Business Incubators as Allied in Reducing the Transaction Costs in Mexican Entrepreneurs

  • José G. Vargas-Hernández
Cite this:
Vargas-Hernández, J. G. (2016). Business Incubators as Allied in Reducing the Transaction Costs in Mexican Entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 4(11), 05–10.
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Strategic alliances are given way by voluntary agreements between the parties involved and have various forms, means and objectives. In this text, the incubators are considered as potential allies for entrepreneurs in the developmental phase of the company and as a cause of reduction of transaction costs in the process. The relationship between the two parties generates benefits of various natures for both of them. While it is not set as the union of both, it looks like the relationship and close contact and as a network, which allows the incubator to survive and achieve its objective and to the entrepreneur to reduce the risk of birth as a company, in addition to build networks with other companies, organizations or institutions and facilities of financing, and even the possibility of investors.

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