Role of Yoga Prana Vidya System protocols in successful distal healing treatment of PCOS symptoms and hormonal imbalance in a 22-year-old female patient: A case study

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Sudha Mukesh and Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri, “Role of Yoga Prana Vidya System protocols in successful distal healing treatment of PCOS symptoms and hormonal imbalance in a 22-year-old female patient: A case study”, ijmhs, vol. 12, no. 09, pp. 1968–1972, Sep. 2022.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: This paper presents a case of a 22-year-old female from continental Europe, who was suffering from PCOS symptoms and hormonal shifts, availed distal YPV healing sessions online by joining a Healing camp organized by a group of healers based in India, with successful results. 

Method: This study used in-depth case study method, going through patient case history, healer’s documents of healing intervention, and detailed patient feedback.

Results: After attending the 1st day of the 5-day healing camp, the patient got her periods resumed after 2years with normal flow. Her acne, much of cramps and pain during periods reduced considerably after the 2nd day of healing. On the 4th day of healing, she felt very light, grounded, very relaxed, clear minded and full of positive energy. Other improvements, such as reduced facial hair, acne and depression. were found through the month-long distal healing intervention,

Conclusions: YPV distal healing protocols have been established as successful treatment methods of cure for many types of diseases, both as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), as is evident from this case as well as several other documented and published literature. There is immense scope for further research using appropriate sample size and methodology to study this phenomenon further. Recommendations include training medical and frontline healthcare personnel in using low-cost no-drug YPV healing protocols to complement their treatment efforts including sustaining their own health.

Keywords: Female hormonal imbalance, oral contraceptive pills (OCP), depression, Yoga Prana Vidya System ®, YPV ®

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