The Impact of Food Quality On Customer Satisfaction And Behavioural Intentions: A Study On Madurai Restaurant

  • R. Kannan
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Kannan, R. (2017). The Impact of Food Quality On Customer Satisfaction And Behavioural Intentions: A Study On Madurai Restaurant. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 6(03), 34–37.
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Food quality is by all accounts acknowledged as a central part to fulfil restaurant customers; be that as it may, it has been regularly ignored in restaurant benefit quality and satisfaction contemplates. The essential target of this review was to examine how food quality is seen in connection with satisfaction and behavioural intentions in mid-to-upscale restaurants. This review additionally endeavoured to distinguish which properties among food-related qualities are basic in enhancing satisfaction and uplifting return to goal. This review demonstrates that general food quality fundamentally influences customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Consequent regression analysis showed that taste and introduction were the two biggest donors to customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions. In this manner, supervisors ought to focus on the key food quality properties that evoke customer satisfaction and upgrade return visits in the restaurant business.

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