An Evaluation of Bacterial Vaginosis with Preterm Labour and its associated complications

  • Dr. Manjusha Agarwal
  • Dr. Sumi Agarwal
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D. M. . Agarwal and D. S. Agarwal, “An Evaluation of Bacterial Vaginosis with Preterm Labour and its associated complications”, ijmhs, vol. 11, no. 01 (Jan- Feb), pp. 1131–1135, Jan. 2021.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction : Bacterial vaginosis is a condition characterized by an alteration of the vaginal ecology in which the normal flora, dominated by lactobacilli, is replaced by a mixed bacterial flora . The present study was designed to see the association of bacterial vaginosis with preterm labour and to analyse maternal and fetal complications associated with bacterial vaginosis.

Methods: Data of 200 randomly selected  obstetric patients who seeked care for delivery at the Obstetrical Units were retrospectively identified.Inclusion criteria were - women in preterm labour with or without any complain irrespective of age, parity with these findings – a) gestational age less than 37 weeks, b) regular uterine contractions  each lasting more than 40 seconds, c) cervical dilatation equal to or greater than 1 cm but less than 4 cm, d) intact amniotic membranes. These women were screened for bacterial vaginosis after taking written informed consent.

Results: The socioeconomic status was found be lower in BV positive patients . patients who were diagnosed to have bacterial vaginosis according to Amsel’s criteria was 31%.Proportion of LBW, Maternal & Neonatal Complications were more in BV Positive patients.

Conclusion : This study reveals the frequent association of bacterial vaginosis with preterm labour. Due to the fact that preterm deliveries represent significant burden of disease, even in the offspring, BV has to be treated intensively. A screening for BV during pregnancy is indispensable, and its treatment is logical and necessary.

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