We Integrate the Principles of Energy Conservation to Correct the Serious Errors of Science

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pezone, luigi antonio. (2018). We Integrate the Principles of Energy Conservation to Correct the Serious Errors of Science. Academy of Agriculture Journal, 3(03). Retrieved from https://innovativejournal.in/index.php/aaj/article/view/2075
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Science has established that perpetual motion does not exist. He should also have asserted that the existence of perpetual motion, however, would be useless because it would not consume and would not produce energy. Instead, in hydraulic systems, only by changing the way of feeding the pumps you can circumvent the gravitational force and the hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, we can create plants that go far beyond perpetual motion, producing energy in a hydraulic turbine, tens or hundreds of times higher than that consumed by the centrifugal pump that feeds them. But the pump must have a separate double supply until to the impeller.  With the plants and pumps correctly designed, the energy would multiply due to the combined effect of Pascal and Torricelli proportionally to the hydrostatic pressure of the plant and also multiply the purifying effect on the circulating water, due to the law of Henry. The above pumps must only turn as normal circulation pumps to overcome the inertia with a very low prevalence, as in a closed system. They must not challenge the hydrostatic pressures that are not opposed to the internally developed kinetic energy, nor must they overcome the gravitational forces to pass through the system, since the pumps with the double feed separated up to the impeller, have the power to connect an open system which produces energy to a closed one that continuously recycles water inside the accumulated volume. Therefore, the water that produced the electrical energy in the turbine, through the second supply of the pump, fits again into the volume of the closed recycling circuit, as if it had never come out of the pressurized tank. Obviously, these systems, with the appropriate pressures, can replace all the thermal engines, the thermal power plants and the nuclear ones without using fossil fuels, chemical or radioactive metals, producing powers not inferior, since the compressed air has no compression limits and the water which does not compress and which has an eight hundred times higher density can circulate one-way in the system pushed by the air pressure, recovered after the turbine and reinserted into the circuit by the recycling pump with the double feed in an infinite cycle.  This system only consumes the plant wear, so it is not perpetual motion, but has a very high performance by exploiting the raw material supplied free by nature, physical principles legislated in the sixteenth century and the current technology, not fully developed, lacking just the aforementioned circuit that the undersigned has developed in different versions. The principle on which these systems work is as follows: two volumes of water cannot occupy the same space at the same time, with the same pressure. If we insert excess water into a recycle circuit of a full pressurized tank with compressed air or atmospheric pressure, this water is immediately expelled from overflow or from a safety valve with the force of the hydrostatic pressure due to the atmosphere or compressed air. If we reach a balance between the water entering and the one coming out of the tank, the level in the pressurized tank does not change, therefore the volume of air contained and the pressure of the same do not change either. However, the water continues to come out with the static pressure of the system, which is much higher than the prevalence of the pump that inserted it into the circuit, having used the only point where water can enter low pressure which is the center of the impeller, but after balancing the pressures with the other power supply, which does not exist today. This means that the static air pressure (Pascal) gives the water the output speed that passes through the turbine (Torricelli) and that the pump with the double separate power supply, must only fill the vacuum created in the system instant by instant. In fact, if the water does not leave the circuit (to be consumed or produce electricity) the recycle pump with the double separate power supply, being in low prevalence does not have sufficient strength to let the water enter, having to win in this case even the air pressure.  Not having modified the pumps and not having realized the connected circuits that could be done at the beginning of the industrial era was the biggest mistake of world science. It has produced more damage to humanity and the environment of world wars and mafias. Today, the public debt of the industrialized countries has become unbearable because of all the wrong energy and purification plants, while the most important multinationals have to change the production of the main products (cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, ships, vehicles, agricultural, pumps, turbines) We do not need methane pipelines and gases if we extract energy with hundreds of times less costs, comfortably, where we find ourselves when we need it. Also at the North Pole. It is obvious that science, the world authorities of the environment and energy, the global land transport, marine and aerospace industry, together with the manufacturers of pumps and engines of all types, solar panels and wind turbines, they pretend they do not understand. Those who do not really understand are the politicians, the economists, the legislators, the judges, who do not know what the real source of wealth, public debt, pollution is, that they live and manage every day. Therefore, they continue to make their electoral campaigns, economic programming, laws and sentences, without knowing the real backstory, which no one goes to tell at the international meetings.  Until we have to witness the triumph of Machiavellism which is nothing but scientific, industrial, political, economic ignorance?  Where are the UNITED NATIONS and international justice that should be vigilant? In large industrial companies it has been demonstrated that the scientific organization of work does not make mistakes: it serves to select the best solutions in all the production sectors. Why has it not been applied globally even for purification and energy production?  It is no coincidence that the undersigned has lived half the working life to learn the organization of industrial work, the other half to know the public environmental and

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