A conceptual study on the influence of External Factors on members participation , value added services and members expectation with respect to small rubber growers in Kerala.

  • Sunil Varghese
Cite this:
Varghese, S. (2017). A conceptual study on the influence of External Factors on members participation , value added services and members expectation with respect to small rubber growers in Kerala. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 6(03), 43–48. https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.vol6.iss3.69.pp43-48
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Cooperative societies are basically formed for the socio-economic wellbeing of their members. These members are instrumental in starting or keeping the cooperative business going and attain their goals only by working together. The conceptual framework mainly focuses on the influence of external factors on member’s participation; value added services and members expectations. The theoretical framework will provide an additional insights in to how the cooperative marketing societies should improve value added services and  member participation  by reducing the influence on external factors with respect to small rubber growers in Kerala.

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