant. Following surgical debridement the wound was treated with PRP and this paper represents the first post surgical wound treated with PRP at our tertiary hospital.
The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient –A case report of first clinical experience
Chronic Orthopaedic infections and the wounds that accompany them make up a large percentage of Orthopaedic complications that are seen in low resource settings such as ours at the San Fernando General Hospital. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma has shown relatively good results in the treatment of chronic wounds. However, its role in the treatment of chronically infected wounds after the removal of orthopaedic implants is yet to be explored. This case report analyses and examines the rate of healing of a relatively large ulcer post removal of an infected Orthopaedic implant. Following surgical debridement the wound was treated with PRP and this paper represents the first post surgical wound treated with PRP at our tertiary hospital.
The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient –A case report of first clinical experience
Chronic Orthopaedic infections and the wounds that accompany them make up a large percentage of Orthopaedic complications that are seen in low resource settings such as ours at the San Fernando General Hospital. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma has shown relatively good results in the treatment of chronic wounds. However, its role in the treatment of chronically infected wounds after the removal of orthopaedic implants is yet to be explored. This case report analyses and examines the rate of healing of a relatively large ulcer post removal of an infected Orthopaedic implant. Following surgical debridement the wound was treated with PRP and this paper represents the first post surgical wound treated with PRP at our tertiary hospital.
Newborn with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (MCAs)
Alen Kinyina*, Hilda Mavanza, Jasmine Chadewa, Sarah ChamosOnline First: Nov 23, 2020
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Newborn with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (MCAs)
Congenital anomalies are one of the main causes of physical disabilities, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. It Can contribute to long-term disability, which may have significant impacts on individuals, families, health-care systems and societies. Diagnosis of a child who presents with multiple congenital anomalies both prenatal and postnatal is still a complex issue. We present a complex case of a newborn with multiple congenital anomalies (MCAs) including hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, phocomelia, ectrodactyl and ambiguous genitalia. This is the first case to be reported in Tanzania and among the few cases in World’s English literatures.
Key words: Congenital, Hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, Phocomelia, Ectrodactyl ,Ambiguous genitalia
Newborn with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (MCAs)
Congenital anomalies are one of the main causes of physical disabilities, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. It Can contribute to long-term disability, which may have significant impacts on individuals, families, health-care systems and societies. Diagnosis of a child who presents with multiple congenital anomalies both prenatal and postnatal is still a complex issue. We present a complex case of a newborn with multiple congenital anomalies (MCAs) including hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, phocomelia, ectrodactyl and ambiguous genitalia. This is the first case to be reported in Tanzania and among the few cases in World’s English literatures.
Key words: Congenital, Hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, Phocomelia, Ectrodactyl ,Ambiguous genitalia
Newborn with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (MCAs)
Congenital anomalies are one of the main causes of physical disabilities, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. It Can contribute to long-term disability, which may have significant impacts on individuals, families, health-care systems and societies. Diagnosis of a child who presents with multiple congenital anomalies both prenatal and postnatal is still a complex issue. We present a complex case of a newborn with multiple congenital anomalies (MCAs) including hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, phocomelia, ectrodactyl and ambiguous genitalia. This is the first case to be reported in Tanzania and among the few cases in World’s English literatures.
Key words: Congenital, Hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, Phocomelia, Ectrodactyl ,Ambiguous genitalia