Employee Management and Developing Organizational Culture in HR Professional Companies

  • Muhammad Alkirom Wildan
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Wildan, M. A. . (2021). Employee Management and Developing Organizational Culture in HR Professional Companies. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 10(01), 266–271. https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.v10i01.3194
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The two factors of company succeed are good employee management and have an
good organizational culture. Good human resources management on HR professional
companies will get the maximum production when their employee is get work satisfaction.
They will work efficient when their workplace is comfortable. So the objective of
this research is to analyze the influence of the workplace and Person-Organization Fit
to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) through employee satisfactioning as a
variable intervening at the Indonesia HR professional companies. This study is using a
random sampling of employees of Indonesia HR professional companies with the number
250 employees of HR professional companies. Instruments that are used in This
research is a questionnaire to obtain the primary data needed. The research method
is quantitative analysis, the data obtained is based on the answers from respondents
on the questionnaire, analyzed by statistical techniques of multiple linear regression
analysis, the regression model is tested with classical assumptions to meet the requirements
and is suitable to be used to predict the effect of independent variables on the
dependent variable. The results of the regression calculations were tested using the
t-test and the coefficient of determination. The results of the research have shown that
variable Workplace and person-organization Fit influential to OCB through employee
satisfaction on the employees of Indonesia HR professional companies. In research,
it is known that the Workplace is a variable independent that influences the most
substantial of the OCB of employees compared to variable independent else.
Key words: Workplace–Person-Organization Fit–Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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