A New Development Model with Interactive Energy and Rich Floating Camps Built In Oceans with Petroleum Derivate

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pezone, luigi antonio. (2018). A New Development Model with Interactive Energy and Rich Floating Camps Built In Oceans with Petroleum Derivate. Academy of Agriculture Journal, 3(03). Retrieved from https://innovativejournal.in/index.php/aaj/article/view/2067
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Unlike when one can think, it's not true that putting too many things together makes confusion. Confusion is created when many things do not come together rationally. For example, Global warming is nothing more than the fruit of industrialization of many scientific and technological applications without the scientific organization of environmental work, which I call in this article "Environmental Taylorism". This should not be in opposition to the well-known "Industrial Taylorism". The two systems should have traveled together since the advent of the industrial era, improving each other because one seeks the best quality and cost from the commercial point of view and the other from the environmental point of view Unfortunately, compensation did not occur because of the absence of environmental Taylorism that should have been applied by public bodies and world legislators. Today industrial Taylorism has taken over. But we are still in time to save the rescue, if at least the judges of the International Courts of Justice, understand the reasoning of those who have lived half the working life in industrial systems and half in the environmental systems. However, it was not the automatic sum of experiences that led to the proposal of an "Alternative Development Model", but eleven years of strategic inventions studies to link together the two sectors. These studies could only do those who are not tied to any scientific and technological discipline and are not interested in any industrial property, but only in intellectual property. Obviously, if the global public entities continue to pretend not to understand the lesson, those interested in industrial property of these inventions can be done ahead. The important thing must be the global environmental consolidation and the rationalization of all public and private world systems towards a single objective: The survival of the planet, of men and of animals. From these studies emerge clearly what are the many man-made plants to be scraped and replaced. If we have the courage to do so in the shortest possible time, because no new scientific and technological inventions are needed, the consolidation can be started immediately, even by eliminating the cost of fuels.  But the most positive aspect of the new development model is the global logic of all human activity, which as a side effect would not produce pollution and global warming, but the reversal of these processes: Purifying and cooling the planet, and thus preventing droughts, floods, and providing greater means of extinguishing fires. All this can only be produced by interactive energies, which cost almost nothing, work day and night, even at the north pole and dissolve oxygen in waters polluted by the world's worst industrial development.  The aim of this study is to invite global authorities to make better use of scientific knowledge through the scientific organization of work, which would avoid making the wrong public works in dimensions, positions and incomplete work cycles. World public plants should be guided and supported by industrial activities; instead they must learn from them the organization of work. The current mistakes of industrial production, such as thermal motors, chimneys, incomplete purification, are scientific, non-technological errors. Public science and lawmakers should have prevented them. Today, worldwide, it is not possible to cite any prototype model of interactive development that is efficient at the same time in many respects: energy, purification and production. It is necessary to start from scratch by scientifically organizing world work, starting with science, which is not in the process of working with stagnant compartments. This article also contains an original way to solve hunger and work world-wide problems.

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