New home page of spawhe (sinergic plants, artificial welling, hydroelectric (pressurized) energy)

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pezone, luigi antonio. (2018). New home page of spawhe (sinergic plants, artificial welling, hydroelectric (pressurized) energy). Academy of Agriculture Journal, 3(03). Retrieved from
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World science is losing itself in a big glass of water while the Nobel prizes look only in the direction of their specializations. They did not spend a single word in favor of or against the interactive water and air systems published at, without public or private funds, but only on the basis of the experience and reasoning of a pensioner who Has considered it opportune to change the majority of the energy, purification and management systems of water and air. Today's current energy and purification plants do not exploit the synergies between water, air, gravitational forces, pressures, physical and chemical principles that, instead, interfere perfectly, to produce energy, purification and hydraulic lifting without other energy sources. In fact, these elements work together for many billion years. All we have to do is create hydraulic, mechanical, electromagnetic machines that contact them as best they can.  The source of energy is the compressibility of the air and the incompressibility of the water, while the purifying source is the solubility of oxygen contained in the air in relation to the environmental pressure (Henry's law). The fragmentation of scientific and technological work has been a major damage to humanity as a whole. So there are many sciences and many parallel technologies that are in competition with each other, aiming to exploit individual scientific principles. It is been neglected the search for the most simple and effective solution, which required the access key to exploit, simultaneously physical principles, chemical, mechanical, hydraulic, electromagnetic. This key was the pump with the dual supply until to the impeller. The absence of this pump, which by the hint could have been invented before the thermal engines, has complicated things, allowing the waste of immense resources and opening up polluting and dangerous cycles that science has not been able to close, such as thermal and nuclear energy. The failure of these two powerful energies has led to current renewables such as solar panels and wind turbines, which have nothing interactive and low returns. While water purification, purifiers, far from pollution, only waste resources to regenerate sewage degraded sewage. Urban air purification does not exist. It would be enough to produce interactive energy everywhere and we would not have heard about water and air pollution, global warming and even of bills to pay. Everyone would have self-produced the energy that he needs to warm up, cool down, to cook to work the earth, or to travel on earth in water and in the sky, without consuming either water or air, but only the wear of hydraulic machines Mechanical and electromagnetic systems that extract energy from the environment. Not having water and air commercial value, certainly, there would be no speculations on the stock market and wars to seize energy sources. By producing more potent pressurized energy than that produced by dams and large water basins, we would not alter the natural water distribution, favoring droughts and floods. Finally, who said that we need internal combustion engines to travel? Does not the science know that combustion serves to produce compressed gases running gas cylinders and turbines? Does the power of the thermal engines have nothing to do with the gas temperature but with the flow and the pressure of the same? Did not the science think that compressed air can transfer its strength to uncompressible and recyclable water by turning hydraulic turbines of any size on the means of transport? Where are the politics, the legislature, the justice, who do not claim complete scientific and technological applications, so that they do not harm? Are they afraid to ask too much about science, who can not do miracles? The interactive energy with water and air is not a miracle. It was always in the hands of the advent of the industrial era. It is much simpler, economical, clean and powerful than the thermal one. It was only to reason differently and autonomously, without copying each other. As they have always done with the old and new energies, which will never be interactive and powerful such as compressed hydropower

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