A patient case of Adnexal mass with malignant cells healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Energy Healing Techniques as Complementary Therapy

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Renuka M.S. and Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri, “A patient case of Adnexal mass with malignant cells healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Energy Healing Techniques as Complementary Therapy”, ijmhs, vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 2050–2055, Feb. 2023.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: Adnexal tumors are lumps of cells that grow on the organs and connective tissues around the uterus, and may be benign, or malignant needing surgical treatment.  This paper presents a case of Adnexal tumor of a 36 years old female patient which was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols as complementary medicine while the patient was undergoing Chemotherapy and surgery.

Method: Case study method is used in this paper, with data collected through patient’s medical record, YPV healer’s records and patient feedback. 

Results:The patient felt relieved from pelvic pain with reduced vomiting after 3 Healings. The side effects due to Chemotherapy completely reduced after 3 healings. She started rhythmic yogic breathing and gradually  came out of all pains, and vomiting stopped completely.After 3 months of healing, the patient was finally tested and found free from malignant cells.

Conclusions:YPV Healing is a well-established modality of no-touch no-drug method, and using this modality as complimentary to the prescribed medical treatment, enabled the patient in this case overcome fear with complete and speedy recovery from Adnexal mass condition.  YPV healing reduced her pain as well as the side effects of the chemotherapy, surgery and associated drugs. Further research is recommended using appropriate methodology and sample. YPV system can help Health workers with etheric hygiene to avoid infections. A working knowledge of YPV system will be beneficial to front-line healthcare workers to complement their specialties for holistic treatment.

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