The Study of the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Staff Members of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2014

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saadati, masoumeh, bidgoli, maryam, saadati, aghdas, asghari, amin, & ghodsi, allireza. (2015). The Study of the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Staff Members of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(10), 14–20.
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Considering the comprehensive and pervasive role of organizations in societies, social justice has become one of the key issues in organizational environments. One of the latent and consequential factors of facilitation of organizational justice is staff members’ level of organizational commitment.


The present study surveys the relationships between various dimensions of organizational justice with organizational commitment and job satisfaction of staff members of a Medical Sciences University.


This cross-sectional observational study included all eligible staff members (tenured, contractual, clausal and projectional employees) of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences. 263 staff members were eligible and agreed to undertake the survey. Demographic characteristics, perceived organizational justice (Rego and Kanha scale), and organizational commitment (Meyer and Allen questionnaire) and job satisfaction (Saneie scale) were collected. Validity and reliability of research methodology is measured through utilization of Content Validity Index (CVI) and internal consistency procedure respectively.


Organizational justice, organization commitment, and job satisfaction were all positively correlated. There were positive and significant correlations between job satisfaction and organizational justice (0.001>p, 0.4<r) and organizational commitment and organizational justice (0.05>p, 0.2>r). Also Multiple linear regression analysis showed that All three part of organizational justice can explain only 26 percent of the changes in organizational satisfaction(R2=0.26) and Only organizational procedural justice can explain only 3.3 precent of the changes in organizational Commitment(R2=0.033).


Considering the research findings, it is proposed that in order to facilitate the level of organizational commitment, occupational circumstances such as educational facilities should be utilized. With such utilizations, functional and mental efficiency of staff members will be improved and the sense of high level job efficiency is generated against any possible regret for choosing the particular organization.

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