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pezone, luigi antonio. (2018). THE LOST CIVILIZATIONS, EINSTEIN’S THOUGHT AND SURVIVAL ENERGY. Academy of Agriculture Journal, 3(03). Retrieved from
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This article was written as I read Graham Hancock's book "The Imprints of the Gods" of Corbaccio Editor s.r.l. and the book "Thoughts, Ideas, Opinions of Einstein" by Newton Compton Editors, taking some notes and doing some research on the internet, but above all, wondering if with the developed technologies and those that we could develop in a short time, we could have saved some human life against the great geological, astrological, environmental and climatic calamities experienced by our ancestors, those of our times and future, to which could be added nuclear disasters manmade. Being accustomed to solitary reasoning, I came to the conclusion that today's society would have had the same chance of salvation as those that had disappeared over the previous millennia. Indeed, inventions carried out and implemented in the modern era have made the situation worse. In fact, the reading of these two books have convinced me even more that the interactive, fixed and mobile energies that, for some years now, I have proposed unnecessarily to the world's environmental authorities, would have been the only ones that could have saved the life and culture of a good part of past generations. A fortiori would be useful now that the geological astronomical and climatic emergencies, as written, in the two books mentioned and confirmed by many researchers and scientists, not only are not finished, but have increased with the contribution of one hundred and fifty years of blind industrial development and unbridled by man. One hundred and fifty years from the geological point of view are a very small drop, but from the point of view of the environment and the defense of human lives could allow giant steps. Instead, they have not produced one in the right direction, because the interactive energies, which would protect the environment, published on http: //www.spawhe, were born too late and nobody realizes them to defend the existing economic interests. As I write this article (14/01/2018) the Iranian oil tanker Sanchi near Shanghai has sunk after days of drifting and burning. The thirty two crew members have died. This was just another environmental and human disaster, caused by the hundred and thirty six thousand tons of ultra-light condensate transported. The funny thing is the fact that, if science and technology had deepened the basic reasoning about energy, oil, fuel, thermal energy and nuclear energy would not be needed. Even the current renewables that are cumbersome, discontinuous and with low yields would not be needed, despite these returns are in continuous but slow increase but will stop soon because the original defects cannot be overcome. Il vero salto di qualità può avvenire soltanto con le energie interattive. Nature has created incompressible water and compressible air to allow man to produce all the energy he needs instant by instant, in fixed and mobile versions with the help of mechanical and electromagnetic technologies developed since the beginning of the twentieth century. However, we would not have been ready to make the only possible attempts to save us and our children, should the prophecies of the Maya have occurred (they had foreseen the destruction of the planet by 12/21/2016, for others the date has been misinterpreted, will occur in 2116). I do not believe in these predictions, but I believe that natural phenomena such as ice ages and the reversal of the magnetic poles, which are recurring phenomena distant thousands of years, of which there are no historical evidence clearly written, cannot be painless for the survival of men. The disappearance of the atmosphere and water from the planet Mars that was rich is a clear sign that we must think of producing the energy of survival that moreover, costs much less than the current energies. This energy will allow us to rise from the Earth, as described in http: / / to find out where to start living on the earth itself or to try the adventure of space.  The important thing is to create large spaceships that will faithfully reproduce the natural habitat of the earth, capable of producing water and air that are used both for human feed and breathing but also to produce technology and energy of electric motors with compressed air injection to move in space. The man first begins to abandon the current energies and the current transport systems, first it will be ready for survival on earth or in space, where small communities of future generations will arrive, without nuclear energy. 

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