Our Experience in this COVID 19 Pandemic – A unique perspective of Department of Plastic Surgery at a Government run Institution

  • Surendra Bhagwatrao Patil
  • Al-Iqyan Juzar Fidvi
  • Vivek G Supaha
  • Shrikant Vilas Pingale
  • Neha Gupta
  • Ashish Mahadeorao Warhekar
Cite this:
S. B. . Patil, A.-I. J. . Fidvi, V. G. . Supaha, S. V. Pingale, N. . Gupta, and A. M. . Warhekar, “Our Experience in this COVID 19 Pandemic – A unique perspective of Department of Plastic Surgery at a Government run Institution”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 09, pp. 1268–1277, Sep. 2020.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The corona virus pandemic which has taken a grip over the world has halted not only the medical fraternity but also impeded the daily life of the citizens. The medical fraternity has taken multiple steps to deal with the COVID pandemic including changes in standard operating protocols, management of patients both routine and emergency.

In countries with limited resources like India, strict measures were taken to handle the expected casualties of the pandemic. Resources in the form of not only materials and consumables but also staff were diverted for frontline management. Diversion of staff included not just allotting duties in COVID wards but also their prior proper training especially for those fields which are remotely associated with respiratory infectious cases.

With others  our institute, also has taken this responsibility with great aplomb. There were infrastructural changes, training of faculty and residents even those who are remotely associated with medicine patients, drawing up protocols within limits of the resources available.

Here we reiterate our experiences in this COVID pandemic- how our department was affected and an insight into the happenings during COVID duties

Key words -

COVID-19 , Perspective, Plastic Surgery, Personal experiences

 Special Issue

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